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joined Aug 11, 2022

A tiny part of me respect Toxic Mom at least acting somewhat civil and understand a bit of her bias (At least she admit Mashiro is smart lady)...but the other majority is saying she mostly TOXIC and annoying idiot that holds Mashiro background against her despite the obvious positive effects she had on her daughter. Sure her background is not ideal but she is a smart woman that help improved Makino to do better!

Said daughter who was basically a Spare in [Toxic mom] eyes just because she was lesser intelligent compare to her older sister and she failed to get into College/university on her 1st try, never attempt to get to know her Daughter problems (Being bullied in school for rejecting a boy) and not making a effort to help motivate her daughter to do better [Except Money reward...which is a good reward to motive some kids but not all kids]...Even trying to married her off to build connection+ produce gran-children (Probably betting on the next generation being better stats).

Hmm did they made some kind of BET? It seems Makino intend to prove her mother that Mashiro existence in her life is worth keeping...her grades been getting better with Mashiro help...hopefully now she can get a B+ or even a A- by some miracle lol. Basically last hope to get her mother approval...if she fails to pass and get into university then time to move to a new place with Mashiro I guess [Just barely passed might not be enough to win approval so moving away option is still on table if Toxic Mom refuse MC dating Mashiro] XD

joined Aug 11, 2022

IF there is a single thing that the MC inherited from Toxic would be her determination and NEVER GIVE UP attitude....[TOXIC MOM HAS EVOLVE TO NINJA TOXIC MOM] XD

Yeah I expected that Toxic Mom would find out [She even paid a private investigator with money like I suggest with her financial power, hiring a private detective cost at least a couple hundred dollars for their time and effort lol]

Yeah...Toxic Mom is not happy to find out both her daughter are into girls...especially when one of them is dating a Prostltute/former one.

Hopefully they can all talk like reasonable adults to understand everyone viewpoints....*Remember MC and Toxic's mom personality*...Sorry Mashiro...your going to have the be the sole reasonable adult huh...Good luck, I am sure you can handle this and get your future mother-in-law to accept you XD

joined Aug 11, 2022

Technically once again...Lapis original plan is to be a sacrifice (Scapegoat) to boost the prince's reputation and have Diana appear as a hero for the commoners so Commoners and Nobles will never long fight/civil war risk while killing off the crazy radical commoners...I don't consider Lapis' plan to be that pointless...but yes her plan is somewhat stupid and suicidal very much yes [Could have pin the blame on some corrupted noble]...If Lapis or some other smart character was in IRL...They would be smarter than 60% of the world population lol.

Lapis' original plan didn't count with her sacrifice nor was meant to boost the Prince and Diana's reputation, it was straight up just eliminating all commoners, she died because she was the villain of the story and that was how the story was written.

Honestly sure Lapis plan was solely focus on killing all the commoners involved in her Adopted sister's death but that did not mean she not willing to die at the end after she got her revenge. She is a smart girl that fooled the Gamers/Fan-based who played the otome game into thinking she is a totally nice person (Chapter 1- Stealing magic jewel for magic booster).

She could easily just adjust her plans to let herself be killed to boost the (Her Fiancee) Prince's reputation and Diana's reputation. Kill off all the commoners from the Anti-Noble fraction that she saw responsible for her little sis' death [Any innocent bystanders are acceptable casualties though to her lol... (Lapis' trauma from chapter 2 and other chapters)] then Lapis can be satisfied dying either way...because if Lapis want to survive she could have flee to another country and be a thorn to the Prince and Diana easily with her influence and power.

Chapter 8 (Lapis teaches prince that he is the player and not the chess-up...Queen piece dropped as she talk about the bigger picture, Lapis tells prince there is no way to preserve all the pieces and even refers that she is a chess piece too...).

Since she probably achieved her goal then she was ready to set things up to so her death is at least beneficial to the Prince and the future of the kingdom...she would have sacrificed her family, the prince and Diana if she didn't achieved her goal of killing all the [Anti-noble member (Low rank nobles are helping them due to greed for more power which can cause civil war)] but since she got her goal finished in the original timeline then she doesn't have to go that far for her [REVENGE].

I won't deny Lapis want to kill all the commoner [Mainly from the Anti-noble fraction (Any innocent people dying are probably acceptable to her though since she will rationalized it as the Bigger picture idea thing)] but she cares about the prince, Diana and her family to a small extent...not enough to not kill them for her plans for [REVENGE] but enough to not cause trouble for them in the future...The MC here on the other hand...Lapis cannot sacrifice the MC for [REVENGE] due to being to involved/care about MC too much. Lapis tried her best to keep herself emotional distance while making sure MC's life will be comfortable and somewhat happy but failed lol

MC and the gamers seem to not know much about Lapis' backstory (MC does not know about the little sister except Lapis throw away line about having a commoner sister) and the reasons why she want [REVENGE].

You can call my idea and analysis of Lapis' character stupid and wrong, saying her wanting to kill the commoners is not deep and that is just the way she is written in the game but eh whatever, Agree to disagree XD

joined Aug 11, 2022

Technically once again...Lapis original plan is to be a sacrifice (Scapegoat) to boost the prince's reputation and have Diana appear as a hero for the commoners so Commoners and Nobles will never long fight/civil war risk while killing off the crazy radical commoners...I don't consider Lapis' plan to be that pointless...but yes her plan is somewhat stupid and suicidal very much yes [Could have pin the blame on some corrupted noble]...If Lapis or some other smart character was in IRL...They would be smarter than 60% of the world population lol.

