Forum › Nightmare Mermaid discussion

joined Mar 3, 2014

I am 100% amused by the fact that Madoka was so beautifully gay that people of hetero interest were like "I want to be a part of it". It reminds me of Legend of Korra where Makorra shippers made their own straight ending.


joined Mar 23, 2013

You, my ignorant friend, are confusing a preference/taste with something that doesn't exist.

A better word to describe what people think "heterophobia" is, is "heteronegativism". It's a negative attitude/emotion that homosexuals might have, most probably because they suffered at the end of those evil hetero bigots.

Of course this does not apply here because it's purely a sexual reaction ie. it's not their Preference. It's totally okay to go "ewww" and these words do not apply at all.

joined Feb 2, 2013

i stopped at half,
after reading some "he" i didn't expect, i begin to fear a male homura, and then i walk away from this dj as fast as i could,
gender bender in fan-works can be fun, but there's a line that can't be crossed...
i'm joking, but still i don't want to see a male homura

joined Feb 8, 2014

Sayaka was drawn very good.
I wanted this to be futa x girl but I couldn't consider Kyouko being futa because she'd look tough and didn't have a moe-moe face.

joined Mar 20, 2015

I have a mixed feeling with this one :/ It's kinda cute? But my heart tells my mind that it's disgusting... I dunno.

joined Jun 23, 2013

This pretty good! I hope there's some Sayaka the man in some doujinshi!

joined Feb 9, 2014

Being Het is normal in this world, explains why there is no such thing is heterophobia, damn...

I actually believe in Heterophobia, but I mean I can be wrong, but you shouldn't judge someones belief and shit and force it onto your opinion.

Edit: Anyways, this doujinshi felt odd to me, but it's coo'

Edit: I literally got older and heterophobia doesn't exist, who let me say this.

last edited at May 9, 2021 2:02PM

joined Dec 16, 2013

So, there I was one fine midsummer's night delving into the fantastical world of yuri as is my daily routine. The disappointment from the lack of any new KotoUmi yet again has me left a little disappointed. But, oh! What is that? Could it be AKaga and Kyousaya! Magnificent, I say! Magnificent!

So I skim the tags, NSFW and sex standing out the most, drifting my attention away from the one vital detail my yuri-hungry mind should never have overlooked.

Oh, Homura. You devilish little matchmaker you! Whats this? Kyouko's arm is a bit masculine there isn't it? Oh, well. Must have been a bad panel, and yet her face too lacks femininity. I know she's not the most well endowed but this Kyouko has no chest, strange. And the school uniform... the speech, the muscles and stature. Did they just say 'he'? Must have been a typo, nope no it wasn't. There's the penis, yup right there in all it's phallic glory.


joined Jun 6, 2014

So if heterophobia doesn't exist, then what am I supposed to call it when someone goes "EW HET" and starts whining because someone has different tastes than they do?

Your ideas are on the right track but they're driving the wrong train. The issue here is people disliking something (in this case, gender bender), and feeling the need to take up arms for a nonexistent witch hunt over it. Just don't read it. I myself hate gender bender because 99 times out of 100 its someone applying heteronormativity to a perfectly good relationship. But I'm not gonna complain about it. I just wanted to see the comments.

So it's not that you yourself are wrong in that there are people being wrong by complaining about the het...but trust me, heterophobia does not exist.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Jesus, the heterophobia here is scary...

i knew the comments would be a shitstorm but...........can we stop being youtube comments? heterophobia is not a thing that exists.

Its a center vs. margins deal. Socially there is no such thing as opposite -isms and reverse -phobias, even though mindsets such as "Oh, white guys can't play basketball" and "Well, heterosexuals are not near as sensitive" and "Guys are always guilty when accused of rape" exist, it's not a -phobia or an -ism so much as it is simply just bad stereotyping.

My favourite metaphor is that shit like "heterophobia" for comments like Frenda's (even when it appears every bloody time a 'het' manga appears) or "reverse racism" for things like "white men can't dunk" or even BLATANT MISANDRY, is that it's like getting stabbed with a rubber knife. It may be annoying and insulting, and it might even be slightly painful. But it doesn't actually do real damage. The reverse however, is often known to cause real harm and even kill, much like being stabbed with a knife made of steel and sharpened to a keen edge. It's ridiculous to talk about them as if they're equivalent.

That's a damn accurate metaphor. I can say with experience that it is incredibly difficult to garner respect in the world of basketball, for example, being a white guy, but if you think about it in retrospect, that's very very very little to worry about compared to what happens with others.

Compare and contrast. Whites have had issues getting proper respect in athletics. Great. Blacks have had issues gaining the right to live. Men have had issues with showing feelings, which is a huge issue, but we're not being trafficked in scary large numbers for our body. Heterosexuals...okay we basically have nonexistent issues, especially when compared to the problems all the other -sexuals have had these days.

We're moving in the right direction, but we have a lot of work to do.

joined Jan 10, 2015

Never bothered I did not even read the first page can't take the Yuri it's best to fuck off..

