Forum › Fluttering Feelings [SPOILER THREAD]
Chareon! I saw that post before you deleted it! X3
I come bearing a gift! :D
Sorry, I don't know how to insert pictures. :( If anyone could help me out, that would be lovely!
I guess my timing is impeccable. :3
Thanks a lot for the fan art!!!
It's what's keeping us (or me at least) alive during this hiatus. ಥ_ಥ
last edited at Jul 12, 2015 10:05PM
Chareon! I saw that post before you deleted it! X3
I come bearing a gift! :D
Sorry, I don't know how to insert pictures. :( If anyone could help me out, that would be lovely!
I guess my timing is impeccable. :3
Thanks a lot for the fan art!!!
It's what's keeping us (or me at least) alive during this hiatus. ಥ_ಥ
I deleted it when I saw your post haha~ Your timing truly is perfect! Thank you again! <3
Ugh, I know. I am totally suffering. T^T
A Japanese FF fan noticed that there was a change from the original Korean version. A strange change at that.
Apparently, in Japan, it's way too dangerous for halmonis (lol) or obaasans to be carrying bags on their heads.
They must have been afraid of a Japanese granny suing comico because that manga made her carry some weight on her head. Isn't it great, all these Japanese grannies reading a Korean yuri manwha.
That must definitely be their core target demographic. :3
OK, you've outted me, I am a Japanese granny who reads Korean yuri manhwa all day. GO ON JUDGE AWAY!!1
Fan art by xellossluo:
混更( ´_ゝ`)´_ゝ`)´_ゝ`)
虽然这次是无料但是能参与百合本 我好性兴奋啊!!(p≥w≤q)
Source: note:
Unlike this artist's previous fan art for FF, this one wasn't also posted to the Douban site (yet?), so this is the only source right now.
Fan art by winter:
It's been a very long time since I drew a Fluttering Feelings fanart. I missed drawing these two girls :D
Her comment on Tumblr:
It’s been a while since I posted something, no?
I’m really busy with school. :3
Welcome back, winter!
I've also missed seeing you draw these two girls. ;~;
last edited at Jul 15, 2015 2:08AM
NSFW-ish sketch. I am posting directly here and not on my Tumblr because I just like to keep my Tumblr safe for work (and safe from the judgment of people I know irl who follow my blog, haha) :))
I am rather embarrassed that I don't know how to display preview images here though! I mean I Googled how to do it, but all the tips are for forums with custom html editors. Can't get an image to appear as a preview/thumbnail on here. Oh well.
Anyway, I will go back to doing proper fan art soon. I have one in the works, which was supposed to go out this week but I wasn't able to finish cos I was busy.
This forum uses a variant of "Markdown". If you want to know how to do stuff in Markdown, search for this keyword.
To post an picture inline, do this:

Here is a basic Markdown tutorial:
Forum Post Formatting - Basic Markdown Tutorial
Also, here is a Cheat Sheet I made:
andiedraws some fan art:
NSFW-ish sketch. [...]
Anyway, I will go back to doing proper fan art soon. I have one in the works, which was supposed to go out this week but I wasn't able to finish cos I was busy.
... The post right above... :3
Oh the intimacy. (▰˘◡˘▰)
last edited at Jul 27, 2015 10:00PM
^ YOoooo! Thank you! :D
Seol-a: I'll show you what I like...
No-rae: paralysis + nosebleed
I am posting directly here and not on my Tumblr because I just like to keep my Tumblr safe for work (and safe from the judgment of people I know irl who follow my blog, haha) :))
Ya need to create andiedrawsnsfw, lawl.
last edited at Jul 14, 2015 5:21PM
Fan art by martie-ez:
i miss them so much ;v;
omg andiedraws it's amazing and I love it. So cute.
Also, thank you for the markdown thingy anon. I've been trying to figure out how to do strikeouts for forever. Well not forever, more like the last few months.
Plus, how did you do that? Show exactly how to post the code without the code actually appearing in your post?
Side Note
For the last few released chapters, I had kinda been losing my excitement over FF, not exactly sure why. Maybe it was because I read it too many times (8+) that I started making myself sick of it. So this break's been kinda good to me because absence makes the heart grow fonder and I'm honestly gaining every bit of my enthusiasm back. <3
I can't believe I ever wavered in my support for FF
Also, thank you for the markdown thingy anon.
Don't mention it. That sticky thread has always been there; all I did was reorganize the stuff in the format I personally prefer.
Plus, how did you do that? Show exactly how to post the code without the code actually appearing in your post?