Diana...Please do not sacrifice yourself either...MC said she wants a world with no has to be a villain XD

On the poly-relationship possibility depends on the people involved and other factors like power structure/dynamics but as long as everyone consents to it without there being a very clear control in the relationship due to power/financial status then it mostly fine. It just takes more effort, emotions and time to make it work with clear communications....Though the chance of these 3 having a poly-relationship is...Well it depends on the author's plan and how their characters will developed, I won't say there is 0% percent chance but it will probably be very hard to do lol.

joined Aug 11, 2022

Wow people were sure frustrated last chapter before calming down when this chapter release XD being a dream is a stupid fking idea that would make crazy fans send death threats to the author (She/he probably already got death threats, lot of author get death threats for silly reasons...there are some very stupid humans beings that exist) and make fans angry lol. Though yeah I know some poster are just joking around about everything being a dream though XD

Now we can enjoy them being cute together...I just hope the author does not end it after 3-4 more chapters, we know we are getting another chapter but I hope we get at least 8-10 more chapters of them dating and being doki-doki. We still didn't get our double-date scene yet lol.

The title can still work (Yuri started with me getting rejected in a dream) in the future storyline.

Tsukushi can dream about being rejected and dumped by her GF for another random girl that is better than her after a few months of dating (Dream due her noticing Hinoka acting distant due to trying to hide a birthday present)
She can still dream about being rejected from a marriage proposal a year later lulz XD
Dream about being rejected and divorced, Hinoka taking their kids away with her.

[Tsukushi nth time having a dream about being rejected]
Hinoka: "Did you have another dream about me rejecting you again?"
Hinoka: Do you need a hug?
Tsukushi: ... yes please!

joined Aug 11, 2022

Lol People being hard and not looking at Makino favorably...which is to be fair they have a somewhat valid point considering her actions and immaturity.

To be fair Makino only called her sister to ask if she knows the person she is dating is actually a girl [She didn't call with the intentions to blackmail her sister...though she will blackmail her sister without hesitation if given the chance, The Sister freaking out saying she will 'DO ANYTHING' cuz she is h*rny and wants to spend money on her waifu] -Chapter 16 proof as evidence.

About setting the scumbag on a date with a (potential murderer) unstable girl...welp she not the best move and she probably thought LandMine girl wouldn't try pulling out a knife in public...which she was sadly wrong about. Yeah once again not the best move but more like a move done out of desperation since she did her part of the deal by introducing him to a 'pretty girl' and probably thought he would just move on and she can use that as a excuse to get out of marrying him since he introduce him to a pretty girl XD

Once again I am not defending her saying she is valid or Makino is some misunderstand shining angel of virtue...but yes she is a scumbag, idiot, immature and selfish...but I would not say she is a person that intent to harm people 'INTENTIONALLY or with INTENT'...more like she accidentally harm or take advantage of people without thinking much about her actions.
Though yes she cause trouble to some people by accidents due to not thinking about her actions.

Makino versus her mother scummy action levels...Well I say Mother is worse [We know where our MC inherit her Scummy trait from lol]. Not saying Makino should not be held accountable for actions or lessen her sins/idiotic actions but the mother is worse no arguing that.

Both the mother and Makino(Her Daughter) need some growing up and learning to become better...Makino is making some progress with studying hard and working part-job with her waifu/future wife at least which is the right step. She still needs to grow up more and become a more morally right person yes...but she is making a tiny tiny amount of progress for now in becoming a better person.

Though technically the mother could get her way if she uses all her social power, financial power but that would just make her appear more scummy to us readers...I mean her life is going pretty well so far considering her social status as the owner of a Cram School + Being above average in wealth, just her daughter life not going as she expected XD

...Wonder if we ever see a complicated + complex backstory about Toxic Mom to understand her actions and history Example like: her parents forcing her lifestyle to be successful + Her own Arranged marriage with her current I would laugh if the author went that route but eh that sound too much work to be done :D

last edited at Feb 9, 2024 6:37AM

joined Aug 11, 2022

I'm impressed Makino talked her mom into paying her and Mashino to study. Guess all that work she's been doing went into Speech.

Toxic mother(Makino's mom) If your worried about your bloodline dying out from both your daughters being yuri/lesbians...
there is always the options to suggest them getting a Sp*rm donator if they interested in having children (Bonus points if you can use it to build a connection with your business friends by getting one of their hopefully sons to donate, Makino low chance but Reina might be interested)...

.... You know sperm donation does not actually build familial connections, right? That's why it's called a "donation", that cum does not connect back to its source in any way that matters lol.

Rolls eyes at comment not fully reading my comment/post

You would have a 'point' if it the Sp*rm was from a random person.
Like I said, bonus point ['IF'] if it was someone well-known family. I just said it in a 'rare bonus' point situation, Sorry if me bring it up offend you or some people that much lol XD

Just considering all the options and back up plan possible if [Toxic Mother] is going to hound them relentlessly. I don't care or give a fk if they have kids, Adopted or not, hell I rather they not have any children at all till 7-10 years later when they are financially + mentally ready/stable.

Some people do not really care about bloodlines or related family and can bond well with friends or people that they made family with but some people/Families value bloodlines and their genetics being passed on.

The mother can spin it some SOB story about how her daughter wants children [*Cough* Forcing her daughter in reality Cough] and how much she want to support her daughter life style of same-sex marriage done out of love but is afraid of possible genetic defects or genetics from horrible people and can lead the conversation to suggest/lead one of the well-known families she want to the idea that one of their sons can help.