OrangePekoe Admin
joined Mar 20, 2013

So, there I was one fine midsummer's night delving into the fantastical world of yuri as is my daily routine. The disappointment from the lack of any new KotoUmi yet again has me left a little disappointed. But, oh! What is that? Could it be AKaga and Kyousaya! Magnificent, I say! Magnificent!

So I skim the tags, NSFW and sex standing out the most, drifting my attention away from the one vital detail my yuri-hungry mind should never have overlooked.

Oh, Homura. You devilish little matchmaker you! Whats this? Kyouko's arm is a bit masculine there isn't it? Oh, well. Must have been a bad panel, and yet her face too lacks femininity. I know she's not the most well endowed but this Kyouko has no chest, strange. And the school uniform... the speech, the muscles and stature. Did they just say 'he'? Must have been a typo, nope no it wasn't. There's the penis, yup right there in all it's phallic glory.


Post of the year nomination.

joined Mar 21, 2015

Seeing dynasty crying over genderbent yuri (yes, it's still very yuri since the original characters are girls) made getting this worthwhile. I hope she really ends up writing m!Homu x Madoka one day.

joined Sep 19, 2014

Ah screw it, I can dig genderbend if it's done well, and in this case I think it's done well. The characters are defined by their personalities, not their genders after all.

And male Kyouko is freaking hot. swoon

No, is defined by specially by the gender and personalities is in second base
I don't like this genderbend because is het and some dumb way to create a trap character to self insert
I am sure of this.

joined Jun 21, 2013

So, there I was one fine midsummer's night delving into the fantastical world of yuri as is my daily routine. The disappointment from the lack of any new KotoUmi yet again has me left a little disappointed. But, oh! What is that? Could it be AKaga and Kyousaya! Magnificent, I say! Magnificent!

So I skim the tags, NSFW and sex standing out the most, drifting my attention away from the one vital detail my yuri-hungry mind should never have overlooked.

Oh, Homura. You devilish little matchmaker you! Whats this? Kyouko's arm is a bit masculine there isn't it? Oh, well. Must have been a bad panel, and yet her face too lacks femininity. I know she's not the most well endowed but this Kyouko has no chest, strange. And the school uniform... the speech, the muscles and stature. Did they just say 'he'? Must have been a typo, nope no it wasn't. There's the penis, yup right there in all it's phallic glory.


Post of the year nomination.

I second this. This made coming back to comment section worth it.

joined Jan 2, 2014

This is me when I saw your comments...

I was honestly going to post that here but you beat me too it

joined May 15, 2014

clicked on the kyokoxsayaka tag and saw this first though (without seeing tag) oh how did i miss this!? i was sorely mistaken...

joined Mar 21, 2015

Ah screw it, I can dig genderbend if it's done well, and in this case I think it's done well. The characters are defined by their personalities, not their genders after all.

And male Kyouko is freaking hot. swoon

No, is defined by specially by the gender and personalities is in second base
I don't like this genderbend because is het and some dumb way to create a trap character to self insert
I am sure of this.

If you weren't so ignorant and actually knew anything about this artist, you wouldn't be saying that. If the artist intended a self-insert character here, it would be Sayaka and not m!Kyouko. Stop projecting yourself onto the artist and other readers please.

joined Jul 12, 2014

So if heterophobia doesn't exist, then what am I supposed to call it when someone goes "EW HET" and starts whining because someone has different tastes than they do?

Heterophobia is a non-existant, childish 'well if they have one so can we' pile of crap. There is no history of mistreatment of heteros. They don't get beaten to death on the street for their sexuality or harassed and told they are going to hell (which has happened to me on more than one occassion). There is no blatant prejudice due to irrational fear and bigotry towards heteros. So cut that "heterophobia" shit out.

You, my ignorant friend, are confusing a preference/taste with something that doesn't exist.

Just like how a hetero can sit there and say s/he doesn't like gay porn because it's not their cup of tea, without directing their discomfort towards the group as a whole, I can say the same about het.

I don't like my yuri being mixed with my het. I want them to remain separate. That doesn't make me [insert imaginary made up word here].

Homophobia =/= "history of mistreatment" of homosexuals.

Phobia = "a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it."


Homophobia = "unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality."


Heterophobia, therefore, = unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward heterosexuals and heterosexuality.

I'll grant that the source doesn't recognize 'heterophobia' as a word, and I don't know if any authoritative psychiatric institution specifically recognizes 'heterophobia' as a condition, but if there is such a thing as 'unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward heterosexuals and heterosexuality', and I think it would be childish to assume that this is simply not a thing that can happen, then the word for it is 'heterophobia'. We aren't constrained to use only words that appear in dictionaries or in common use; the origin of the word 'homophobia' only dates back to around 1955, and new terms are being added to the lexicon every day as we recombine roots to describe newly identified concepts.

