Forum › Tadokoro-san (web comic) discussion

joined Dec 13, 2017

Am I the only one who thought she looked adorable sobbing like that? Nope, just me? Aight

Yes. I almost puked.

joined Feb 8, 2019

I agree with those who don't want a redemption for Kirigaya but i think it would be funny if the author made her turn into some kind of bodyguard of the relationship between Tadokoro and Nikaidou. I mean, we already saw that her heart was beating faster when she saw them flirting despite the fact that it was her crush with another person, so even if she tries to hide it, everybody know that she ship them together.

joined Aug 4, 2018

Back already!

Aww, no ultraviolence... I thought the bully would be butchered and her mangled remains fed to the crows. Instead, she only received psychological damage. Boo!

Well, anyway, I don't think we'll hear about her ever again. Y'all don't worry about some redemption arc bullshit, that's not gonna happen. It would be a huge waste of space, and that's not how this 4-page-a-chapter manga works.

joined Sep 6, 2011

Did I just see someone being executed?

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Back already!

Aww, no ultraviolence... I thought the bully would be butchered and her mangled remains fed to the crows. Instead, she only received psychological damage. Boo!

That would upset Todakoro-san so it wasn't on the table in the first place.

Firefly Fanatic
joined Feb 22, 2019


joined Oct 4, 2018

"I despise you!" Walks away with girlfriend in her arms

joined Aug 13, 2018

My guess is that Tadokoro forgives her and then Kirigaya falls for her angelic smile and mercy.

joined Mar 13, 2014

Should I call the cops for that murder?

joined Sep 6, 2011

That would upset Todakoro-san so it wasn't on the table in the first place.

She's going to make Nikaidou forgive the bully. Nikaidou is going to love Tadokoro even more for it and the bully is going to ship them so hard she's gonna get a nosebleed.

joined Mar 22, 2018

Did I just see someone being executed?

With her crazy eyes, this reminded me of Danganronpa style executions, ha.

joined Jan 17, 2017


joined Oct 9, 2017

The drawings irritates me, the scenario is absurd, the characters have no depths... I just dont get how this got 1000+ comments. Maybe I'm growing old ? :(

joined May 8, 2017


joined Jun 11, 2018

Lol idk i cant help but follow it. its funny and simple, maybe thats why

joined Apr 18, 2016

The drawings irritates me, the scenario is absurd, the characters have no depths... I just dont get how this got 1000+ comments. Maybe I'm growing old ? :(

It's like a wish-fulfillment doujin parody of Tomoko and Asuka, with all the character flaws filed off.

joined Mar 15, 2017

Reading this feels like reading a deviantart or tumblr fanfic. Tadakoro is the author self insert to the point where she's also an artist and Nikaidou is the author's "ideal lover" which is a bland mary sue that solves all of Tadakoro's (the author's) problems simply by existing. This wasn't a big deal during the SoL chapters but once an actual antagonist (bully-san) appears it really becomes obvious how ridiculous these characters are. I'm 99% sure that the author was also bullied during highschool days and this 'bully saga' is her imagining how better her life would be if a 'Nikaidou' exists back then to stop her bullying problem (and all her other problems).

joined Jan 11, 2019

I'm sure she's just going to get a stern talking to.
One that leaves her on her knees, having seizures, and in need of a change of underwear.

Well, not quite, but still pretty close, shadesan.

joined May 8, 2017

Sylke posted:

The drawings irritates me, the scenario is absurd, the characters have no depths... I just dont get how this got 1000+ comments. Maybe I'm growing old ? :(

Maybe because it's just for pure enjoyment and wish fulfillment? It's not meant to be taken seriously. And the main character interactions are cute.

last edited at Apr 19, 2019 1:36PM

joined Aug 16, 2018

She's going to make Nikaidou forgive the bully. Nikaidou is going to love Tadokoro even more for it and the bully is going to ship them so hard she's gonna get a nosebleed.

Tadokoro is a nice girl, not an Angel Character. There's a big difference, you know.

She loves Nikaidou, she's willing to do any self-sacrifice for Nikaidou, but she doesn't give a shit about Kirigaya.

Tadokoro & Nikaidou prolly forgot Kirigaya even exists 1 minute after leaving her behind.

joined Jan 23, 2016

Well I very much liked this resolution. Quite a few bullies in anime get away with everything so it's wonderful to see one that doesn't.

joined Aug 16, 2018

I just dont get how this got 1000+ comments. Maybe I'm growing old ? :(

Maybe because it's just for pure enjoyment and wish fulfillment? It's not meant to be taken seriously. And the main character interactions are cute.

Yes, indeed. Quoting from the comments for the previous chapter:

"Tadokoro-san" is well liked by the crowd here, but for a short 4-page chapter to see such a massive and enthusiastic reaction in such a short time... well, I do think it's a first.

I surmise it has to do with the straightforwardness and unpretentiousness of the currently developing plot. A cute, sweet, helpless heroine everybody likes. A villain with a heart black as pitch who torments her. A hero who is the very image of a knight in shining armor who arrives just in time to save the damsel and mete out punishment to the miscreant. It has a charming simplicity it's difficult not to enjoy. v^_^v

joined Apr 6, 2016

Never have I seen anyone cry so hard that their face actually melts.

joined Jul 26, 2016


joined Jul 11, 2018

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