Example: The scumbag boy from the marriage interview who is now Bi-sexual....his parents are going to be fking p*ssed...or in the odd low chance...they might be actually nice supportive parents and would accept his decisions but the chance they are not supportive parents and want to pass on their bloodline this might be their best chance.
They might not get much chance to interact with a possible grandchild but if they are obsessed with bloodline and legacy then this helps the Mother builds ['CONNECTIONS'] with another wealthy family that can increase her influence and social status. It less effective than a direct marriage building a family bridge but this method can gives her some ties and influences with another rich wealthy family if things lie up right.

Kind of similar to how people virtue signal about stuff that they do not really care about to gain [honor/fame/clout].
Example: PETA pretending to be some kind organization that saves animals+promote animal rights but in reality kills most of them cuz they are lazy and can't be bothered to get people to adopt them.

last edited at Feb 7, 2024 11:31AM

joined Aug 11, 2022

Toxic mother(Makino's mom) If your worried about your bloodline dying out from both your daughters being yuri/lesbians...
there is always the options to suggest them getting a Sp*rm donator if they interested in having children

That's not the resolution I want this story to take. Makino and Reina can have children in whatever way they have available is that's what they want... But there is no legitimacy whatsoever in a pathetic excuse of "bloodline". Can you imagine if this arc ends up with Toxic Mom accepting her daughters' partners, only to start pressuring them to have children instead ? What a way to ruin a redemption arc that would be.

I suspect that this will end with Toxic Mom accepting that her daughters are gay, but without her actions being entirely forgotten, and the gap she created will remain even if they end up on good terms again. Which would be the most "normal" way to happily resolve the current situation.

It not really about what you 'want' but rather about how the author want to write the story...which is good news for you since she will probably not go that route since judging from how the author writes the story is not too serious and mostly light-hearted & somewhat goofy. She will probably give us a ending that most people will enjoy, this whole conflict will probably only last about maybe 4-5 more chapters at most hopefully.

I agree that Makino [Don't it for her but she would be the deadbeat carefree dad/mom spoiling the children lol] and Reina can have children anyway they want (It can be either adoption, sp*rm donator or even advanced science by turning a egg cell into a sp*rm cell) XD

If you seen my earlier comments/posts you know I am rooting for both Makino and Mashiro to be happy + Makino becoming a better person to care for Mashiro/her waifu.

I am simply giving the mother a olive branch and simply listing out possible option in the worst case scenario if a compromise needs to happens if the Toxic Mother decides to go full blown PSYCHO. I am a logical person, not a person of emotions. I much prefer the [Toxic mother] eventually accept her daughter(s) choices in the end by her own free will but we cannot just forced people to just accept thing just cuz we want them to accept it. We have to make them see why it a good idea to accept the situation.

[Toxic mother] is a very powerful person, both socially and economically. If she chooses to she can spend money/hire people to make Makino and Mashiro life very very difficult. She is the person who got Mashiro fired after all from being a teacher at Cram school...

We have to ask the questions and understand how [Toxic Mom] thinks,
Does she hate lesbians or just not want to deal with any non-normal situations?
Does she care about how society see her?
Does she care about money/economic power?
Does she want grandchildren or does she just see grandchildren as tools to increase her social status/ let her legacy live on.

Does she not agree with the current situation becuz Makino is dumb? [Solution]: Makino is becoming less dumb and even smarter thanks to Mashiro teaching + Help in studying...ironic considering [Toxic Mom] is supposed to be the owner of the Cram school/In the studying business...guess both mother and father gave up on Makino and focus all their attention on Reina[Older sis] deeming Makino as too dumb.
In 3-5 years later Makino can probably get into that high-level university and even take over the family business without it shutting down/losing profits. Mashiro even shown proof of Makino rising grades.
Like other comments and myself said...Mashiro can take over the family business when she marries Makino, heck if we see a increase in good grades and profits in the test run then the Toxic Mom can't complain + no room to argue lol XD

Does she want grandchildren? Possibly...but I think Toxic Mom just sees grandchildren as a way to pass on her legacy + increase her influence + Too fixed in her 'normal' ways. Though this part Toxic Mother might have to give up if both of her daughters are not interested in having children, just going to have to be satisfied with her both daughters being productive members of society that she can brag about. Toxic Mother is just going to have to go for plan B-C, make another kid if she really wants Grandchildren lol.

[Toxic Mom] is a very flawed and even scummy person, I can point out her many flaws and failing such as her neglect of Makino upbringing. Probably doesn't even know her daughter got bullied in high school just for rejecting a boy's confession to her, failed in raising Makino to be interested in studying, motivating her to study + improving herself and only angry at Makino for not being a productive member of [SOCIETY]. She is more worried about how people will see her as the mother of a useless neet daughter + the potential shame of having a so-called useless daughter. etc. etc. etc.

See she only see Makino as a spare due to Reina going off-path despite all the effort + resources spend. Messed up I know but that is how some parents are like...

Honesty I hope the conflict won't be too drawn out and they can come to a reasonable terms with each other at the end but eh not going to hold my breath, would be nice if eventually accepts the situation even somewhat reluctantly but not the end of world if she doesn't.

Though...If I was Makino I would just give back all the money after 4-5 years later that the [Toxic Mom] gave me for studying + other stuff and say "Thank you for everything but kindly fk off if you can't accept the person I am dating/marrying."