Or I escaped the characters. Mostly with one or more backslashes. To see exactly what I did, just quote my post, and you'll see how I did it.
Also, I think it's normal with any entertainment (TV show, movies, games, anything) to start to lose a bit of interest if you see too much of it. I mean, if you keep re-reading the same chapters over and over too frequently, then naturally, you won't want to read it again because you start knowing everything by heart.
last edited at Jul 14, 2015 5:17PM
I am posting directly here and not on my Tumblr because I just like to keep my Tumblr safe for work (and safe from the judgment of people I know irl who follow my blog, haha) :))
Ya need to create andiedrawsnsfw, lawl.
Naaaaaaaaaaah it's not NSFW, not even NSFW-ish. Honestly :D For me is totally SFW, you really should post in on your main blog. But of course if you feel uncomfortable with this idea - create as anon suggested, subtubmlr for nsfw things :) it's a waste to upload them on photobucket :)
I am posting directly here and not on my Tumblr because I just like to keep my Tumblr safe for work (and safe from the judgment of people I know irl who follow my blog, haha) :))
Ya need to create andiedrawsnsfw, lawl.
Naaaaaaaaaaah it's not NSFW, not even NSFW-ish. Honestly :D For me is totally SFW, you really should post in on your main blog.
OK, correction, ya need to create:
So on.
Sky's the limit. :3
But of course if you feel uncomfortable with this idea - create as anon suggested, subtubmlr for nsfw things :) it's a waste to upload them on photobucket :)
I wouldn't say it's "a waste", but I think I get what you mean, as I sort of share the same opinion.
I'll just paste some stuff I said before:
Keep in mind that this is only my opinion or personal recommendation, so take it for whatever it's worth...
[...] this is just a personal recommendation, but I really think you should have it uploaded somewhere else also, not only here.
Don't get me wrong, of course I am glad that you're posting it here. (And it would appear I'm not the only one.) It's a real treat for us. But the visibility and reach of your work is extremely limited if you solely post it on one random page of a random thread thread on a random forum.
So I'd really recommend posting it in a place where people usually post fan art. Such as your DeviantArt account,, a Tumblr blog, or anywhere else. Then, you can still repost it here as well as other places.
This way, your work can reach a wider audience, and more people, more FF fans would be able to enjoy it.
Just my opinion.
(Originally posted here.)
[...] having your work only here would really not do it enough justice. Also, site and forum data can be lost. (Has happened before to this very forum, from what I understand.) So if you only posted it here and only here, then a week/month/whatever later, the forum or site crashes with all posts lost, your work would essentially "disappear forever" off the face of the Web. Which would be unfortunate as hell.
So yeah, I'd give this advice to anyone else creating fan art [...], as I wouldn't want anyone's efforts to go to waste.
(Originally posted here.)
(Originally posted here.)
I'll also post a good counterpoint or "other side of the argument" from Nezchan:
[...] it does remain your choice and you likely have your own reasons that you've thought about so don't let yourself feel pressured to do something you're not comfortable with. Even if you're the only one who ever sees your art, I feel that still "does justice" to the work, and if you share it somewhere that's still a Good Thing.
Do what you're comfortable with, in other words.
But yeah, totally what Nezchan said. Again, that was merely my personal friendly recommendation. Of course, you're totally free to do whatever you want. No pressure there.
last edited at Jul 14, 2015 6:34PM
But of course if you feel uncomfortable with this idea - create as anon suggested, subtubmlr for nsfw things :) it's a waste to upload them on photobucket :)
I wouldn't say it's "a waste", but I think I get what you mean, as I sort of share the same opinion.
Of course when I said "a waste" I meant that when it's only on photobucket less people could see this fantastic artwork (especially that people don't usually check photobucket for fanarts). But always decision is up to the author :)
last edited at Jul 14, 2015 5:55PM
But of course if you feel uncomfortable with this idea - create as anon suggested, subtubmlr for nsfw things :) it's a waste to upload them on photobucket :)
I wouldn't say it's "a waste", but I think I get what you mean, as I sort of share the same opinion.
Of course when I said "a waste" I meant that when it's only on photobucket less people could see this fantastic artwork (especially that people don't usually check photobucket for fanarts). But always decision is up to the author :)
Yeah, I get ya.
I myself worded my old post (the one I quoted above) rather badly. In particular, when I said "having your work only here would really not do it enough justice". As Nezchan said, it needs not be shared in order to "have it done justice to".
Art, in any form, has merit in and of itself. Having it be shared and/or popular is just a "bonus" in some ways. And obviously, in the end, it is entirely up to artists to do what they want and what they feel is right with their work.
