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joined Nov 13, 2019

I think the implication with that reincarnation bit is that Shio has inherited the same brokenness that made Sato what she was: a psychopath for whom empathy and love almost impossible(hence rejecting her brother the second time) and, more tragically, like Sato, does not even register her own mental state as being abnormal. Being such a young age when this transpires, abnormal mental state(i.e. lacking in empathy) will be her normal.
I think that anything resembling a normal relationship will be beyond both her ability and desire, with the mirror implying that Sato is, was, and always will be, the only relationship that shall ever have meaning for her. With Sato now dead, the memories that Shio has are the only thing remaining of Sato, and the only thing Shio will ever deem precious and are completely part of her.

i honestly don't pick that up at all. Just because one is related by blood doesn't make it a healthy or loving connection. Asahi was broken by his experiences with his dad, and basically 'worshiped' an ideal life of him, his sister, and his mother, his sister attaining a similar purity to Taiyou's ideal of her. This is a big reason she says she is dirty to Taiyou; she's rejecting that role. So of course she rejects her brother. That's also why she sees a younger version of him clinging to the real him; he's basically slowly became another variant of their father.

While Sato did bad things, she really didn't do any of them in front of Shio. Even when Sato admitted to doing bad things, she still worked at protecting Shio. And Shio got a form of love and affection that Sato never learned. i see it as Shio taking the best parts of her relationship with Sato, and learning to live for herself, not to be an idol, or represent purity, or as a burden to others.

Swear ta gods, feels like i'm the only one seeing this from a survivor mindset, having been in similar situations (though not to the extremes of this manga).

Only in manga can the murderer protag get the pass of "well atleast she didn't mutilate people right in front of the loli". The writer should be ashamed.

How dare this author write something I don't like but kept reading like a idiot they should be ashamed

Your trying to hard also the manga writer gave us the same ending as the anime 1 year after.

last edited at Nov 14, 2019 11:05PM

joined Nov 13, 2019

I am honestly and truly shocked that people read this story and were like wow I cant believe the pink haired girl and the loli cant be together forever! They were in a good and healthy relationship!

Like did ya'll forget the part where the pink haired chick MURDERED SOMEONE? Remember that part!? Would y'all really choose a murderer over a neglectful parent to raise a child? Wasn't there, at one point, bodies in the same house as the kid?

This story was a terrible, pretentious schlock with people never really making any rational decisions. Everything in this story had to add to the "spook" factor no matter how badly it threw off the plot. The only person who acted like a real person was the friend, but of course she has to die because every relevant character in this story is somehow a mentally deranged lunatic or a serial killer or an abuser.

This story was at best a 2/10. I'm glad its over.

shit taste confirmed. also she only killed one person who did not deserved all other deaths were justified.

joined Jun 4, 2018

shit taste confirmed. also she only killed one person who did not deserved all other deaths were justified.

One isn't enough?

last edited at Nov 15, 2019 7:12PM

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

shit taste confirmed. also she only killed one person who did not deserved all other deaths were justified.

One isn't enough?

Everyone knows you get one freebie before your immortal soul becomes permanently stained with blackest sin. It's in the bible, or Kant, or something.

joined Jul 29, 2017

shit taste confirmed. also she only killed one person who did not deserved all other deaths were justified.

One isn't enough?

Everyone knows you get one freebie before your immortal soul becomes permanently stained with blackest sin. It's in the bible, or Kant, or something.

It’s the “Needed Killing” exception to the prohibition on homicide.

That’s considered a form of public service, actually.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

It’s the “Needed Killing” exception to the prohibition on homicide.

That’s considered a form of public service, actually.

Japan is notoriously accepting of vigilantism.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

Serenata posted:

In real life, a lot of people get away with murder and die of old age

I was reading a statistic the other day about how in the US apparently only ~40% of murders result in a conviction.

shenron67 posted:

Didn't expect that ending, but didn't expect anything else either.
I just wish Sato's friend was still alive, she didn't deserve that...

She didn't but she really brought it upon herself. She failed to understand Sato and then in Sato's eyes betrayed her, endangering the single most important thing to Sato. If she hadn't gone about things so stupidly she probably wouldn't have died and things could've found a better ending.

sirflimflam posted:

shit taste confirmed. also she only killed one person who did not deserved all other deaths were justified.

One isn't enough?

One death is never enough.

schuyguy Uploader
Yuri Project
joined Jul 14, 2016

She didn't but she really brought it upon herself. She failed to understand Sato and then in Sato's eyes betrayed her, endangering the single most important thing to Sato. If she hadn't gone about things so stupidly she probably wouldn't have died and things could've found a better ending.

And we're back. Apparently victim-blaming is obviously wrong when it comes to rape but it's perfectly acceptable when it's only something as minor as murder.

joined Jun 25, 2019

She didn't but she really brought it upon herself. She failed to understand Sato and then in Sato's eyes betrayed her, endangering the single most important thing to Sato. If she hadn't gone about things so stupidly she probably wouldn't have died and things could've found a better ending.

And we're back. Apparently victim-blaming is obviously wrong when it comes to rape but it's perfectly acceptable when it's only something as minor as murder.

It's easier to blame a dead person than a living one and well murder had circimstance sometime when Rape can never be justified in any way.

Alice Cheshire Moderator
joined Nov 7, 2014

schuyguy posted:

She didn't but she really brought it upon herself. She failed to understand Sato and then in Sato's eyes betrayed her, endangering the single most important thing to Sato. If she hadn't gone about things so stupidly she probably wouldn't have died and things could've found a better ending.

And we're back. Apparently victim-blaming is obviously wrong when it comes to rape but it's perfectly acceptable when it's only something as minor as murder.