Perfect way to cut off ties if the Mother still disapprove of the relationship, no excuses or reasons for the [Toxic Mother] to enter her life since she pay off all the 'debts/money' given. Even having a tape recorder/hidden camera just in case as evidence of any potential future harassment but eh I am overthinking things like this is somekind of War/Battle when in reality this is just a somewhat light-hearted not too serious silly Yuri love story lol XD

last edited at Feb 6, 2024 6:56AM

joined Aug 11, 2022

Toxic mother(Makino's mom) If your worried about your bloodline dying out from both your daughters being yuri/lesbians...
there is always the options to suggest them getting a Sp*rm donator if they interested in having children (Bonus points if you can use it to build a connection with your business friends by getting one of their hopefully sons to donate, Makino low chance but Reina might be interested)...or hope science advanced enough in the next 10-20 years to turn a egg cell into a sp*rm cell XD

Toxic mom at-least cared enough to see her daughter after hearing her collapse from stress+Overworking. She even gave her daughter some extra spending money [The economy is fking tough nowadays if your not a successful business owner].

Look on the bright side Toxic least your 'former' useless daughter is finally improving herself and stop being a lazy scumbag by studying hard+ working hard to make money from part-time job...

Maybe one day she will be smart enough to take over the family business/Cram school building your owner of? Mashiro is at least smart enough probably to let Makino to inherit the family business...She seems smart enough to help her future waifu/wife.

Plan B or C is Toxic mother turning to the husband and saying they have to make another baby and hope she/he doesn't become gay/lesbian/yuri too, it still safe if toxic mother is not over the age of 40+ XD

last edited at Feb 5, 2024 11:10PM

joined Aug 11, 2022

Hah knew the professor was fking trash...90% of all the people knew it too! He only cares about Kaye due to her being the future demon lord and does not see her as a person...the only people that didn't and thought the professor was a good person to Kaye are clueless newbie readers which is like maybe 1-2 people here XD

Professor minion can die a slow death for all we care.

ML and Caroline now in a rival situation relationship...RIP caroline, you truly are a good person (Unless I am wrong and she is just pretending which is unlikely route...hopefully)! Caroline deserves a better person to marry...ML/blonde is not a horrible person...but his personality could improve...hopefully he grows to be better to be worthy of Caroline lol

Kaye not wanting to deal with her classmates FAKE concerns...frankly the only people that truly care about her is her adopted parent(I think she is adopted?) and Caroline+ the MC!

Hmm I wonder when they will discover each other True identity...My bet is probably on like maybe chapter 30-40? So like probably about 1 year later from now we can enjoy that reaction from them both XD

joined Aug 11, 2022

Reminder who to anyone who had forgotten chapter 1, MC is already at least maybe 18 to maybe 19 at most of age. Her parents got mad at her for failing for college exams after all so she already graduated high school.

She taking cram school to train herself to have a better chance of getting into college/university [Her main goal of attending is to get money from her parents+ Onee-san is there.]

If Japan laws is similar to America law then MC can just move out since she 18+...except she has no money (Parents probably won't lend her any rent money lol) and can only freeload off Onee-san place or her older sis to sleep XD

Maid cafe huh...I mean MC and onee-san are both pretty so I guess their good looks are useful there...might be embarrassing though for onee-san/ least the pay will be above minimum...Though MC need to learn to lie better at job interviews/come up with better reasons for have to lie about 80% of the time when applying for part time jobs lol.

The rich boy turned G@y huh...I was expecting for MC's new energetic friend to be the one to help him out in his time of helpless but meh whatever it work too I guess? Can't say I am too surprised, author like to make silly comedy developments sometimes... He not too important to the plot though lol XD

last edited at Dec 15, 2023 3:09AM

joined Aug 11, 2022

Lol Kaye is a fking TSUNDERE honor student huh (Don't get me wrong. I am not doing it for you.-insert excuse reason here-) while our redhead MC is the dense protagonist that is unintentionally rizzing her XD

At least we know Kaye at least swings that 'way' too 99.69696% from how 'hot and bothered' she is at seeing our Redhead MC in her underwear.

The race track is way longer than I expected I guess, better development than the simple prediction I made last post...but yeah slow burn indeed.

I hope when our future demon lord finds out the Villainess is actually her best friend that she 'dearly' misses it will be when they already romantically into each other before discovering that shocking piece of news.

Though I guess Kaye thought she is the only who got reincarnated/Transmigrated and her bestfriend is just died instead of thinking she got Transmigrated too...

joined Aug 11, 2022 would be nice if you had explain how to use the new broom or gave a instruction book XD

I predict an Incoming MC rocketing her way pass the race course due to her out of control broom and probably slamming into our future demon lord (I will give bonus point and thumbs up if they up in a embarrassing position after passing the finish line!) lulz.

Ah yes, slow burn indeed...I estimated they will be very 'good friends' in around chapter 20-23 and possibly become very very 'very good best friends' in chapter 32-34.

joined Aug 11, 2022

...Black hair girl (Smart book) childhood friend is being all jealous and EMO huh...she is trying to play off her emotion, thinking she is 'fine' by herself and how she is a genius/loner...(The true is she lonely and wants a friend...bad emotions + loneliness= higher chance of becoming demon lord/demon lord reviving)

Redhead MC would prefer black-hair girl to not become an demon lord/revive as a demon lord (Plan A) to not die + stay as her cute self (lol Red-head MC find her cute)...plan B is to team up with the ML and Heroine to fight/seal the demon lord if Plan A fails.

