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joined Sep 14, 2014

Maybe I'm becoming too open-minded or I don't know but the sex between Katra and Io felt super natural and right to me. That's the point, nobody is nobody's girl, everyone is truly free and loves every member of that village equally. This little act of sex was just an act of friendship and Mira expressed it really well. The two had ideal chemistry, they were thankful to each other and happy that they talked, so sex was like...buying a delicious snack for your partner - a wish to show one's gratitude, to deepen the bound between them. And it was honest because both Katra and Io treat sex as nothing more than showing all sorts of love: for a friend, for a lover etc. Now if Juna hooks up with some random chick - that would feel unnatural.

And hey, Io remains Kidaha's most important woman, so why would she leave? Who said that Kidaha loves Katra the same way as Io? It's obvious the reason is Juna, if Katra paired up with Mifuri and continued to live happily with everyone, Kidaha would treat it the same she always does. But here came Juna - equally strong, arrogant child who rivals Kidaha in her leadership and wants to take one of the girls away, forever. Anyone would get their pride hurt and make a mess out of it, especially Kidaha. So I don't see any problems here.

That's exactly how I saw it, I think the whole scene of Katra and Io in the mountain was just perfect, probably this was my favorite chapter in this arc.

The story just keeps getting better in my opinion.

joined Jan 27, 2016

I love polyamory stories but god this feels like such a shallow representation of a poly relationship that really just exists to justify mixing up the sex pairings without much consideration for the actual dynamics of the relationships.

joined Feb 23, 2016

I guess i’m okey with and how it went ...

last edited at Dec 26, 2018 10:12PM

joined May 30, 2013

I'm glad that drama got nowhere.

I mean really. I just want to see girls sleeping through all their problems.

joined Sep 6, 2018

That first page of chapter 7 was great.. that must have taken a while to draw up. Seeing the entire ensemble of characters in a single cell/page is great to see. Mira never disappoints.

Looking forward to more of her works.

It’s hard to draw up a polyamory story with so many characters as the relationship dynamics are too complex. The relationship chart took a while to grind through, but that’s what makes the story worth reading... a Stone Age soap opera.

joined May 27, 2018

Maybe I'm becoming too open-minded or I don't know but the sex between Katra and Io felt super natural and right to me. That's the point, nobody is nobody's girl, everyone is truly free and loves every member of that village equally. This little act of sex was just an act of friendship and Mira expressed it really well. The two had ideal chemistry, they were thankful to each other and happy that they talked, so sex was like...buying a delicious snack for your partner - a wish to show one's gratitude, to deepen the bound between them. And it was honest because both Katra and Io treat sex as nothing more than showing all sorts of love: for a friend, for a lover etc. Now if Juna hooks up with some random chick - that would feel unnatural.

It’s not that I don’t get the polygamy aspect of the manga. I don’t mind everyone loving on each other, but my interpretation of Io is that she wasn’t just sleeping with anyone but Kidaha. I feel like she’s completely devoted to her. It’s like watching all the other established couples randomly have sex with a different character. If everyone’s just sleeping around anyway, then what’s the point of even calling themselves “Kidaha’s wives” or bothering to separate from Kidaha when they get together with one another.

Also I don’t recall anyone just messing around as just friends in the previous chapters. (Aside from Katra) Either they expressed love or fell in love after. I’m not saying characters can’t fool around if they want, but aside from kidaha it doesn’t seem like they’re all doing that. Also, Also, going from “I love kidaha, please leave her” to “ok let’s have friendship sex now” caught me off guard.

joined Aug 27, 2013

It’s not that I don’t get the polygamy aspect of the manga. I don’t mind everyone loving on each other, but my interpretation of Io is that she wasn’t just sleeping with anyone but Kidaha. I feel like she’s completely devoted to her. It’s like watching all the other established couples randomly have sex with a different character. If everyone’s just sleeping around anyway, then what’s the point of even calling themselves “Kidaha’s wives” or bothering to separate from Kidaha when they get together with one another.

Also I don’t recall anyone just messing around as just friends in the previous chapters. (Aside from Katra) Either they expressed love or fell in love after. I’m not saying characters can’t fool around if they want, but aside from kidaha it doesn’t seem like they’re all doing that. Also, Also, going from “I love kidaha, please leave her” to “ok let’s have friendship sex now” caught me off guard.

I don't exactly see how Io is oh-so-devoted to Kidaha, she herself made her sleep with other girls, literally, because she was tired of having constant sex with Kidaha. That pretty much shows her relationships with polygamy - she's all up for it! She treats sex the exact same way Kidaha does, she just didn't need other girls cuz she has weaker libido.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Ooh I really liked this chapter. It was refreshing and a bit more touching than everyone just fighting over Katra

joined Oct 21, 2017

It's nice to see Io & Kidaha made up.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Io's a tsun

joined Jul 30, 2015

Finally ;D

joined Feb 6, 2014

It’s not that I don’t get the polygamy aspect of the manga. I don’t mind everyone loving on each other, but my interpretation of Io is that she wasn’t just sleeping with anyone but Kidaha. I feel like she’s completely devoted to her. It’s like watching all the other established couples randomly have sex with a different character. If everyone’s just sleeping around anyway, then what’s the point of even calling themselves “Kidaha’s wives” or bothering to separate from Kidaha when they get together with one another.

