Forum › Allegro Break! discussion

joined May 10, 2014 ....that's a nice harem you got there Seira...hehe.
I also loved Ran's BLADE on page ten. Pretty fun and cute doujin.

joined Apr 1, 2014

Go back to mokokeine vivit grey

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Go back to mokokeine vivit grey

We fear change.

Lazy_Lily_SHiN Uploader
Lazy Lily
joined Feb 28, 2015

I guess Seira is still unlikable to some. It's a fun doujinshi.

joined Jun 27, 2013

Go back to mokokeine vivit grey

She probably won't. I asked and received an answer along the lines that it would feel forced to continue doing MokoKeine.

What a pity...

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Go back to mokokeine vivit grey

She probably won't. I asked and received an answer along the lines that it would feel forced to continue doing MokoKeine.

What a pity...

Given that she's already created some of the definitive MokoKeine stories, I should think she's earned the freedom to move on to new subjects. Maybe make a masterpiece or two there as well.

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