Too bad Red-Head MC not master of reading expressions/being able to read people minds or she would be ditching the people sucking up to her to try to befriend black-hair girl XD

Now the question is...if black hair girl (Kaye) revives or becomes the demon lord...does she loses her memories/personality and some other entity[demon lord(?)] takes over her body or she just become become more negative/hostile/urge to destroy in personality???

The professor is trash, he just want demon lord [Valerie(?)] to revive and trying to find ways to revive demon lord through black hair/ up with him!?

Nah, kill him or make an 'Accident' to remove him from the obvious he does not care for Kaye/Black hair safety...

Hmm Wonder if Red-Head's family will make a hover-board witch broom for her to see...They can make fake crystal ball, fake light hopefully they can make something useful...I mean red-head MC never found out the Villainess can't use magic in the book she read...meaning they hide it well XD

If red-head MC wins the race then she should invite Kaye/Black hair for the vacation...I know it for the school(Light or dark school magic) but eh fk it! If she end up winning the race then she should be able to invite extra people if she wants!!

last edited at Oct 28, 2023 10:48AM

joined Aug 11, 2022

We got to have a couple filler chapters as a breather before the plot gets serious~

Ah the joys of video games is taught to Alice by Nemo/Leber...Alice is fking Meta-gaming tactics by removing Matama/Loco's equipment for better stats, Nemo/Leber is very happy with this tactic despite her protests XD

Everyone is pretty much mind controlled and turned into game characters all so they can play dark so-Dark Loco (2) after playing dark sou-Dark loco (1) lol, their feelings and personality still there but they not fully aware XD

The multiple star thing, yeah not new info but always funny to see in action.

Baiser- Multi star after her defeat/run away after declining world domination + multi star when getting h*rny to defeat
Lord Enorme (Fake loli in her mind)...+ too many stars to count when her berserk corrupt form. Multi-star when excited + h*rny.

Nun sister giant= chapter 48, Nun is able to have multi star too.

Alice= This chapter, trigger multi star due to getting excited about gaming XD

Hmm, 2 elite four down, 2 left to go + demon lord Leopard lol...

joined Aug 11, 2022

Hmm... it either one of her cram friend (The girl from ch.5-7 and other chapter. She emit lot of Extrovert energy!) or the landmine girl...though I don't know if Landmine girl is Bi-sexu@l or just into girls.

Landmine girl is already well-off (Probably came from a above average to rich family=reason why she can spend so much money on girls lol) so I doubt she is willing unless she is Bi and find rich scumbag boy 'interesting' too 0_0

MC is going to have throw a sacrifice to scumbag rich boy (Lol...the boy is honest about not caring too much about MC using his money/seeing him as a source of just money...Guess being pretty + 'Interesting' is better than marrying a submissive but ugly girl from another rich family XD)

joined Aug 11, 2022

However, I seem to remember a rich yandere client character from a while back in this manga. Maybe it's her time to swoop in and save the day.

Edit: looking back at that rich yandere, she ended up pulling a box cutter on Makino so uh. Maybe she's had a major change of heart but still unlikely to be the hero our scumbags need lol.

Ch. 43-44 - Her most recent appearance, she not going to helpful but at least she is not going to be a problem. She too busy being lovely-dovey and fking with #1 lily girl. Yup low chance for help from her.

At the most worse case scenario, Makino can just use money earned from attending the marriage interviews to support both of them...maybe mocch off her older sister's place if things get really bad for Mashiro (fired from job=less more for rent) since older Sis is partly to blame for this whole mess due to being too drunk happy on love.

They just have to survive about 2-4 more years till Makino finish Cram school & College [to have better job options] then their lives should be stable enough to be happy living together without much issue from the parent(s)

joined Aug 11, 2022

Chapter 10-

I got to say...Our Read-head MC's family is quite talented people and tricksters...They can even managed to fool the readers of the book (Canon source) to make the reader think the Villainess(Original red head) actually have magic...except it not magic BUT THE MAGIC SUPER POWER OF BEING FKING RICH AND TECHNOLOGY LOL XD

Black hair demon lord: "I have no interest in men"- Gets cut off. "I only have interest in knowledge('For now')"

Soooo...people anyone want to bet that we will get a funny scene where the Red-head MC will use her new crystal ball and someone curiously asks what her future soul-mate will look like and our Red head MC will end up thinking about Future miss Demon lord= she appearing in the Crystal ball due to her thinking of her...Cue Embarrassed reaction from both??? Or I am just thinking non-sense 0_0

Honestly our MC should just ask her family for a batmen grappling hook shot gun, camouflage invisible cloak and hover boots in the future months while she is at it lol...XD

joined Aug 11, 2022

Your exaggerating Kazu...The sword is probably a very powerful and useful Strength multiplier (Giving the Princess the power of possibly 200-300+ soldiers instead of a simple 10-15 soldiers strength due to her strong magic) but it not like some amazing powerful sword that can cut down meteors and casually destroy mountains...

If the sword is so powerful then why did her Father and brother die so soon (They sure didn't fking die of old age)...honestly the Princess does need the sword but it not like she needs it right now {we can spend a few chapters trying to solve the problem} unless another country is being a b*tch and wants to wage war or some uber strong monster (Dragon or etc.) wants to invade the kingdom then they can worry...Though I wonder what the father and Brother died to...must be some powerful monsters...did some allied nation asked for their help and they died in battle???

