Forum › Yuri in other Media (list in first post)

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Glee always seemed stupid to me, everytime I heard about it I was like they cancelled Firefly for this? Lol

If you have some glee fanfic suggestions please share.

That Hermione x Luna story is pretty good. I'm not a big fan of fanfics but it was pretty good.

joined Jan 21, 2015

If you have some glee fanfic suggestions please share.

There are a few popular fic suggestions here and here for both Brittany/Santana (Brittana, the canon pairing) and Rachel/Quinn (Faberry, one of the fan-favorite pairings).

I just saw that Britana (that the name?) was a pretty popular ship in general so I didn't think they were treated like shit. That kinda sucks. You got like, any examples?

Many, but here's one. The two girls break up when one of them graduates and fears she might cheat. The other girl (who is bi) gets hit on by a dude. She tells him they can't be together because she's afraid that a mob of angry lesbians from the Internet will kick his ass (out-of-nowhere fourth wall breaking). Then she hooks up with the guy anyway because "love is love" and people need to learn to respect that or some shit. Probably one of the biggest middle fingers to a fanbase I've ever seen. The girls do get back together later on, for what it's worth.

But what am I supposed to watch instead? :/

Well, you could watch the first three seasons of Warehouse 13, if you're into scifi-ish stuff.
I don't think you've mentioned watching Sense8, it sounds interesting and it has a lesbian couple. Lost Girl is pretty good for girl-on-girl action (but not so much for the plot from what I've heard?).
Sorry, I'm basically throwing stuff at you here, I just really want to keep you from watching Glee lol. But I guess if you can stomach bad TV, it would be an... interesting experience. Keep us updated if you do watch it!

joined Nov 29, 2014

Forgot about Lost Girl, I'll watch that first. Shitty plot > shitty romance.
I don't like not finishing series so I probably won't ever watch Warehouse 13 and I'll wait until there are some more episodes from Sense8 out. Thanks for the suggestions.

If I ever get back to Glee, considering it's already on my PC, I'll keep you guys posted.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Lost Girl is great for fantasy, but i always liked Kenzie a lot better than i did the main girl. Good for yuri too.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

So when does the yuri in Glee start? Don't judge me.

I refuse to have anything to do with Glee. After they stole from Jonathan Coulton, they've been dead to me.

joined Dec 16, 2013

Yuri Hime will published monthly starting 2016
less focused on yuri

last edited at Jul 29, 2015 11:08AM

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

How can they be called yuri hime if they aren't focused on it? Thats like making strawberry jam and adding mostly blueberries lol.

So i am reading music of the soul, and i have noticed that Shubach seems to write about the same type of character personality, and always in first person. But its a cute fluffy story, even if Bella's family is a bit too Stepford Wives lol. If she dyes her hair brown and copies Mandy's dress style, I'm done. :p

joined Mar 25, 2013

So i am reading music of the soul, and i have noticed that Shubach seems to write about the same type of character personality, and always in first person. But its a cute fluffy story, even if Bella's family is a bit too Stepford Wives lol. If she dyes her hair brown and copies Mandy's dress style, I'm done. :p

Yeah, that's probably the one downside, they start out as pretty distinct people and after they talk a little bit more they get kind of samey. Granted I've only read two of the longer ones so far and haven't started the story about June's mom.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

Even his fairytale stories have the same two characters basically. the love interest is a tough professional of some sort with a gruff personality and the MC is an ass-kicker with a bit of a soft side. I haven't read Ella yet, but they sound the same as Red Hood and Snow. I still enjoy the stories, but he doesn't seem to know how to write different personalities.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Yuri Hime will published monthly starting 2016
less focused on yuri

If you are right, I doubt anything bar bat credit card could make me more angry!

I was expecting a yuri is dead out of you though...

Alextasha Uploader
Three Musqueerteers
joined Sep 25, 2013


Jane's apartment burnt down?? I wonder where she's going to sleep now.....


We all know where she will sleep now :3

btw. I really love this comment on Tumblr:

"Bass, Susie, Jo Friday….
Every ‘character’ we say we love disappears or gets murdered.
You know what, Nash? WE FUCKING LOVE FRANKIE."


joined Feb 23, 2015


We all know where she will sleep now :3

btw. I really love this comment on Tumblr:

"Bass, Susie, Jo Friday….
Every ‘character’ we say we love disappears or gets murdered.
You know what, Nash? WE FUCKING LOVE FRANKIE."



LOL. And that comment is gold. I agree 100%, tho I must say that Angela is kinda sorta irking me with the "cock-blocking" -____- but I love her at the same time, so it's like a paradox that's slowly killing me ugh

and im so ashamed.

What happened to Bass!? I completely didn't realize he was missing....I WAS REALLY UPSET ABOUT JO FRIDAY THO. AND SUZIE. LIKE DA FQ.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

POI 4x22 was intense lol.

When Martine finally got killed the first thing i thought was: finally!
Too bad about Elias, I liked him.
The Machine's farewell to Finch made sad, it was touching.
I was split on wanting Greer to get offed. He's such an awesome villain, but at the same time, i wanted Control to shoot him isntead of yapping.

last edited at Jul 29, 2015 8:56PM

joined Mar 25, 2013

POI 4x22 was intense lol.

