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joined Mar 23, 2019



Every single emotion hit hard like a run away train when reading this chapter. Taiyaki you EVIL genius!

last edited at Jan 25, 2020 1:52AM

joined Mar 23, 2019


When's CH16?

1x1/2 and unrequited love are converging D:

I know right? Glad I'm not the only one that was thinking this.

joined Jun 25, 2017

I'm like you. I couldn't resist the suspense anymore. I went to Mangadex and read it.
I was like "Development! YAY!" I totally loved it, I was so thrilled...

... until the final page.



Sigh. But I guess Ayako going to Akira is development? I hope she opens up and can accept her feelings. Same way we had to see Asuka struggle with her realization. Except it's not one sided anymore. Or was it ever??? Fuck!!!

last edited at Jan 25, 2020 7:02PM by Nezchan

joined Jun 25, 2017

commenting again just to say i really want to see ayako's pov more and i will never stop saying it

From the looks of it, we are getting to see Ayako's feelings for Asuka develop, the same way we got Asukas pov. And it's soooo gooood!!! I need those 2 to be like

joined Jun 25, 2017


When's CH16?

1x1/2 and unrequited love are converging D:


Yes, although I think Ayako and Asuka have more of a chance. Lol

joined Jul 1, 2014

I hope mom talks this over with Akira and is helped to the realization that she can have her Asuka and eat her, too.

I like this comment so much.


joined Aug 12, 2013

i had a personal boycott of this story for three years because large age gap + mother/daughter incest disgusted me. but now i read every update. i still don't support those things but the character development of Ayako is so intriguing to me. plus the drama hurts so good. can't wait for the next chapter T-T

joined Jan 24, 2020

All right, even trimmed down this is probably too long a post, but this is my guess as to what's going on with Ayako and where all this is going.

So, in this chapter, Ayako thinks that "in the end, wanting to be a family with someone was just a long dream from the very beginning." We also learn that she never knew her mother, and in the first half of this chapter we saw that she was probably molested as a child. (There was some debate over it here, but I can't interpret that panel any other way.) In that same section, we also learn that she doesn't understand her own emotions. We learn in earlier chapters that she was seen as emotionless by others. She says to Asuka when Asuka first confesses that "it's probably all my fault." And then there's Akira's line about how "that you-know-what of yours proved to be effective even on your own flesh and blood", which I think is a very important line that we still don't know the exact meaning of. I think these are all connected, and that there's something here which I think is going to be at the core of how the story develops from here.

My best guess at it is this: Ayako likely had a horrific childhood, though we don't know the details of it other than that she was molested and that she never knew her mother. As a result, she's deeply traumatized and has probably always perceived herself as broken. Akira's line about "that-you-know-what of yours" seems potentially also very revealing in this context. I am guessing that Ayako may have felt herself unable to truly love another person or to forge a connection on any level other than the sexual one, and I suspect she may have had a hypersexual phase at one point as a product of her own past trauma and her attempt to pursue some level of connection that she felt like she couldn't achieve otherwise. (This part is more speculative, but the "that you-know-what of yours" line makes me think there's something like that going on.) Once she had Asuka, that changed, but she probably still feared or felt that on the deepest level, she wasn't capable of love. Atsushi and whatever happened with him likely ties in with all this, but I still don't feel like there's enough information to say how, or what that relationship was like. Ayako does seem to view him in a basically positive light, for whatever that's worth.

Finding out that Asuka was sexually attracted to her probably was, to Ayako, a confirmation of some of her worst fears. To her, it was proof that Asuka had been influenced by her own damaged nature, and that there wasn't any way that she (Ayako) could love or be loved other than in the erotic sense. At the same time, she clearly feels attraction to Asuka and has before Asuka's confession (the flashback scene with the 'delicious' bento), which she suppresses and likely, to the extent she even allows herself to acknowledge it, views as the product of her own damage. (It probably is, honestly.) This grows all the more intense as Asuka escalates things, and then, this chapter, the dam breaks and she snaps into... basically, an old, hypersexual pattern, if my theory is correct. When she comes back to herself and recognizes what's happened, she basically feels it to be confirmation that she can only truly connect with others on the sexual level, and that things would inevitably end up this way. So she goes to Akira (who I think is an important figure to Ayako in ways that still haven't been revealed), and that's where we are now. That's my best guess, anyway... we'll see how things develop.

joined Feb 7, 2015

I don't really like the turn this story took. I wasn't soo much into darker story like fucked up childhood, etc. I guess I'll wait until the story ends if it's really that dark.

joined Apr 23, 2019

It's a legit explanation, Verdant, indeed.
Honestly, whatever reason Ayako finds to XxoR Asuka, is a good one.
Otherwise they don't do it I'll send a letter full of plutonium to the author. You don't mess with a pervert's fetish without consequence.