It useful and can help the Princess protect her people better (The wolf monster would probably have been curbstomp in a few seconds...but honestly the Princess would have also win easily enough if she didn't fking starved herself due to not eating...) but it not some kind of amazing magic sword. It helpful but can probably be replaced with an army of 200 mages or possible 1000 strong soldiers.

It's useful but can be replaced with a strong army.

Now the main issue to solve to use the sword while it is bonded to Sister Sara...probably a quest to find some ritual to transfer ownership...if not then the Princess is probably going to learn how to pull the sword out of her Waifu's chest every-time she need to use the sword then lol (Seems like a pretty common anime trope to me, there a few anime where the MC pull sword out of people chest you know) XD

last edited at Sep 26, 2023 12:01AM

joined Aug 11, 2022

You know the latest chapter (10)...that guy looks familiar....he kind of looks like the Princess' little brother due to the clothing...but he could also just be the princess great great great great X (about maybe 2-5 more Great) grandfather too...

The little brother told the princess that he is filled with memories he never had, of his mother and father. So little bro might not actually have been lying about his statement...perhaps the magic sword if filled with the memories of the wielders from the past????

The butterfly (Spirit or possible ancestor...might not be the brother?) said he rather "I rather not it come to this, but..." Basically it was the only way Sister Sara was going to live due to the Sword Seed that got inside her rejecting her without Royal blood...(She was going to die if she didn't drink some blood XD)

Basically The spirits got confused probably or when the seed of the sword was aiming for the princess...Sister Sara got hit due to the lazy spirits...can't even aim properly.

joined Aug 11, 2022

MC got too baited by the high-class credit card when she was trying to appear money hungry(Greedy-technically only greedy cuz of anime, Gacha and wanting to pay to have SEGGS with her waifu)...The guy just casually drop the credit card and MC took the bait....

Ch.57- "I'm curious to see how a cute and funny girl like you spends money(music note)." He said "I'll be giving it to you if we get married"

MC better get a lawyer/paid for a lawyer with his credit card too while she is buying a fancy pricey engagement ring for her waifu/future wife...just in case he throws a hissy fit about her spending his (money)

I just hope MC can quickly solve the misunderstanding...and hopefully the scumbag guy doesn't get too p*ssed off when the MC tells him she doesn't want to marry him....though jeez I wonder how high the university fees and apartment rent fee are for Mashiro to keep sleeping with other women...I know she got to pay the bills somehow but if I was the MC it would still hurt a bit for me if I saw Mashiro with another woman...

[RANDOM MINI 600 WORD FANFIC STORY TIME(PLZ IGNORE IF YOU DON'T WANT TO WASTE YOUR TIME...I spend too much time and got caught up in my silly imagination XD)]

Me as MC's lawyer if I got paid by her using the credit card:
"Sir...You have said in your words that you are curious about 'how' my client will spend the 'money' and that you will be giving it her if you both got married. By it(The card) if you get married..furthermore!!! MY CLIENT HAS NEVER ACCEPT THIS DEAL OR WRITTEN AN BINDING CONTRACT!! In her word from what she told me, she just said Thanks...I'll be borrowing this for a while."

Phoenix wright posing pointing finger

"YOUR HONOR!! MY CLIENT IS INNOCENT!!....even though she is very scummy person that used said credit card to pay for a lot of expensive things such as a high class and very costly 5 star hotel and...umm paying for a Lily-flower female worker (Cough*prostitute*cough) that she currently romantically courting while also buying her an expensive 5,000,000 yen ring as gift for christmas...and also paying me to defend her as well...okay I know probably should have shut my mouth and just said she may have made a few expenses purchases -BUT MY POINT STILL STANDS THAT MY CLIENT IS INNOCENT AGAINST THE plaintiff CLAIMS!!!"

Scumbag guy: "Actually it just my prosecutor making those stupid claims, I just want to see them have SEGGS in front of my own eyes as payment. Hell I am not even asking to touch either of them even! I even have your Client written signature right here, she sign it after I told her I was going to take my card back to buy a few more expensive stuff such as high quality dresses, cosplays and lewd etc. for the woman she is courting...honestly I am not even sure what my dad is even paying my Lawyer for when I just asked him to pursuit her to not go back on her deal...not to sue her using the credit card."

Prosecutor: Awkward coughing after getting destroyed by the defense lawyer

Defense lawyer(ME): Stare at Makino with annoyed eyes while hissing to her "...You didn't mention this part..."

Makino: "Can't you do something about this with your lawyer skills or something!?! I don't want him watching me make love to Mashiro, it would be really creepy and weird!!! I am not into that sh*t"

Defense Lawyer: "Your Honor, my Client is innocent all the charges except what the the scumbad boy just said, if he agrees to not touch either of them physically. Add another woman when this happen, possibly in the body guard business if need then to ensure he only I believe this case is finished so hopefully we can stop this stupid court case..."

Makino: "Your the worst lawyer I ever hired!!"

Defense lawyer: "I am probably the only lawyer you ever hired, in fact the only lawyer willing to defend you since all the other lawyer bailed when the other side had a famous prosecutor!!! I also don't get paid enough to deal with weird sh*t...which I add that you paid me with that other scumbag's own credit card!!!"

Guy scumbag waving and smiling in the background, loudly asking if he can also record the SEGGS, Female scumbag shouting fk no and to fk off

Defense lawyer: "Is it in the contract?"

Scumbag: "Umm no?"

Defense lawyer: "Then no. You can be sued for invasion of privacy without the other person's consent! NOW CAN WE ALL JUST END THIS AND LEAVE...PLEASE?!"