Just speaking for myself, when I see great fan art, I have the urge to try to share it with others. I feel like I should not be "keeping it for myself". Or something. *shrug*
last edited at Jul 14, 2015 11:00PM
Fan art by xox1melly1xox:
Actually finished this a while ago, just needed to make some retouches.
Beautifully done!
This could almost be a cover of an official English novel adaptation or somethin'. :3
last edited at Jul 14, 2015 10:47PM
I am posting directly here and not on my Tumblr because I just like to keep my Tumblr safe for work (and safe from the judgment of people I know irl who follow my blog, haha) :))
Ya need to create andiedrawsnsfw, lawl.
Naaaaaaaaaaah it's not NSFW, not even NSFW-ish. Honestly :D For me is totally SFW, you really should post in on your main blog.
OK, correction, ya need to create:
So on.
Alextasha:But of course if you feel uncomfortable with this idea - create as anon suggested, subtubmlr for nsfw things :) it's a waste to upload them on photobucket :)
I wouldn't say it's "a waste", but I think I get what you mean, as I sort of share the same opinion.
I'll just paste some stuff I said before:Keep in mind that this is only my opinion or personal recommendation, so take it for whatever it's worth...
[...] this is just a personal recommendation, but I really think you should have it uploaded somewhere else also, not only here.
Don't get me wrong, of course I am glad that you're posting it here. (And it would appear I'm not the only one.) It's a real treat for us. But the visibility and reach of your work is extremely limited if you solely post it on one random page of a random thread thread on a random forum.
So I'd really recommend posting it in a place where people usually post fan art. Such as your DeviantArt account,, a Tumblr blog, or anywhere else. Then, you can still repost it here as well as other places.
This way, your work can reach a wider audience, and more people, more FF fans would be able to enjoy it.
Just my opinion.
(Originally posted here.)
[...] having your work only here would really not do it enough justice. Also, site and forum data can be lost. (Has happened before to this very forum, from what I understand.) So if you only posted it here and only here, then a week/month/whatever later, the forum or site crashes with all posts lost, your work would essentially "disappear forever" off the face of the Web. Which would be unfortunate as hell.
So yeah, I'd give this advice to anyone else creating fan art [...], as I wouldn't want anyone's efforts to go to waste.
(Originally posted here.)
(Originally posted here.)
I'll also post a good counterpoint or "other side of the argument" from Nezchan:[...] it does remain your choice and you likely have your own reasons that you've thought about so don't let yourself feel pressured to do something you're not comfortable with. Even if you're the only one who ever sees your art, I feel that still "does justice" to the work, and if you share it somewhere that's still a Good Thing.
Do what you're comfortable with, in other words.
But yeah, totally what Nezchan said. Again, that was merely my personal friendly recommendation. Of course, you're totally free to do whatever you want. No pressure there.
Thank you for the encouraging and supportive words. And even taking the time to outline the different sides of the argument. Haha. Plus, your nsfw username suggestions are hilarious :)) Yknow I actually thought of it at some point, but I realize I wouldn't be able to update such a blog much. I'm not someone with a lot of inhibited urges to make NSFW art, ok. Haha!
And true, it's not really NSFW by Dynasty yuri standards. But people make a big deal of and gossip about anything sex/sexuality-related where I'm from. I'm from a country with a largely (pretentiously) religious population, where the culture is very communal, and everyone is lurking around social media and few people know how to mind their own business. I am of an open mind and don't judge other people who veer towards what's considered "deviant" behavior by the conservatives here. But goddamn, it's hard to explain when you actually live around these people, you won't be shunned or shamed, but it you will have a lot of passive social baggage and opinions about you.
Actually my real issue is that I feel like posting something explicitly yuri is effectively coming out of the closet. And I know it's weird to be avoiding it because most of the other fan art I have on Tumblr are yuri!
But notice, the yuri fan art I have on Tumblr are done in a way that can be interpreted as friendship or only at the level of subtext. If you have a hetero lens, it'll fly past you and you'll just see a pretty picture of two girls. If you have yuri goggles, then it's much more obvious.
