.... where's KotoUmi?... i'll better go search it somewhere else... XD
Haha there's nothing to worry about Nico, she got her Maki already(well at least in ma eyes)! GO GET YOUR TANUKI-LADY! XD
My first exposure to yuri...
^ You will now love Yuri. One of us! One of us!
Ahhh!!! The four Love Live short comic strips in the images are making me ceinge!!!
Homura looks like satsuki kuryuin
Shouldn't it be the oposite and Satsuki that looks like Homura? I'm pretty sure Madoka Magica was made two or three years before Kill la Kill, and ins't Homura basically a loli Chikane?
last edited at Jul 13, 2015 11:37PM
^ ahaha. True it really looks alot like them
Oh My but I love MugiSawa <3
Just go sempai trio cuz three ain't a crowd.
RinPana can easily give me cavities
I got a print I did after the finale, signed by Janet Varney over the weekend, she asked for a copy of the print to keep. I damn near fainted.
Lucky~ I want a print too .u.
Wait a sec! I see a ring on Eri's finger! Does this mean the two of them are married?
I like this shipp... Even not showing anything in the anime. :x
well at least Eli gets to tell how she felt about Umi even though Eli knows that she was going to be rejected
I love it so much when Nico gets caught in the drama of Nozogay and Eligay
Hmm, I like her better with long hair.
I the other day was like this with my friends XD STAG BEETELES ARE SOOO COOOL! ~
Eri jealousy make Nico as a third wheel.. haa..
I guess Drill X Angst is the new pairing now.
I always prefer long hair over short hair, but I still think No-rae is super cute with short hair <3
This is so cute! I like her short hair, so adorable ♥
@KyuKyu: I know right! ;w;
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