Mashiro cringing and covering her red face in the background of the court full of random people of the court, embarrassed at her girlfriend/ future wife's actions (Makino had proposed a couple weeks before this court proceeding happen). It wouldn't be the weirdest thing she done but it would still be weird...she was going to have some strict stern words with her future wife...

last edited at Sep 21, 2023 12:54AM

joined Aug 11, 2022

We finally now know both sides of the story and all the context information finally...

Mika-chan is not homophobic...SHE IS JUST A FKING DENSE IDIOT(at the time angsting and worrying about her problems about yuri being treated as fictional, annoyed at people treating girls loving girls as not serious) LOL!!!

(Warning: possible long rant ahead, apologies)
People are saying that Mika was in love with Fuyu(Watanable)...but I am going to say that is very unlikely and low chance theory(I want to say stupid and bullsh*t but that would be rude)...maybe yes Mika-chan fall in love and develop a crush on Fuyu after she realized Fuyu didn't go to the same school they promised to go at (After getting over her first crush...We do not know who her crush could be the person she was talking to, could be a random girl...or it could be Watanabe/Fuyu...but I doubt it!!!).

It very vague and if Mika-chan, see there is no sign of blushing or thoughts of fear of Fuyu/Watanable being taken away by another person, no spark of positive delight wondering if Fuyu/Watanabe might be willing to date a 'girl.'

Mika-chan at the time was angry and annoyed at the so-called 'Yuri' label, that girls loving girls is being treated as 'fictional' and 'not real', angry at her friend (Unknown if it a random girl or her crush) for telling her that Mika & Watanable relationship is 'Yuri'.

See my theory is that Mika-chan, after she she got over her crush(A light hearted one) she realized how important Fuyu/Watanabe was to her...even developing some romantic or feeling of a new crush on her best friend(former best friend) + possibly realizing that she hurt her best friend with her comment/denying Yuri exist + an slight chance that she might have finally realize that Fuyu/Watanabe actually had a crush on her.

That look at Watanabe's back as Watanabe(Fuyu) walk/run away was a face of feeling some regret at a lost chance to get together with her or pursuit an chance to turn their friendship into possible romance. Basically regret and some longing at what could have been a nice romance... still I guess possible that the girl Mika-chan confessed that she had a crush on was the MC(Fuyu/Watanabe)...but if that was the case THEN SHE WAS A FKING ANGSTING DENSE IDIOT THAT MISS ALL THE OBVIOUS SIGNS LIKE BLUSHING JUST CUZ OF HER ANGSTY THOUGHTS (Yuri- girls loving girls not being treated serious and even fictional)!!! If she had a crush on Fuyu(MC) then she could made a counter point to the MC (Fuyu) asking what MC(Fuyu) would do...

See the most logically way to have Mika-chan describe her feelings was to say this: {Yuri is fictional, something that happen in story. It not anything in our world-(<< so far canon word) add this. Real life Girls loving another girl is not so perfect, I hate how people make light and treat Yuri as something fictional. I think a girl dating another girl is just as good as a girl dating a might not be yuri-like in the manga but I think it still a wonder thing. Though if a random girl confessed to me I would have to decline and asked if we could be friends first to see if dating each other is possible.}> much more wordy...but it get most of your point/feeling across..

But nope...give some vague words/sentence that can be easily misunderstood, not giving the context or thoughts while giving mentally damage to your best friend who has a crush on you...good job Mika-chan, Yes I am sure all your thoughts and feeling will be 100% transmitted to your friend as if she was a mind reader...NOT!! FUYU/WATANABE WAS NOT EVEN THE PERSON WHO BROUGHT YURI UP!!! she just asked what your reading [ch.18 as evidence] and said 'interesting' fact your the person who got Watanabe hooked into 'Yuri'

SHE DIDN'T EVEN ANSWER THE FKING QUESTION ("What would you do if a girl confessed to you")...just gave some vague words about Yuri being fictional and not something that happen in our world...what you just said sound very much like you saying that 'girls loving girls is fictional'...couldn't even say that girls loving girls IRL is different from yuri but still acceptable...
(End of Rant, apologies once again to other people actually reading my long @ss rant...)

...okay before someone says I am being too harsh and mean to Mika-chan, I am not hating her or anything...I just think her actions and lack of awareness is a bit stupid...Yes I know she was just a young teen in last year of middle school but she just spouted out words without thinking due to feeling of frustration...(Very dense to her best friend's feeling and never actually answer MC/Fuyu's question about what she would do)XD

It all just a misunderstanding...

In the end MC(Fuyu) got so closure, Mika-chan apologizing for unintentionally hurting the MC(Fuyu/Watanbe) and in the End MC finally confessing to the best girl (Best gal)/returning best girl's feeling XD

All in all, it a good chapter. Too bad it feels like the story will end in like 3-5 more chapters...though the author will probably wrap it up nicely in the end though T_T

joined Aug 11, 2022

If Lapis kills all the commoners, that means they'll have more bargaining power with regard to fair employment. Heh.

(I don't think Neko Tarou actually thought about that)

Basically it [win-win] for most parties really.

So technically it pretty much a [win-win] for both the commoners and nobles technically. (Technically Lapis wants to kill all the Anti-noble fraction, she probably willing to accept or cause random commoners + low rank nobles scum to die though in the process if she need to for her plan though XD)

The commoner left get treated better since there is less commoner/people= Reason why War can be good for the economy (True but false)...lesser people alive= more people have an chance at better employment since the employer/company cannot just pick other people willing to work for an smaller pay + The fear, effects and result of the recent revolt that was put down probably made them rethink of abusing their workers.