Also, I never make yuri or gl the main theme of my art blog. It's a lot of general artwork, that happens to have some occasional yuri. Hell, even when I make yuri fan art, it has to come with this long-ass character analysis and process explanation (I use this evasive behavior a lot --intellectualizing a guilty pleasure, when the truth is I just want to draw yuri because I feel something from it)
My point is that I am clearly playing it safe and I know it lol.*sigh*
I do feel a little restricted by this (my own social expectations), but I understand the consequences of it and I know I need to deal with it eventually. Just not now. I'm so not ready. T_T
Re. Fan art and Social Media Reach
I do know that the more social media platforms you are consistently and strategically on, the larger audience and traction you have. But the main reason I obsess about getting good at art is precisely so I can better get stories and emotions across with visual clarity. Popularity is just secondary and is mostly a consequence of being good at one's craft (at least in my case, that's what I prefer; not hating on people who do more self-promoting hehe) But good art has the ability to make people feel a lot of feelings and this is what I want to achieve. So yes, the only big drawback for me is the lost opportunity of sharing. And so again, this "coming out with the yuri" thing is something I need to come to terms with in the future in order to maximize my audience reach. Because I also actually have a personal story project with a yuri pairing and I know that's gonna have to come out one day. :|
I also work/draw for production, so I'm not attached to my drawings or ever feel like they're wasted. I'm used to doing a lot of sketches and doodles that either get rejected or approved, then I move on :)) Also, strangely, since I'm really primarily obsessed with getting better at my craft, every fan art I do needs to have a learning objective whether use of technique or workflow. It's never just about gonna draw some yuri when the mood takes me, (though that's the driving force)
I didn't mean to make this a long-ass post about me but since you guys were sincerely encouraging and outlining a lot of points about the fan art sharing, I thought it only fair to explain that. It was also nice to get that out. Haha
I get what you mean by photobucket hosting problems and forum crashing though, haha! I've been to one of those research trips on a forum where none of the images showed up anymore XD
last edited at Jul 15, 2015 1:36AM
@ andiedraws
That reply... was way more in-depth I could have ever expected, lawl.
But the above certainly constitutes very valid reasons, pretty darn grounded in reality. Honestly, you didn't need to explain all that to us nor did you "owe" anyone any explanation. But as you said, "getting it out" is also good sometimes.
Thanks for sharing that though. Sometimes, it's hard to believe that we live in 2015 when there could still be such commonplace intolerance in certain places in the world.
By the way, this part here about your... "stealth techniques" is gold:
But notice, the yuri fan art I have on Tumblr are done in a way that can be interpreted as friendship or only at the level of subtext. If you have a hetero lens, it'll fly past you and you'll just see a pretty picture of two girls. If you have yuri goggles, then it's much more obvious.
Also, I never make yuri or gl the main theme of my art blog. It's a lot of general artwork, that happens to have some occasional yuri. Hell, even when I make yuri fan art, it has to come with this long-ass character analysis and process explanation (I use this evasive behavior a lot --intellectualizing a guilty pleasure, when the truth is I just want to draw yuri because I feel something from it)
last edited at Jul 15, 2015 3:28AM
I'm so not ready. T_T
For me this one sentence is enough :)
I remember when I really wanted to draw some yuri/shoujo ai stuff and post on DA but I always had this barrier becauce some of my friends had access to it and it would be complicated to explain if they would ask me about it. So I did the same as you. Drew sth that for most people will not mean anything but people wearing yuri goggles will see more for sure.
But... when I had an idea for amazing comic - yuri comic - that I HAD TO draw I just needed to do it and... posted on DA.
But it wasn't right away ;) It took me some time to get a courage to do this so I feel you.
Always think about yourself first. You need to feel comfortable with things you are doing :) wish you luck!
last edited at Jul 15, 2015 3:55AM
anonymous and Alextasha
Thank you. I...did not expect such soothing responses. I appreciate it very much. :)
An anonymous user asked:
Halmoniii~ I just notice fluttering feelings (alright, I'm sorry :( I'm so late) but would you mind giving me a brief more than what's generic summary? [...]
halmoni's answer:
Two gay girls who don’t really know they’re gay for each other fall in love and do a lot of gay things, but no homo bcuz they’re ~FRIENDS~ and then later one of the gays (No-rae) is like “fuck I think I’m gaY FUCK” but then the other one (Seol-a) is like “hot DAMN No-rae is foine as fuck good shit good sHit? but am I rly gay idkkk?”
last edited at Jul 16, 2015 8:26PM
Fan art by 冰碴叶 / 冰碴葉 (bīng chá yè):
Note that this is a smaller version. The original full size version is below.
Full size version:
#怦然心情# 已入坑。。更新要等到下個月嗷嗷嗷~[抓狂]
last edited at Jul 16, 2015 8:44PM
Fan art by yujiezuigao:
Fan art by yujiezuigao:
Are they bunnies...? I'm trying to figure out what that fluff on their butts are. XP