Forum › Any yuri lovers here play 7 Days to Die?

joined Nov 15, 2014

i've been hella bored as of late, and my friends have been busy with life stuff, so i figured i'd go here to see if anybody wanted to play. my steam is Gay Babys First Playboy (bonus points if you get the reference!) and i'm the one with the dragon icon. requirements to play with me: you gotta have a mic and the game, mic required since otherwise chat is a massive hassle. to begin the game we're not going to have zombies on, and instead scavenge and make a base. message me on steam if interested. i don't post on the forums often so hopefully i aint breaking any rules with this post.

joined Apr 27, 2014

I had never heard about that but now i'm interested,in only for the title,which immediately makes me think of an asian horror flick though xD

joined Nov 15, 2014

bumping with a relevant image

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Once is enough. Don't bump a second time.

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