Though the {Anti-noble fraction} are probably b*tching and complaining about being killed but hey if they truly cared about having commoner be treated better/have a better future then they should be happy with the end result that lead to their deaths correct lol?

The nobles now don't have to worry about an revolt since a lot of commoner/Anti-noble fraction is now dead. The commoners now have to live in their after-math of the revolt being defeated, their firepower is now low while the noble side/fraction probably also suffered damage to...basically an almost statement.

Basically it an win-win for everyone except for the Anti-noble fraction + a few innocent commoners that got caught in the crossfire + (Lapis who died...though she probably didn't mind if she got her revenge like in the original game) XD

If you read the previous chapters than Lapis pretty much got her revenge or almost got her revenge (Assuming she killed at least 85% of the Anti-noble fraction before she died) in the original timeline/game.
= The Anti-noble fraction is dead, The game Heroine is now in control of the commoners + she gain a lot of respect to stand beside the prince + The prince gaining people respect for stopping Lapis' rampage while accept his fire magic.

Honestly Lapis does not care about the Commoners being abused or for commoners getting better treatment/pay for their work (Though she does look down on them for their low education and due to the Anti-noble fraction for the death of her adopted sister XD), the commoner having better lives does not make Lapis unhappy or fact the Game original plot ending could be 70% of Lapis' plans to help out the Prince and better support the kingdom while planning her Revenge.

-- Lapis does not care if commoners get better treatment or if their treatment gets worse, her current goal is to kill the {Anti-noble} fraction for revenge. She would just shrug at both good or bad options for the commoners in my opinion of what I read, it not like commoner getting better treatment will make her angry unless they are part of the {Anti-noble} fraction.
The prince & game heroine gaining respect and kingdom stability is just bonus points before her death XD

joined Aug 11, 2022


It nice to see how Lapis is both shocked and somewhat confused(+other slightly positive emotions) when the MC reveal that she knew all along her plans instead of recoiling/hating/fearing her due to disgust from revealing her true nature/plans....

Lapis is faltering(Losing some determination and having her heart go doki doki for the MC) but she is still determined to go with her original plan...Lapis is also not willing to let MC to ever die even when she is willing to die for her plan ('When the time I'll be sure to let go of your hand')

RIP Game protagonist/heroine...even though I like you and would agree with the idea of a poly relationship with all 3 of you being happy together...there might not be enough space for you...Hope you find someone else that is just as wonder in the future T_T

The sad thing is I actually agree with Lapis plan (just 75% of it- I prefer no innocent people die and Lapis not dying to take the fall to not be part of the plan) due to knowing that just because your a commoner/poor...doesn't mean your a good person. If the commoner side has a valid excuse for a revolt then their justice is valid but their reasons are not enough [feel free to disagree] and the low-tier nobles are even helping them just for an attempt to gain more power (A.K.A-scumbag nobles that probably abuse commoners)

Lapis previous adopted little sister like some comment suggest/theorize could have been killed by the commoner revolting side...possibly aid by some scum nobles to let them have the chance to kill said previous future-seeing sister. Yeah...there is a small part desire to help the prince and the kingdom become stable, purging the rotten inside the kingdom(Scum nobles) but I think more than 50% of her motives is revenge for her previous adopted sister (said little sister probably used her future-sight to save Lapis' life but died) XD

The main question is:
How are they going to solve the commoner revolt issue + How is the MC going to change things with her In-game knowledge??


The corset being too tight and how it is myth is probably true, I seen similar comments many years ago from other random people.
Though this myth might have came from misinformation/false ideas from people about the past or hearing story from women at that time period and making assumptions (Probably men at that time that weren't thinking critically)...I mean Corset are probably well-fitting but it unlikely to cause breathing problems...though it might restrict a person movement just slightly I guess.

I guess there are some women or family that tried make the lady/person in question wear a very tight corset to make them look skinny in an attempt to try to appear more attractive beyond what is considered healthy or safe (bonus suffering point if their body type is just slightly fat/thicc XD).
I guess some corset can be uncomfortable if said Corset is not designed for their body type/hand me down or if they been wearing them for a long time=then some men might hear women might complaint about it and get wrong idea + spread them???

A proper historian can give you a better accurate summary about the reason for why this myth exist I guess but there are bunch of myth floating around in the world, Example:

Lemming kill themselves by running off cliff (No, Disney forced them to run off cliff and film the poor rodents dying for views)
The Alpha and Beta wolf myth science study that an research discovered had false information due to not realizing the group of wolves were an family+children instead of an random group of wolves...he had hard time trying to get rid of the Alpha+Beta myth XD
Gold fish have short memory of only 10 to 30 seconds
etc. etc. etc.

last edited at Aug 29, 2023 8:57PM

joined Aug 11, 2022

...that guy is a fking weak fking destroyed in the very first attack(Move) lol XD

Good thing MC didn't encounter one of those pushy guys/ Toxic ML types you often find in Isekai otome manga that will say 'How interesting' :)

On one hand I am glad it was settled pretty easily but on the other hand it felt like fighting a boss fight where you won in 1 punch...Welp You have to look for someone else dude...hopefully whoever settles with you is fine with being a submissive housewife (Basically being rich and average look being his only redeeming features).

Increase Progress in MC's future yuri relationship!!!