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joined Mar 25, 2019

Why are y’all so salty. The story was never yuri, it was never about yuri, it was never tagged yuri, it doesn’t need to be yuri. Why would you expect it to be yuri?

Konatsu has never been the best at handling her emotions, that’s her whole thing from the beginning. She has always held herself back and the strain from that is finally becoming too much. This has always been where her character was going, she’s learning to be selfish. Character development doesn’t always mean that the character is moving towards an objective good, it means the character is reevaluating they’re previous behavior and coming to understand themselves better.

And the whole thing about alcohol, I don’t know exactly how things are in your country, but in a lot of Asian countries the barrier is quite high. There’s a lot of social stigma to drinking alcohol, especially when you’re underaged and a girl. So it makes sense for sheltered girl like Honami to feel uncomfortable with it. And the whole point of that scene wasn’t the alcohol, it was about her struggle to be true to herself which has been her arc for a couple of chapters now.

joined Jun 25, 2019

The story was never yuri

Have we read the same manga ?

joined Jul 29, 2017

i know what this is all about

Me too—the turtle told me.

joined Jan 6, 2015

I have to be honest, this angsty swamp is starting to annoy me.

joined Nov 18, 2014

how about u talk about it? eyeroll

joined Jul 19, 2018

That's the point though, Konatsu is being selfish. She's not acting the way she is out of a need for Koyuki's companionship caused by her own loneliness, she has Kaede and other friends to avoid feeling lonely. The issue is that she subconsciously grew fond of being Koyuki's only friend and confidant and once Koyuki managed to start making other friends (spurred on by Konatsu herself at that), Konatsu lost that special placement and is now trying to get her back under her "control" even though she knows she shouldn't.

It's pretty obvious when you consider the Salamander short story and see how the author keeps placing the frog and salamander metaphorically around the two girls. The frog is the character who initially lives freely, ends up entering the salamander's cave and gets trapped there by it because its presence eases the salamander's loneliness, even though the salamander knows that keeping the frog trapped will make it lonely as well. The initial setup of the story likened Konatsu to the frog and Koyuki to the salamander since the former was the one who ended up involved with the latter's aquarium club and stuck around to ease her loneliness. Now the metaphor has been flipped (ever since Konatsu saw Koyuki and Kaede walking around) so that Koyuki is the frog who would normally be free with her new friends and Konatsu is the salamander who wants to keep her trapped against her best interests.

Of course I'm oversimplifying things and it's only a partial analysis based on the current point in the story, but that's the gist of it and I don't think I'm off the mark due to all the visual metaphors.


joined Aug 23, 2015

is probably the general consensus

joined Nov 3, 2018

Man, Konatsu is a mess. And she seemed to be the relatively well-adjusted one until a while back.

joined Sep 8, 2019

Jeez, the angst...


joined Mar 27, 2018

How is this not gay?

joined Jul 29, 2017

How is this not gay?

An unanswerable question.

joined Nov 3, 2018

How is this not gay?

Maybe Konatsu said 'no homo' offscreen.

Random Wanderer
joined Dec 3, 2016

Maybe if you two WOULD JUST FREAKING TALK TO EACH OTHER you wouldn't be in this morass of unnecessary angst!

joined Oct 21, 2017

I have a bit of dumb question will this series have a happy ending?

joined Nov 3, 2018

Well, Konatsu actually snapped at Koyuki in this chapter so it's unlikely they'll just be able to restore the status quo without talking to sort things out. Though that in itself might take a while with them not acting friendly with each other in the meantime.

I must admit I'm starting to get suspicious of Konatsu's almost morbid attachment to Koyuki. Last chapter she stated their connection was formed out of shared loneliness, but now she's arguing that even if she was to be surrounded by other people and not feel lonely, it would still amount to nothing without Koyuki there. Kinda getting harder to see it as mere friendship, so I want to see where the author takes things.

I have a bit of dumb question will this series have a happy ending?

The short story it's based on arguably didn't, it ended with the salamander keeping the frog trapped in its cave with both being incapable of either admitting they enjoy each other's company or agreeing to break things off and letting the frog go. You could say we're currently at that same stage in this manga, but I don't think it can end like that simply because Konatsu has no means of stopping Koyuki from leaving once she graduates. They'll be forced to come to a conclusion.

last edited at Oct 27, 2019 8:33AM

Nevrilicious Scans
joined Jun 5, 2015

That's exactly why I was so angry she thought Konatsu won't get it and didn't talk to her about being lonely. This conflict could be resolved ages ago.

joined Apr 1, 2014

I read this chapter with "I want to break free" song in my head

joined Jul 16, 2013

Though that in itself might take a while with them not acting friendly with each other in the meantime.

Gods please now. The two have barely interacted at all for the last RL year or so. Another half a year with them maybe exchanging 2 words would be hell.

joined May 2, 2018

joined Feb 10, 2016

Why are y’all so salty. The story was never yuri, it was never about yuri, it was never tagged yuri, it doesn’t need to be yuri. Why would you expect it to be yuri?

I think the frustration is because Koyuki clearly has, or used to have, a massive crush on Konatsu.

I still think this will end in """"yuri"""

joined Feb 10, 2016

I have a bit of dumb question will this series have a happy ending?

Depends on what you consider a happy ending.

An ending where they'll talk things out and continue smoothly on their path of super gal pals?

Or an ending where they'll finally admit to each other than what they feel goes beyond platonic friendship?

joined Jan 24, 2018

"Previously on useless lesbians".... I dunno.....*glassy eyed staring while inner monologuing*... maybe...*silenence*.....*feelings* .....probably.....*more silence*...... nah not today

last edited at Oct 27, 2019 10:02AM

joined Apr 20, 2013

I remember that senpai wanted something like this to happen too back when she came with the news about the graduation and she also called Konatsu a stupid when there wasn't a reaction (but she didn't say it to her face lol).... And now here it is, but it's more intense than she thought.

I really thought they would talk things out, I mean, considering she's perfectly aware of her loneliness, selfishness and her((((not lizard)))) for senpai... And still, her sadness made her run away... Run to where? what are you gonna do now? and does senpai even realizes what's going on? or are we going to have sad faces internal monologues without talking about it for the next chapter too? T-T

last edited at Oct 27, 2019 10:44AM

joined Jan 17, 2017

Confess to her already

joined Feb 23, 2016

I think it had Yuri before it became Subtext... so this should just become yuri already you know. Mall those moments they had, and them close ups..

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