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joined Mar 28, 2015

That was great.

joined Mar 28, 2015

An apology is enough? The dad should have ended up in jail for assault.

And the boy's dad is like "hahaha, it's nothing". What? That huge man knocked out his son with a punch and could have broken his jaw and give him a concussion, but "it's nothing"?

Do you job as a dad, ffs, call the cops and jail that man.

last edited at May 25, 2024 6:44AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

DR2 Hajime Hinata posted:

Hey could mods address the stilted attention-seeker?

Yeah, we all know you like the ffm threesome and self-insert into the tiny prick name Narita.

Sorry to burst your bubble but if I remember correctly, there was an implication that Narita might be gay

I don't think so. Narita hasn't been implied to be gay. Just into "people watching".

And if you talk about "skinship" between boys in some chapters, like chapter 40, it's something normal for Asians.

Narita isn't interested in his own romance. If anything, I'd say he's aroace.

last edited at May 24, 2024 12:45PM

joined Mar 28, 2015

Yeah sure, the "I want to be your mama" was really predictable /s

joined Mar 28, 2015

Gabinomicon posted:

I think you can easily take this story seriously and enjoy it, it's a complex moral drama about characters in a complicated situation, presented with extremely good art and excellent writing. I'm glad the author is writing this for an audience of adults who know the characters are here to be actors in a story instead of being our self inserts, our role models, or being there to be judged or condemned by us in the audience. Even if it makes certain childish readers unhappy.

This tbh.

I enjoy this manga because it's really well crafted. The scenes of Yuni leading Fuuko by the hand (noticed it's a reversal compared to Osaka?), them holding hand over the popcorn after making furtive eye contact and then kissing, how Yuni is constantly blushing and feels so guilty, but just can't control her feelings, how Fuuko suddenly becomes so meek and vulnerable, how they both look so happy with their little interaction over popcorn flavor and drinks...

The author put a lot of thoughts into the meaning of each scenes, the movements, the eyes, the situations.

But here are people discussing how cheating is bad and Yuni deserves to be punished.

Pearls to swines I say.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Lols @ hate reading people

joined Mar 28, 2015

h3x posted:

Holly, people here can be really fragile.

Back to this chapters. I can't take this story serious anymore. It's turning 180 to some ridiculous płot development. It's like author don't know how to milk this series further.

And yet, you come back to read it every time.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Midnightgunner posted:

So, I finally decided to read this chapter... Honestly? As much as I hate Ami, Rei is pathetic. Characters like her deserve every single drop of unhappyness and misery the plot sends their way...

Not reading this anymore...

See you next chapter.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Reminder: that teacher wasn't married before. It's mentioned in a previous chapter that she's retiring soon because of her marriage.

Ie, what Rei says is that she gave up on Ami and ran away by getting married. She wasn't married when she was in a "relationship" with Ami. I suppose the scene in the previous chapter was their "goodbye".

joined Mar 28, 2015

DrJamesFox posted:

I'm confused. Did we just skip to the 2nd year after speed-running into a date on the first day? Huh?

Apparently progress only happens on the first day of school? First year was first date and second year is "oh so other gay people exist".
At this rate they may kiss before finishing a dozen chapters :P

That's what I understood too.

One thought her love scared away the other. One thought her love isn't "normal".

So they kept the status quo for the whole year.

Anyway, I think this'll need the tag aaangstsoon.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I like how Kon frees herself little by little of her shackles.

She gets all giddy just borrowing the car of her brother without permission.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Ah yes, typical Asian mother, more worried about what the neighbors think than about the mental health of her daughter.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Xelina posted:

These are officially published stories that built upon the character's and their relationships outside of the main plot. Main series is here.

Is this the main plot now?

It's complicated, because the "side stories" were published in parallel of the volumes. The chapters are numbered from 1 to 41 (up to now) on the web, but numbered differently in the volumes and with 4 pages chapters in-between.

Ie, it's a publishing mess

But it's all canon as mentioned previously.

last edited at May 2, 2024 9:21AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

The art is something else. It's so... 80s!

joined Mar 28, 2015

draieck posted:

Really... It's not Erika's place to tell Aya how Koto suffered through those years. Koto and Aya are together currently so it should be Koto who tells Aya, although it seems she doesn't want to tell Aya the truth. Erika shouldn't meddle about this matter, she knows there's a fine borderline that she shouldn't cross. Trust me, it's not good when someone (even if it's a close friend) meddle on their own into an ongoing relationship that is not theirs.

Lying by omission is already meddling.

She witnessed the confession in school. She hid it. She had a conversation with Aya on Tanabata day. She hid it.

Erika clearly wants to take advantage of the situation and the seven years age gap to have Koto turn to her and she prefers to let the situation rot by itself. She's not meddling directly, but she's withholding information from both of them, including the one she has a crush on.

I'm not making her the villain, she feels guilty herself, but she's still selfish and hypocritical in my opinion.

The only one until now who's actually faultless is Aya.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Am I the only one to find Erika utterly selfish? One her friends, or at least the girl she wanted to measure up to, goes missing and she doesn't give two shits, she only focuses on Koto.

I get it, she love Koto and has rivalry with Aya. But from the beginning, Erika has been an asshole to Aya, hiding things from her, not caring two bits about what happened in these seven years, not telling her about how Koto suffered and when Aya disappeared, she didn't seem that shocked or sad. And there's still that Tanabata day conversation with Aya, that Aya forgot, that she's hiding.

