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joined Jun 25, 2019

Entering a Gentle Threesome.

Sound like a hentai title

joined Nov 26, 2019

That's a pretty bad fucking translation lmao. Also I hate people using the word threesome for polyamorous relationships not sex, it just doesn't connote the right thing.

joined Oct 22, 2018

A simple glance at what was behind the spoiler bars and I fucking lost it! r/engrish strikes again!

Kikaluna Uploader
Noca Scans
joined Nov 20, 2017

ANN just did an article about this and translated the title as For Passing! Entering a Gentle Threesome.

I found it funny, okay?

I thought you were joking, but no... they really did. Wtf

joined Apr 20, 2013

I can more or less understand how they reached to that wrong title, as if they took each translated words randomly and tried to make sense of it...

But what if... WE are wrong?! D:
In fact.... what if...
Triangle love for dummies [To Get an A+]
Pyramid are easy to enter [To complete the task]

last edited at Feb 9, 2020 5:38PM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Pyramid are easy to enter [To complete the task]

How to invade Egypt 101

joined Oct 15, 2014

Pyramid are easy to enter [To complete the task]

How to invade Egypt 101

Based on what I know from films and TV, pyramids are relatively easy to enter. It's getting out alive that's the hard part.

joined Oct 22, 2018

Pyramid are easy to enter [To complete the task]

How to invade Egypt 101

Based on what I know from films and TV, pyramids are relatively easy to enter. It's getting out alive that's the hard part.

Just take it from one of BelarusBall's oldest videos: Egypt (modern) led Nepal, Israel and Poland for a tour of Kufu's pyramid, but then a door suddenly closed behind them. After a lot of shenaningans and traps and a mummified III or IV dynasty Egypt escaped from his sarcophagus. Egypt, Nepal and Israel had already died beforehand, and Poland was very lucky to get out of that pyramid, not jus alive, but unharmed as well (the mummified ancient Egypt died by jumping through an opening halfway up the pyramid in a failed attempt to prevent Poland from making it out alive).

joined Oct 22, 2018

Pyramid are easy to enter [To complete the task]

How to invade Egypt 101

I don't know for modern Egypt, but for Mamluk Egypt, it's pretty easy: cannon spam. Selim I has doubled the Ottoman Empire in but 3 years, having beaten the Saffavids, taking eastern Anatolia and the Jazira from them, annexing the last two independent Turkish beyliks - Dulkadir and Ramazan, and then conquering the Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt and Syria.

joined Apr 20, 2013

Goggled Anon posted:

Pyramid are easy to enter [To complete the task]

How to invade Egypt 101

Based on what I know from films and TV, pyramids are relatively easy to enter. It's getting out alive that's the hard part.

So based on all the evidence, this is a manga about 3 girls trapped in a pyramid and how they got out alive with passing grade... I see, our love for yuri didn't let us see the bigger picture.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Triangle love for dummies [To Get an A+]

…Dammit, why didn't I think about that. :þ

And I really hope the story involves a trip to Egypt now.

joined Jul 26, 2016

How to invade Egypt 101

  1. be Napoleon
  2. ???
  3. profit!
joined Aug 2, 2015

Pyramid are easy to enter [To complete the task]

How to invade Egypt 101

Based on what I know from films and TV, pyramids are relatively easy to enter. It's getting out alive that's the hard part.

Just take it from one of BelarusBall's oldest videos: Egypt (modern) led Nepal, Israel and Poland for a tour of Kufu's pyramid, but then a door suddenly closed behind them. After a lot of shenaningans and traps and a mummified III or IV dynasty Egypt escaped from his sarcophagus. Egypt, Nepal and Israel had already died beforehand, and Poland was very lucky to get out of that pyramid, not jus alive, but unharmed as well (the mummified ancient Egypt died by jumping through an opening halfway up the pyramid in a failed attempt to prevent Poland from making it out alive).

I was not expecting to come in here and get an egypt/pyramid lesson.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Chapter 2 is out in Japan. It delves a little deeper into Rin's past and what happened during the "slap scene" at the beginning. Seems like Akira's love for Rin is one-sided after all. For now.

Preview here.

joined Apr 20, 2013

That's good, if they're all in love from the get go then it wouldn't make for a long story, I'm more shocked with your avatar because I paused that manga years ago lo/

joined Apr 17, 2015

Aye, it's such a pity that Again!! is not a yuri series. =[

joined Aug 11, 2014

I kinda love how, in the flashack to when she was a kid and talking to her friends about their crushes, she was all "I like these two girls" and the response wasn't "Not like that, we're talking about boys, silly". Instead, it was "No, you have to pick one, you can't date both". Like they all knew she was gay already. That part was old news. It was fun. Very zoomer. I don't really know how The Youth deal with queer stuff in real life Japan, but it felt pretty believable, at least among a little group of friends.

joined Oct 22, 2018

spongebob narrator voice: Uhhhhhhh...

switches to own voice: There's no way there's not gonna be at least some drama.

joined Feb 21, 2019

I kinda love how, in the flashack to when she was a kid and talking to her friends about their crushes, she was all "I like these two girls" and the response wasn't "Not like that, we're talking about boys, silly". Instead, it was "No, you have to pick one, you can't date both". Like they all knew she was gay already. That part was old news. It was fun. Very zoomer. I don't really know how The Youth deal with queer stuff in real life Japan, but it felt pretty believable, at least among a little group of friends.

I think in Cannos works being gay is the norm not the exception. But I can definitely see modern kids in accepting environments being more confused by someone being poly then someone being gay

joined Jun 25, 2019

But I can definitely see modern kids in accepting environments being more confused by someone being poly then someone being gay

tbf i will do

joined Jun 30, 2016

That Chiyono girl is a piece of sht, i mean really? just because she didnt respond to your feelings you hit her and hate her? so childish and Rin have a serious complex of feeling wanted :/

last edited at Feb 29, 2020 12:33PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Lyendith posted:

Aye, it's such a pity that Again!! is not a yuri series. =[

As far as I know, the ending of Again!!! was a let down and nowhere as good as the beginning, so the groups translating it dropped it.

joined Jun 25, 2019

That Chiyono girl is a piece of sht, i mean really? just because she didnt respond to your feelings you hit her and hate her? so childish

ikr, almost she is a teenager or something. Crazy huh, that teenagers act stupidily

joined Mar 28, 2015

And is it just me, or did Canno paint Rin, the poly girl, as someone weak-willed?

It looks like all the girls around her know exactly what they want. But Rin is wishy-washy.

That's not how I would paint someone intent on making a poly relationship work.

joined Dec 5, 2019

As far as I know, the ending of Again!!! was a let down and nowhere as good as the beginning, so the groups translating it dropped it.

it really was.
though I remember seeing update relatively not long ago

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