Forum › 1 x ½ discussion

joined Jun 25, 2017

I am no expert but the opinions on the first page send were harsh from u/ lol I wonder if I should keep going ,it seems theres a lot to do and a lot of font to change in one page

Be an Asuka. She don't give a f#@k about anyone opinion. She loves her mother. Lol

joined Oct 23, 2018

i'm crying this chapter really is cursed what the fuck man
also it was kinda hilarious how asuka just woke up the next day not bothered at all

joined Sep 9, 2017

I am no expert but the opinions on the first page send were harsh from u/ lol I wonder if I should keep going ,it seems theres a lot to do and a lot of font to change in one page

You gave it a honest try but in the end I decided that we should wait for /yuri/ anon. It shouldn't be more than a couple of days now anyway. Sorry!

joined Dec 26, 2014

I am no expert but the opinions on the first page send were harsh from u/ lol I wonder if I should keep going ,it seems theres a lot to do and a lot of font to change in one page

You gave it a honest try but in the end I decided that we should wait for /yuri/ anon. It shouldn't be more than a couple of days now anyway. Sorry!

It's ok :)

joined Jun 25, 2017

Thanks for trying, we just got to be patient. /Yuri/ anon always pull through with translations. ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

joined Apr 6, 2019

Aah, atashi no daisuki no 1 x ½...
Why must you make me wait so...
But I'll wait for you! I'll wait for you as long as it takes! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

joined Mar 27, 2019

Checking every hour for the update

Instead of checkign u guys could be having sex with ur moms

joined Jun 5, 2016

Instead of checkign u guys could be having sex with ur moms

Why would I do that when I can do the sex to your mom instead, like I do every night?

joined Jun 20, 2017

*well actually I've read the first few chapters as they were coming out, but it made me too uncomfortable so I haven't touched it since.

What made you change your mind about reading it again? I'm genuinely curious.

I just noticed you asked me this two months ago, sorry. I think the reason is that there's a certain shock factor when you're reading it for the first time, but having had many months to get used to the fact that this manga is a thing kinda allows me to read it in a more "detached" manner (i.e. not stopping to think about how things are messed up, and certainly not putting myself in any of the character's shoes).

joined Feb 22, 2018

I noticed something in the flashback chapters. And it makes sense in context with other chapters and the title.

Ayako has two personalities. One (I dub the Paragon or first 1/2) that's "mom", and another (I call the Incubus or second 1/2) who is sexually aggressive. Asuka has been routinely assaulted by the Incubus, which explains her sexual confusion, as she has no idea of her mother's condition. There's also asymmetry between the two personalities, as the Paragon is dominant but also unaware of the Incubus, tending to blackout when the Incubus is active. The Incubus is otherwise fully aware of her surroundings when not active, but can only be activated by the Paragon's feelings of sexual arousal or jealousy, or when the Paragon is in deep sleep.

Also the Incubus appears to possess a form of telepathy that she uses to pacify her victims.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Arcane, if you ever want anyone outside of your own brainpan to agree that your outlandish theories “make sense,” you might try grounding those interpretations in specific examples from the text under discussion, and then referring readers to those specific examples.

As it is, you’ve basically said: there’s a part of Ayako that strives to be a responsible adult parent, and a part of her that is attracted to Asuka, a reading that any literate person could generate without recourse to archetypal dark-fantasy jargon.

joined Aug 16, 2018

^ Ah, a sane person. Good.

joined Jun 25, 2017

Checking every hour for the update


(ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻


joined Sep 6, 2018

Holy shit this manga has 97 pages of comments how is that even possible

Holy shit this manga has 97 pages of comments how is that even possible

Lots of people want a 10/10 mom maybe

joined Jun 25, 2017

Holy shit this manga has 97 pages of comments how is that even possible

Lots of people want a 10/10 mom maybe

Lots of readers. Needs an anime already.

joined Mar 27, 2019

Is there still no update? I might cry. I need Ayako

joined Oct 15, 2014

Is there still no update? I might cry. I need Ayako

Typesetter needs a little more time due to the abundance of sound effects. You can probably take that as a sign that it's gonne be an interesting chapter

joined Jun 25, 2019

Typesetter needs a little more time due to the abundance of sound effects.

Heavy breathing

joined Jun 5, 2016

I've seen the teaser, that's a lot of "chu" lol

joined Mar 27, 2019

Typesetter needs a little more time due to the abundance of sound effects.

Heavy breathing

I don't mean to rush typesetter >_< you're doing god's work. This comment actually made me even more anxious for the chapter

last edited at Jan 20, 2020 6:18PM

joined Jun 25, 2017

Typesetter needs a little more time due to the abundance of sound effects.

Heavy breathing

I don't mean to rush typesetter >_< you're doing god's work. This comment actually made me even more anxious for the chapter



joined Jun 25, 2017

Typesetter needs a little more time due to the abundance of sound effects.

Heavy breathing

I don't mean to rush typesetter >_< you're doing god's work. This comment actually made me even more anxious for the chapter



With you doing God's work. Lol

joined Oct 22, 2018

The only way for me to descrive how I felt throughout reading this manga is:
mixed feelings intensify

About this comment:

Instead of checkign u guys could be having sex with ur moms

Why would I do that when I can do the sex to your mom instead, like I do every night?

Daaaaaaayyuum! I didn't expect to ever see a comment of this type on Dynasty!

Also about that comment:
It reminded me of this video

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