And she also stated that the return of Aya was convenient for her because then she hoped Koto and her would break up (she probably saw Koto's obsession first hand) and then she would be able to have Koto, because she's got a 7 years head start in maturity.

What happens to Aya after that? How Koto will feel? Is Koto even remotely interested in having a serious relationship with Erika? Erika doesn't seem to care, she thinks only about her own goal: victory over Aya.

I know "poor" Erika has her supporters, but I just can't find her sympathetic. She totally lacks empathy and considers the other two girls only in relation with her own goal.

last edited at Apr 23, 2024 12:45PM

joined Mar 28, 2015


Dammit this chapter was such vibes but it said NOTHING! Ahh. It was really great to see the past again. I hope Koto takes it easy on poor Aya…

I don't think it "said nothing". It elaborated on Koto's obsession about Aya and how she clings to a perfect picture of her in the past. Over seven years, Koto could never forget Aya, even for a minute. She tried to change, tried to move on, tried to date other people, but she just couldn't fill up the hole Aya left.

The box symbolizes all her memories of Aya she keeps locked up, unchanging and idealized. And the final panel shows her locking up in that box the returned Aya.

But the returned Aya's starting to change and it doesn't bode well for their future relationship.

Semelparous discussion 21 Apr 08:51
joined Mar 28, 2015

dfordii posted:

Any update about this series?

The author put it in hiatus.

Stopped publishing chapters since 2022.

joined Mar 28, 2015

I'm constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop with this manga.

It's full of fluffy moments, but you can feel the drama lurking at the edge.

joined Mar 28, 2015

How is this yuri? They're just super friends.

joined Mar 28, 2015

After re-reading the 10 chapters, I noticed a few things.

  • The time travel is never addressed. Aya just re-appeared after 7 years on the day Koto and Erika were visiting their old middle school and Koto was finally ready to move on. It's too much of a coincidence.

  • Aya has that bracelet with a bell around her wrist at all times. It's often featured. I wonder how significant it is

  • There's still that conversation between Aya and Erika on Tanabata day that hasn't been addressed yet. Did Aya forget or is she a version of Aya from the day before? Is it even the "real" Aya or are we in some kind of theater play?

I can't help but think that in the end, it'll be all a play and the characters will bow to the audience. But it'd be a bit too easy/corny. I hope there's more to it than "thank you for watching the play written by Koto".

joined Mar 28, 2015

Faylicia posted:

I was so worried Miyako would break up with Ayako to "protect" her. I'm so glad they didn't go down that route.

Also what stage is their relationship right now. They've dated for months now, are sharing a bed, and taking baths together. But I don't think I've seen them kiss once yet. Is it implied to have happened off screen?

They're a couple, that's all.

There's no need for more.

Yeah, I'm confused too lol. I mean sure, they're a couple but after a while you'd start wondering if you haven't kissed like, does this person even like me? are they asexual? what's going on? I'm here waiting for the kiss like o__O

In all the Yodokawa works I've read, I don't think there ever was a kiss.

This one is the most explicitly yuri of her works. Most of the time, it's just suggested.

But here, we have an actual established couple. Their love is made of little attentions, being comfortable around each other and sharing warmth with hugs and cuddling.

Kisses are not a mandatory part of a couple's life. Maybe they do kiss off-screen, or even have sex. But this is not the kind of stuff Yodokawa draws.

joined Mar 28, 2015

Purple Library Guy posted:

And while she did disappear suddenly, unless I'm misinterpreting what is being said they still seem to be saying that she gave a farewell concert the first time.

It's said in the very first chapter. She announced she was retiring in the middle of a concert, without informing the staff and without giving any explanation. So it was not a proper retirement concert.

joined Mar 28, 2015

It's not her mom. Her parents are in Kansai, remember. And they're cram school teachers.

I think people don't understand what the problem is for ELM. They spent a year to rebuild the group's image, with Ruri as the new leader, but then Miyako reappears in the public eye. It can only lead to speculation from the fans and media that she's going to come back because Ruri is inadequate. So it puts Ruri and the group in an awkward position.

Second, she's living with Asako and if the Paparazzi start chasing her, they'll eventually learn of her relationship with her and will harass her ("Miyako's girlfriend revealed!"). Even if in the Yodokawaverse there's no homophobia, it's not good if Asako gets her life and history plastered in the media.

The problem from the point of view of the agency is that she retired suddenly without giving any explanation and just went "poof". It can only lead to speculations from the fans that something is fishy, like the rumors that Ruri was bullying Miyako with the power of her spoiled rich girl background and wanted to replace her as a leader. They have plans to protect idols who retire, but Miyako ran away before any of that could be implemented. Result: she got caught.

What the director is suggesting is that she comes back ONCE, to make a proper farewell concert and wrap things up properly with a public explanation, so it puts a halt to speculations. Then, they'll protect Miyako, and Asako by extension, until things are settled.

It's not a bad plan, even if Miyako is reluctant to go back on stage.

last edited at Apr 11, 2024 2:22AM

joined Mar 28, 2015

renivxii posted:

In chapter 81 in the last panel is she laughing or is she shaking because she needed to puke badly?

Kanna is suppressing her laughing.