Also I don’t recall anyone just messing around as just friends in the previous chapters. (Aside from Katra) Either they expressed love or fell in love after. I’m not saying characters can’t fool around if they want, but aside from kidaha it doesn’t seem like they’re all doing that. Also, Also, going from “I love kidaha, please leave her” to “ok let’s have friendship sex now” caught me off guard.

I don't exactly see how Io is oh-so-devoted to Kidaha, she herself made her sleep with other girls, literally, because she was tired of having constant sex with Kidaha. That pretty much shows her relationships with polygamy - she's all up for it! She treats sex the exact same way Kidaha does, she just didn't need other girls cuz she has weaker libido.

Io was the only who embodied the perfect wife image in the whole serie for me. No cheat, only sex with Kidaha, whose she really loves. So thats why I did not like the sex between her and Katra. Also there was enough Kidaha "cheaters" and friend sex already in the serie, this one more really was not neccessary. But that is my personal opinion and preference. This is a good serie anyway.

At Page 036 - I tought for a sec there will be group sex.
At Page 060 - I really feel sorry for Kidaha... she is a victim on the events and seems she is still not happy as before.
Hope Io is prepared for the biggest sacrifice in her life. More sex with Kidaha, if she wants to keep her :D

last edited at Dec 27, 2018 7:09AM

joined Jun 30, 2017

So damn cute!

joined Oct 27, 2011

I love IO so much!!! And now i even love her more ! for the 'devoting wife' aspect but also her cool and cute character (according to Kafra and Kidada). Mira even focus 100% on IO's cuteness in chap 7. Bad for my little heart.

joined Jan 30, 2018

I think Kidaha needs to find some more wives fast or Io won't survive.

joined Jun 21, 2018

I always knew Io was a little tsundere inside.

joined Sep 21, 2015

Katra x Io best ship ever.

joined Aug 11, 2014

I think I didn't really like the scene between Io and Katra, not because I think Io should be exclusive to Kidaha necessarily, or even that they were too casual about having sex, but just because I think Io's too good for Katra. Katra's weird little harem is fine, they're all basically dumb kids who don't really think things through (plus Kidaha, who's a dumb adult who doesn't really think things through) but I thought Io would have better options at least.

joined Jan 11, 2018

Oh cool the protagonist from the first part is going to be the future leader.

joined May 30, 2013

Oh Juna is my favorite. Hope she does well.

joined Sep 6, 2018

Wow, year-round warm temperatures from geothermal hot springs, precious stone quarry, ample wildlife for game meat... why doesn’t other tribes try to violently push out this tribe of women and take over their territory?

Oh, wait, that must be the sequel... or the area is volcanically active and the stones are radioactive, too. (Joke)

There’s gotta be some kind of advantage this tribe has over others besides trade (they do have some rudimentary respect for skilled trades, but literacy and sciences are non-existent: but, hey, it’s the Stone Age!). I mean, this tribe can’t defend itself from more aggressive tribes, unless there are some strong alliances based upon some commodity I haven’t considered.

What’s the mortality rate and life expectancy for this tribe? (alright, alright, it’s just a story... but such a lengthy series already published deserves such details in world building)

Where are the lepers? Maybe this tribe is a buffer zone between repulsive outcastes and militarily antagonistic clans (a sort of neutral zone for all to respect)?

last edited at Dec 29, 2018 12:03AM

joined Jul 4, 2018

Wow, year-round warm temperatures from geothermal hot springs, precious stone quarry, ample wildlife for game meat... why doesn’t other tribes try to violently push out this tribe of women and take over their territory?

Oh, wait, that must be the sequel... or the area is volcanically active and the stones are radioactive, too. (Joke)

There’s gotta be some kind of advantage this tribe has over others besides trade (they do have some rudimentary respect for skilled trades, but literacy and sciences are non-existent: but, hey, it’s the Stone Age!). I mean, this tribe can’t defend itself from more aggressive tribes, unless there are some strong alliances based upon some commodity I haven’t considered.

What’s the mortality rate and life expectancy for this tribe? (alright, alright, it’s just a story... but such a lengthy series already published deserves such details in world building)

Where are the lepers? Maybe this tribe is a buffer zone between repulsive outcastes and militarily antagonistic clans (a sort of neutral zone for all to respect)?

‘The power of love(yuri).’..........
Or maye be there was a day where humans actually got along with each other just for the sake that they were fellow humans and we didn’t see ourselves as our own enemies....though that’s also hard to believe xD

joined Sep 6, 2018

‘The power of love(yuri).’..........
Or maye be there was a day where humans actually got along with each other just for the sake that they were fellow humans and we didn’t see ourselves as our own enemies....though that’s also hard to believe xD

I guess religion hasn’t come in to play yet. (Joke) Yes, there’s a fortune teller, but she hasn’t bent the tribe’s political direction in her favor.

I do like your first statement... it fits the series very well and I’ll leave it at that. Like other great stories, it’s best not to delve too deeply into the story and enjoy the author’s/mangaka’s work as it is presented.

joined Sep 6, 2018

It would be cool to have “exception” tags in series with blanket or generalized tags covering the entire series. There could be just one or two chapters which doesn’t have what the rest of the chapters have in the rest of the series.

An example, in this particular case for chapter 8, would be showing a tag of “exception” or “~(moderate amount of sex)” or “exposition only” to denote the chapter is straying from the (norm) blanket/generalized tags placed alongside the title of the series instead of specific tags by each chapter.

last edited at Dec 29, 2018 12:42AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

And here I was hoping for a threesome....

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