joined May 9, 2017

damn verdant you should make your own series at this point lmao

joined Jun 5, 2016

Or...OR, hear me out... maybe Atsushi cheated on Ayako with Akira. Maybe Ayako is just sort of fed up with incest at this point. (Couldn't help myself, we have so many different theories floating around but not that one, at least not that I've seen.. lol...)

joined Oct 22, 2018

For fuck's sake Asuka you're like if Tottenham was a person


joined Feb 14, 2019

I'm feeling very optimistic about Asuka/Ayako after this chapter:
Ayako has very obviously been in denial up to this point (as if sharing a bed permanently is as simple as making sure there is enough room). Logically, if the relationship was ever going to get further than an "accidental" one night stand, she had to face reality, that it is a sexual relationship with her own daughter. There had to be a point where her denial is shattered, and the earlier that happens the lower the stakes (and the angst). What just happened was almost the least dramatic way that could happen (at least so far) - without doing anything too unforgivable she has finally faced up to the fact that what they are doing is romantic-sexual in nature, and furthermore, that she wants it. She freaked out, honestly it would be a worse sign for her mental health if she didn't, and has gone away for a day to get her head together.

tbh I don't think she has really been taking Asuka seriously, that Asuka really does want to "go all the way", wants to be her lover. She may not even have got there yet, since the is preoccupied by her own revelations.

"Asuka is my ..." she still can't even think the sentence, but now she keeps coming back to it, and that weight tells us she is finally taking it seriously. At the start of the series Asuka had had two years to get used to her feelings, and she still felt disgusted by herself. Ayako has had less than a day.

joined Aug 19, 2018

Ayako's wording of her thoughts and Asuka's dream make me wonder... Could Asuka be adopted?

Edit: I had some related theories almost two years ago, too...

Lolz. I wonder how upset people would be if that was the case. I wouldn't mind, but since incest was the main concept (sorta) than pulling a pseudo-incest would probably irk the main readers. That's just a guess, though, idk

joined Oct 23, 2018

ayako looked like she was trying to take a shit in that shower

joined Mar 23, 2019

ayako looked like she was trying to take a shit in that shower

Pretty sure she shat a few metaphorical bricks after that french kiss in the living room.

Honestly, who wouldn't with their own kin?

joined Jun 25, 2019

Ayako's wording of her thoughts and Asuka's dream make me wonder... Could Asuka be adopted?

Edit: I had some related theories almost two years ago, too...

Lolz. I wonder how upset people would be if that was the case. I wouldn't mind, but since incest was the main concept (sorta) than pulling a pseudo-incest would probably irk the main readers. That's just a guess, though, idk

Ok stop that shit rightnow Asuka is Ayako's daughter, there is no doubt about it. No adopted things or whatever.

joined Oct 23, 2018

theory: asuka is actually ayako's mother

joined Mar 3, 2019

theory: asuka is actually ayako's mother

Lesbian Pirate.
Please keep the insanity of the comments section safe. I have faith in you.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Where does the idea come from that reading about something is “supporting” the behaviors you’re reading about?

If that were true, I shudder to even think about the genres of horror or murder mysteries . . .

joined Dec 5, 2019

"Hurry up and open your mouth already"

Damn, mom knows best.

joined Jan 24, 2018

turns to akira the only one who has a clue of what both these freaks feeling for each other
I think there's some more angst to endure, but Akira will sort em out in the next few chapters... Left in an abyss of angst after every chapter.... "She's my....." God dammit!!! Wtf is she Ayako?!?!?

joined Aug 22, 2016

...I really like Verdant's read on this.

There's a lot we don't know about Ayako's past, tho... Here's the little we do know:
Her mother died shortly after her birth. We can infer she was sexually abused as a child. We wouldn't know by whom (may have even been a relative) or for how long (not that once wasn't enough). Growing up, she was considered pretty, "something of a celebrity" even, and nicknamed "the never smiling goddess" at university. She met Akira at university, started tutoring Akira's little brother who proposed to her as soon he turned 18. He died less than a year later in an accident, never learning Ayako was pregnant.
Akira helped Ayako raise Asuka (infering she could or would not turn to her own relatives), to the point Asuka considered Akira a father-figure. Akira at least once tried to make her move on (a sleeping!) Ayako. Which Asuka witnessed and since then regarded Akira as an antagonist... While always being very attentive (while ingenuous) in her role as a mother, Ayako at some point a) overexposed Atsushi's image on Asuka (when Asuka gave her sleeping mother a kiss) and b) thought of Asuka as "delicious" and c) while all loving mothers eventually have to learn to let their child go, this one developed outright jealousy.

I feel the story has finally reached a point where I need to re-read everything in one go (and it shall be worth the while)...

For now, and until I do, I only have one question that's bugging me:


joined Aug 23, 2015

incest, a game the whole family can play

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