I'm not blaming her for getting murdered so much as saying she made a mistake that could have easily been avoided. She put too much trust in Sato despite Sato having just been revealed as a more fucked up individual than she'd thought.

joined Aug 12, 2013

I check in on this trash story maybe once a year when I have nothing else to read. Just to see if Sato gets put away and punished and Shio gets reunited with her mother and brother. But nope. Sato goes out "heroic" and idolized. Little Shio is now fucked up ten times more than before and beyond repair. Wooooo.

joined Jun 25, 2019

Shio gets reunited with her mother and brother.

Oh yeah, it's true the mom is a better human being. Not like she abandon her in the street.

joined Dec 13, 2015

I can see why people are disappointed it was pretty much the same ending as the anime, but I did think the anime's ending was pretty good so I have no complaints ig.

Narratively we'd been building to Sato's death the moment she decided to kill her friend; that Shio seems to be going down a similar path is bleak, but i find it kind of cathartic too. Sometimes trauma just changes you, and frankly there was just no genuinely "good person" role model in Shio's life, so this makes sense. NGL I may have been hoping for the happy ending bc I love the characters, but at the same time I appreciate that the writer didn't chicken out and just give us an unrealistically happy end, choosing instead to give us a finale that was coherent with what came before.

joined Oct 23, 2018

i hate this manga i don't care what none of yall say about a unrealistic happy ending i ain't a realistic person that building could have become sentinent and stayed upright on it's own to let them escape for all i care i just wanted my girls to go cruising in the bahamas together

i hate it but it was good all around

joined Jun 12, 2019

Was hoping it would end a little different from the manga

joined Nov 13, 2019

Was hoping it would end a little different from the manga

the anime ended first the mangaka ended the manga same way as the anime which was a slap in the face and waste of time.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Was hoping it would end a little different from the manga

the anime ended first the mangaka ended the manga same way as the anime which was a slap in the face and waste of time.

I'm very curious--I can understand wishing for another outcome to the story, but in what way is the ending a "slap in the face"?

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Blastaar posted:

Was hoping it would end a little different from the manga

the anime ended first the mangaka ended the manga same way as the anime which was a slap in the face and waste of time.

I'm very curious--I can understand wishing for another outcome to the story, but in what way is the ending a "slap in the face"?

Probably the fact that usually when anime airs and ends before manga finish, it's assumed the ending is anime original, so people were expecting different outcome from manga, but because it ended the same way, people feel like anime spoiled the ending for them? Or worse, the original ending author had in mind, was forced to be changed because of anime.

joined Oct 19, 2019

Are there seriously people who think the author changed the ending of the manga, because of the anime? It seems obvious to me that the mangaka was involved in writing the conclusion of the anime.

joined Jul 29, 2017

Blastaar posted:

Was hoping it would end a little different from the manga

the anime ended first the mangaka ended the manga same way as the anime which was a slap in the face and waste of time.

I'm very curious--I can understand wishing for another outcome to the story, but in what way is the ending a "slap in the face"?

Probably the fact that usually when anime airs and ends before manga finish, it's assumed the ending is anime original, so people were expecting different outcome from manga, but because it ended the same way, people feel like anime spoiled the ending for them? Or worse, the original ending author had in mind, was forced to be changed because of anime.

I know that a lot of people have been hoping against hope for a "happy" ending for the MCs since well before there even was an anime, but as was discussed here pretty extensively, IIRC, there really weren't a lot of plausible ways to get to such an ending, and "happily ever after" would be a notable reversal of tone for the entire series anyway.

EDIT: Also, what Belial said.

last edited at Nov 22, 2019 9:49AM

joined Jun 25, 2019

Are there seriously people who think the author changed the ending of the manga, because of the anime? It seems obvious to me that the mangaka was involved in writing the conclusion of the anime.

Then again Kunihiko Ikuhara have written Yuri Kuma Arashi the manga and have produced and written Yuri Kuma Arashi the anime and god down the anime and the manga are nothing alike.

joined Nov 13, 2019

Are there seriously people who think the author changed the ending of the manga, because of the anime? It seems obvious to me that the mangaka was involved in writing the conclusion of the anime.

Then the way continue manga if end is the same also slot of people hated ending.

joined Nov 13, 2019

I know that a lot of people have been hoping against hope for a "happy" ending for the MCs since well before there even was an anime, but as was discussed here pretty extensively, IIRC, there really weren't a lot of plausible ways to get to such an ending, and "happily ever after" would be a notable reversal of tone for the entire series anyway.

The ending could left anonymous or Satou getting arrested for kidnapping. Getting out years later getting back with teenage Shio.

last edited at Nov 22, 2019 10:46AM

joined Oct 19, 2019

Then again Kunihiko Ikuhara have written Yuri Kuma Arashi the manga and have produced and written Yuri Kuma Arashi the anime and god down the anime and the manga are nothing alike.

The anime is the original though, and the manga exists just to promote the anime. It's quite normal for anime > manga adaptions to be different.

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

Belial posted:

It seems obvious to me that the mangaka was involved in writing the conclusion of the anime.

I agree it's way more likely conclusion, but I do have to sympathize with manga fans. Anime usually is made specifically to hype or promote manga. The fact anime spoiled the true ending does feel like a terrible marketing decision. It doesn't matter for when manga is finished, but when people don't like the ending there's high chance people will actually stop buying it exactly, because they know now how it ends and they didn't like it. Then again, maybe they would still buy it convinced anime ending was original and manga will end differently. You know what? It might be the most brilliant marketing decision to simultaneously make your fans buy your manga and hate you forever.

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