When Martine finally got killed the first thing i thought was: finally!
Too bad about Elias, I liked him.
The Machine's farewell to Finch made sad, it was touching.
I was split on wanting Greer to get offed. He's such an awesome villain, but at the same time, i wanted Control to shoot him isntead of yapping.

It's not shown that Elias is dead though, just wounded. I gotta admit though, when Root snapped her neck like it was nothing I was a bit dumbfounded at first, then of course I yelled "HELL YEAH!" xD The parallels between Greer and Dominic and Elias and Team Machine was very good though, if you noticed them. I kind of knew it when Control wouldn't shut up that he wouldn't die. But yeah, this show is a million times better than any other I've watched. Can't wait for the next season.

last edited at Jul 29, 2015 9:06PM

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

It took me a moment to comprehend what root had done lol. It was just so fast, and her snarky reply after was perfect.
They were trying to give the impression that elias died, like they made it seem like Shaw got killed after the elevator closed.

Cant wait for season 5. \o/

joined Mar 25, 2013

It took me a moment to comprehend what root had done lol. It was just so fast, and her snarky reply after was perfect.
They were trying to give the impression that elias died, like they made it seem like Shaw got killed after the elevator closed.

Cant wait for season 5. \o/

Yeah, but she isn't dead is she? (:

Alextasha Uploader
Three Musqueerteers
joined Sep 25, 2013

About Bass they said in some first episodes of s6 that Maura gave him to ZOO -_- But I agree, I missed more Jo Friday than him...

and my fav scene:


joined Jan 21, 2015

POI 4x22 was intense lol.

I loved how that scene with Martine took the tired "male hero watches helplessly as the villain tortures, rapes and/or kills a woman he cares about" trope and completely turned it on its head. And it's been widely speculated (and semi-confirmed by Amy Acker on Twitter) that Shaw taught Root how to fight. Not that she wasn't a badass before, but she's even scarier now with that added skill.

Fusco was shown rushing towards Elias after he was shot, so maybe all is not lost. They could be keeping their options open. But I love how this show makes you care about characters who are clearly terrible people. I was sad when Scarface died.

Yeah, but she isn't dead is she? (:

I just hope she doesn't come back brainwashed. I don't think they would go there and undo two seasons of character development, but I'm so used to TV writers (and network execs) fucking everything up that I still fear for the worst sometimes.

joined Nov 29, 2014

How big is the danger of Lost Girl ending in het? I heard Bo is more into Lauren than she is into Wolfdude?

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

If Shaw returns brainwashed, it could make for a really sweet romance when gets rescued and un-brainwashed. It just depends on how they handle, the writers seem pretty pretty competent so far.

As for lost girl, when i stopped watching wolfdude wasnt in a consideration and lauren and bo were quite into each other. I think this was around the time of the fae king murder or whatever it was... been a while.

joined Mar 25, 2013

I just hope she doesn't come back brainwashed. I don't think they would go there and undo two seasons of character development, but I'm so used to TV writers (and network execs) fucking everything up that I still fear for the worst sometimes.

It's either that or she's pretending to be so. I recall in an episode or two that she said the team can handle itself and she probably relied on that, and she is going to destroy them from the inside. It's really either this or brainwashing. It all depends on whether or not PoI stays long enough for it to play out, since it's on a network that relies heavily on procedural and this is going heading off in a different direction, plus the ratings have begun to drop.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013
(NSFW) Here's another one for the list. This one is done by a friend of mine, Ross. known as mooncalfe here and there. He did a lot of art for the Exalted RPG books and has several graphic novels as well. The Abandoned is the series Cant Look Back comes from. I think it's an alternate ending-continuation.

And I have been out of touch with her for a long time... she's Sophie now. o.O

last edited at Jul 30, 2015 1:47PM

joined Aug 16, 2014

On the subject of relevant webcomics (everyone probably knows these, but since they're missing from the list, let's put 'em here anyway):

Gunnerkrigg Court: Urban fantasy, has a lesbian side-couple.
Go Get a Roomie: Taken straight from the site: "This webcomic follows the wild adventures of an upbeat hippie, living her life in love and joy. (And beer and sex)". Many queer characters. Kinda slow.
The Night Belongs to Us: Urban fantasy. MC is a girl who falls in love with the lady vampire who saved her from a werewolf attack.
Idolon: This one barely started, but looks pretty gay.

joined May 11, 2012

Another webcomic on Deviantart, Onaji.

Kitsune Spirit
joined Apr 8, 2013

On the subject of relevant webcomics (everyone probably knows these, but since they're missing from the list, let's put 'em here anyway):

Gunnerkrigg Court: Urban fantasy, has a lesbian side-couple.
Go Get a Roomie: Taken straight from the site: "This webcomic follows the wild adventures of an upbeat hippie, living her life in love and joy. (And beer and sex)". Many queer characters. Kinda slow.
The Night Belongs to Us: Urban fantasy. MC is a girl who falls in love with the lady vampire who saved her from a werewolf attack.
Idolon: This one barely started, but looks pretty gay.

Kiki (Idolon) seems like a really nice girl, she replies to comments and is pretty friendly. :)

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