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joined Aug 21, 2017

Gina on her way to radically alter church doctrine through the power of love and staggering social capital

joined Jun 27, 2017

Let me introduce you to GOD.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Going places.

joined Jul 6, 2020

Gina on her way to radically alter church doctrine through the power of love and staggering social capital

Welcome to gay catholicism

joined Jan 9, 2017

Gina on her way to radically alter church doctrine through the power of love and staggering social capital

Welcome to gay catholicism

"We are exactly the same as regular catholicism but we allow prevention, which means sex is no longer only about children"

joined Nov 12, 2020



It wasn't even his bald head,it was Ginas' MASSIVE FORHEAD!

Also,holy crap,I remember this cute lil' number from Wargame : Red Dragon.

Yes,Benika,ignore the fact that Gina just Mario'd her way to victory,but it's so sweet she came for Hibai,ain't it,Benika?

Hell,even their thoughts are linked.

Also,I think she's about to introduce her directly to the priest,that'll be fun.

joined Jul 21, 2015

I get the impression that Gina knows what that thing actually is, right? Or does she only think it's a bug?

joined Dec 20, 2018

And here you thought Babylon was evil...

joined May 28, 2011

Blow up the queers, is this what we've come to? Hope Gina flips!

joined Feb 20, 2023

Shit, we made the bad guys too reasonable, lets make them do something unforgivable so readers wont sympathize with them too much.

The funny part is, isn't this bishop not actually religious but just using the church? Yet he's thinking of them as sinners for being gay. Yet the dad seems to be genuinely religious and has been trying to accept his daughter's relationship with Rose. Dad does seem like a good guy, or maybe he's just actually read the Bible :p

joined Feb 25, 2013

Evil big bad church man is actually evil! :o

joined Jan 9, 2017

I see I see, this isn't a cool pope, it's a Nazi pope

Fucking demon in sheep's clothing

I'm surprised Babylon girl didn't even try to hold Benika back

last edited at Jul 26, 2023 8:11PM

joined Aug 21, 2017

Absolutely no punches pulled on the homophobia. And the plan around the remote bomb necklace? Comparable to the skull piles in terms of darkness. Heavy hitting chapter.

joined Jul 6, 2020

its a race to the bottom in terms of likeability for these two organizations lol. Hopefully our cohort of cool alt-girl secret agents, the regular gay high schooler, and her priest dad, can all work together to idk save the day or some shit

joined May 10, 2021

Man I quite like the archbishop at first, but alas, he's just another narrow-minded old-school clergyman.... A despicable cunt.
Thanks for the chapter!

joined Oct 1, 2022

Benika so gullible

joined Jan 14, 2020

Benika so gullible

She's a high schooler who's had a nice life (as far as we know. Maybe some dark backstory to having a priest as a father). While everyone around her is a professional liar.

last edited at Jul 27, 2023 12:32AM

joined Aug 11, 2022

Gina and Hibai doesn't know that the [Cross] is FKING BOMB!!!.....Gina(Sanguinaria-her real name) just thinks it a listening device to help her....ARCHpriest probably didn't tell her the bomb function about that Cross.... ArchPriest: (If worst comes and no one survives at all...Sanguinaria I alone will mourn for you as the Martyr you are-->implying Gina doesn't know...)

In fact Gina(Sunguinaria) doesn't even know what the Rosary that Benika's dad carrying contain (TOP SECRET BLACKMAIL INFO).

ALSO ARCHPRIEST CAN GO FK HIMSELF!! He might be thinking he just a hard man making hard choices but Benika's father is a better priest than him!!!! [I VOTE FOR BENIKA'S FATHER TO BE THE NEW ARCHPRIEST WHEN ROSE TAKES BOTH ORGANIZATIONS DOWN!!]

Benika father(Father Shirafune) when he become Archpriest: "...what even just happen...why did the Archpriest quit and now I am the Archpriest!? I was just a normal priest!?"

On one hand the Archpriest giving Benika a bomb is actually a useful move to kill off the Hitmen's strongest and best assassin...but on the other hand that would also mean killing (1-2 innocent people-Benika and her dad alongside one of his own people all in the attempt to kill off a hitman/woman is currently fighting to protect her girlfriend and one his priests...) [ignoring his prejudice against how gays go against the church rules and etc....]

Also other factor....if Rose doesn't die from the bomb and survive...Archpriest she is going to get revenge and go [JOHN WICK] ON YOUR @SSES!!! She would have no reason to fight against her organization...If rose can defeat both the church and hitmen group using items she crafted from a Dollar store place...IMAGINE HER WITH A FKING PENCIL!!!

Arch-Priest if Benika dies and Rose survives...your going to suffer a horrible slow painful death...and your rebellion will end in a burst of small flames dying fast...

last edited at Jul 27, 2023 2:20AM

joined Jan 30, 2013

Istg I hope they kill him or I'm coming for him

joined May 8, 2022

Man, besides the two MC’s and Benika’s dad I hate everyone in this story. (Which I know is part of the point but still lol)

Purple Library Guy
joined Mar 3, 2013

This is the problem with letting the Catholic church run your revolution.

joined Mar 10, 2018

If you are reading/watching something from Japan, the church is the bad guy. It's a very safe bet

joined Apr 14, 2022

If you are reading/watching something from Japan, the church is the bad guy. It's a very safe bet

There's one particular fantasy light novel with a Catholic-esque church that's lead by a lesbian communist vampire. I need more of that in my life.

joined Nov 28, 2021

Now to find out whether he respects her because she came to church all the time, or if he's shitting his pants because he doesn't know if the other two are also assassins.

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