Cheat Sheet
Here is a quick cheat sheet of the markdown.
It's ordered according to what I think is the most frequently used.
The format is simply the code followed by the result, except for a few that needs to be explained in words.
> quoted text
quoted text
Note that a line directly under a quoted line will also be quoted. This often results in accidentally quoted text.
> quoted text
text that isn't meant to be quoted
quoted text
text that isn't meant to be quoted
To avoid this, put a blank line after the quoted text.
*italic* or _italic_
italic or italic
**_bold and italic_** or __*bold and italic*__ or ***bold and italic*** or ___bold and italic___
bold and italic or bold and italic or bold and italic or bold and italic
==spoiler text==
spoiler text
Note to self:
Had to use an invisible character in the first line, because == cannot be escaped properly with a backslash, such that it ended up being displayed like this \==.
The following is for a link with no custom label.
Just put an address/URL that starts with www, http:// or https://. --> Note that this doesn't work because it doesn't start with any of those.
[link with custom label](
link with custom label

The above was a horizontal ruler.
0. Numbered list item
0. Numbered list item
- Numbered list item
- Numbered list item
Note that the line above the first list item must be blank. Also note that the number you put doesn't actually matter; it will always enumerate 1, 2, 3...
* Unnumbered list item
* Unnumbered list item
- Unnumbered list item
- Unnumbered list item
Note that the line above the first list item must be blank.
[4 SPACES HERE]code block
code block
Note that the line above the code block line must be blank.
# heading 1
heading 1
## heading 2
heading 2
Alternatively, you can make a heading 2 by putting a - on the line below the text.
heading 2
heading 2
### heading 3
heading 3
#### heading 4
heading 4
Warning: Overuse of headings might result in beheadings. Use at own risk.
last edited at Dec 11, 2015 10:51PM