You may not like your yuri and your het mixed, and want them to remain separate. Of course, you are at liberty to determine your own preferences with regard to what you choose to read and reject. But if you're talking about boycotting a site that chooses to host heterosexual content because you have an unreasoning antipathy toward heterosexuality, as some have suggested here, then that would make you a bigot.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Homophobia =/= "history of mistreatment" of homosexuals.

Phobia = "a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it."


Homophobia = "unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality."


Heterophobia, therefore, = unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward heterosexuals and heterosexuality.

Argumentum ad Dictionarium is a weak approach at best, and tends to totally ignore that words don't occur in a vacuum. They exist in a social context (often multiple contexts), so that yes the term homophobia IS deeply tied up in "history of mistreatment" of homosexuals, as you put it.

As I said earlier, a dislike of hetstuff is a personal preference and indeed a bias. There's no question about that. But even at its strongest, there's no comparison at all with homophobia, as much as many people out there would love to conflate the two. Focusing on some sort of pseudo-medical definition is basically running down a blind alley at best, and in general isn't discussing the same thing the conversation has been about thus far.

joined Jun 6, 2014

Homophobia =/= "history of mistreatment" of homosexuals.

Phobia = "a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it."


Homophobia = "unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality."


Heterophobia, therefore, = unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward heterosexuals and heterosexuality.

Argumentum ad Dictionarium is a weak approach at best, and tends to totally ignore that words don't occur in a vacuum. They exist in a social context (often multiple contexts), so that yes the term homophobia IS deeply tied up in "history of mistreatment" of homosexuals, as you put it.

As I said earlier, a dislike of hetstuff is a personal preference and indeed a bias. There's no question about that. But even at its strongest, there's no comparison at all with homophobia, as much as many people out there would love to conflate the two. Focusing on some sort of pseudo-medical definition is basically running down a blind alley at best, and in general isn't discussing the same thing the conversation has been about thus far.

If you wanna be technical, hetero + phobia = [opposite] [fear] this case I will grant the colloquial understanding that it implies fear of people who are sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex.

Which does not exist in this world. It just doesn't. There isn't even an acknowledged word called heterophobia. There are times where people express unwonted distaste for heteronormativity, and in this case people are angry at their "private space being invaded" by het. It's not oppressive. I'm 150% heterosexual and I didn't feel even a twinge of offensive heterophobia emanating from the words.

Anything in the real world of any serious comments against heterosexuals in the real world is just bad stereotyping or fearful aggression. Margins vs. Center...the margins can never discriminate against the center.

joined Jul 12, 2014

Homophobia =/= "history of mistreatment" of homosexuals.

Phobia = "a persistent, irrational fear of a specific object, activity, or situation that leads to a compelling desire to avoid it."


Homophobia = "unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward homosexuals and homosexuality."


Heterophobia, therefore, = unreasoning fear of or antipathy toward heterosexuals and heterosexuality.

Argumentum ad Dictionarium is a weak approach at best, and tends to totally ignore that words don't occur in a vacuum. They exist in a social context (often multiple contexts), so that yes the term homophobia IS deeply tied up in "history of mistreatment" of homosexuals, as you put it.

As I said earlier, a dislike of hetstuff is a personal preference and indeed a bias. There's no question about that. But even at its strongest, there's no comparison at all with homophobia, as much as many people out there would love to conflate the two. Focusing on some sort of pseudo-medical definition is basically running down a blind alley at best, and in general isn't discussing the same thing the conversation has been about thus far.

Equivocation is pretty weak, too; but simply naming formal fallacies is especially weak.

Anyway, if the controversy is over whether a word is a word or not (i.e. "Heterophobia is a non-existant, childish 'well if they have one so can we' pile of crap.") then I think a dictionary is a good place to source. That is a source with the academic or legal authority to define terms.

If we're talking about 'systemic homophobia' then I would agree that there's no existing analagous 'systemic heterophobia'. But to equivocate systemic homophobia with homophobia and conclude that there is no such thing as heterophobia is not compelling.

joined Apr 5, 2013

Not really a fan of the concept, honestly.
Can you imagine a Male!Haruka having perverted fantasies about Yuu. Or a Male! Or a Male!Nozomi groping the girls of Muse. Or a Male!Hibiki sleeping with Miku.
I prefer not.

But to each his own.

And about the heterophobia thingie... seriously? Can't we leave as "Het is ew", like Tv Tropes says?

joined Sep 19, 2014

I am not been ignorant, i am been very smart and realistic since trap/gender bender is frecuently use as self insert in hentai like this one, I am not projectin I am using very solid argument

Rankarana Uploader
Sexy Akiba Detectives
joined Feb 8, 2014

Not really a fan of the concept, honestly.
Can you imagine a Male!Haruka having perverted fantasies about Yuu. Or a Male! Or a Male!Nozomi groping the girls of Muse. Or a Male!Hibiki sleeping with Miku.
I prefer not.

well Haruka is already an awful human being anyway and Nozomi's whole groping thing isn't actually any less creepy because she's a girl so I don't really think making them guys changes literally anything

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