Probably not. But you should still try, maybe she has a fetish for german accents,
Obviously, if you speak like, sächsisch or something you should just do your best to hide it.
Haha xDDDD It isn't sooooo bad, but you can hear that I'm not a native speaker. Btw why do you know sächsisch? German as well?
Haha what's up with you guys ^^ But psst, she told us that she likes foreign girls (especially german girls?) and I'm not that typical girl. Neither do I have blond hair nor do I have blue eyes :P But I can understand the heart of pure yuri people ;)
If you can keep up with the beers, I think there is still hope.Who wouldn't go for a girl that can hold her liqueur well.And totally agree about the accents.
Haha what's up with you guys ^^ But psst, she told us that she likes foreign girls (especially german girls?) and I'm not that typical girl. Neither do I have blond hair nor do I have blue eyes :P But I can understand the heart of pure yuri people ;)
If you can keep up with the beers, I think there is still hope.Who wouldn't go for a girl that can hold her liqueur well.And totally agree about the accents.
I like to drink beer because we have so many tasty types but I get drunk easily, so I guess you won't fall for me ;)
Count me in when it comes to liking accents.
I like to drink beer because we have so many tasty types but I get drunk easily, so I guess you won't fall for me ;)
Count me in when it comes to liking accents.
I was making some general assumptions since I know some Germans xD and if it was for me, I wouldn't even bother how a German would look like, let alone the drinking habits xD
For the only word you know, "kurwa" is not a bad one - if it's what it seems to be, you can successfully offend women in several East European countries.
You two should go on a date, by the way.
I guess everything can be shipped happily around here xD
I've already been shipped with someone else here myself.
I don't get the hype behind german beer. I always go for Budweiser Obviously not the american one. and if there's no Budweiser I usully go for Tyskie before even looking at the german beer. It's good beer I guess but like, there's better ones.
This kinda of threads kinda feed themselves.... I like beers,and I don't like blondes. O.o
Anyway, accents are cool, i have a very awesome one.
Now I'm gonna ship some of you for the sake of it
You should try cherry beer then, I think it's one of the best. So I have a chance in our magic yuri shipping wonderland because I have brown hair? ;P
Now you're making everyone curious how your voice sounds.
Everyone is still waiting for the shipping
...What? I never asked OriginalGengar out, my memory is bad but I would remember something like that.
But we had a date yesterday :P But seriously, want to play again but this time with headset?
We can try, my internet is a little slow today, I'm going to have dinner now, play in 30 minutes?
That's fine for me, but I don't know if I can manage a whole chapter today. Depends on how sleepy I'll get but would be great to play :) I'll be online in 30 mins then.
OriginalGengar, are you talking about that time I wanted to talk with you on irc? it was not to ask you out, it was for... something that I don't remember...