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joined Jan 13, 2016


I know they would be very good teachers. They are too good for my poor litte heart and head to handle. You are just the perfect teacher.

So are you saying I'm a crappy teacher that your poor little heart and head can handle just fine ?? Wtf man =_=

Dude you are perfect to be my teacher. Just like the weather you are warm, not too hot or too cold that will burn or freeze my poor little brain and heart. With your perfect knowledge i will graduate within less than a month. I will go from level 0.05 to level 10.

joined Apr 3, 2016

Should I go all yakuza style to protect my butt again? (⌐■_■)

(⌐■_■) (-_- )

( °_°) ⌐■-■<(-_- )

( °_°) (■_■¬)

I'd like to see you try.

joined Mar 17, 2016


I know they would be very good teachers. They are too good for my poor litte heart and head to handle. You are just the perfect teacher.

So are you saying I'm a crappy teacher that your poor little heart and head can handle just fine ?? Wtf man =_=

Dude you are perfect to be my teacher. Just like the weather you are warm, not too hot or too cold that will burn or freeze my poor little brain and heart. With your perfect knowledge i will graduate within less than a month. I will go from level 0.05 to level 10.

Wow KitKat you have to be her teacher now after all that haha like if that didn't convince you I don't know what will

joined Apr 3, 2016

We should probably draw the line somewhere around here though. Too much teasing kills the fun after a while, especially for the teased one. xD

joined Mar 2, 2016

Its okay, we can tease kitkat all we want muahahahahahaha

joined Mar 17, 2016

Its okay, we can tease kitkat all we want muahahahahahaha

Yessss hahahahaha XD

joined Apr 3, 2016

You say that now. Wait until she tames some sort of beast and sends it after you. xD

joined Sep 15, 2015

Right now, I can confidently say that I know of an existing beast as of the moment xDD

joined Feb 8, 2016

Well I see you guys had a fun afternoon yesterday lol.


Yeah... 29 next month... joining you and kanojo in the old folks home soon :P

33 in November for me. =_= I can already feel the wrinkles forming on my face, I'm telling you. Let's do Su a favor and start knitting socks together! xD

Lol does she even like socks? I'll find us some nice rocking chairs.

Boy, I would stay soooo far away from that room. xD I already get a little uneasy when Su leaves her knife lying around unsheathed. But a huge room full of weapons?

I just pretend like it's not there o_o'

Oo oo I want to go there :D Beautiful plus pretty name. I sold the idea to kanojo comparing it to her that way lmao... I can be sly once in a blue moon.

That is sly, indeed. xD Did it actually work?

Well it did in the sense that it's on our list of places we want to go, but we have a lot of others on that list, too. Hoping once she settles into the new job a bit more we'll find some time to go on a trip. Her company technically has "unlimited vacation," but that's really just how it's phrased, because if someone tried to take 3 months vacation in a year or something like that they'd definitely get fired lol.

So. My plans of visiting Su had to be postponed to tomorrow, cause apparently, she's not feeling very well today and her doctor says it's best if she just rests and sleeps it off for today. /sighs/ Oh well. One more day won't kill me. By the way, I forgot to mention that I can act as your mailman again, if you like. If you want me to deliver a message to her, shoot.

Send her lots of smooooooches <3 ;) (I got your back girl, just say it's your honor-bound duty to dofu)

Unrelated: (caution: TMI)

That moment when you're one of the oldest ones in a lesbian forum and you somehow manage to reveal, that you hate sex with a dildo and suddenly 3 out of 7 people go "But why? I mean, you're 32, right? Omg!" I'm sorry, did I miss the news that having a sexual preference is related to age? Cause I never got that letter. o_0

I laughed at this more than I should have. "Alright Lin, you're 32 now, which means you're a grown ass lesbian that needs to use dildos!" I'm pro-dildo lol, but I haven't used toys of any sort with a partner I wasn't in a somewhat serious relationship with. I've only been with a couple who were really averse to the idea of strapping it on, and then there were others where it's like a fish finally finding water lmao... To each their own xD

everyone involved in Azai butt-related conversation: this is the most precious recurring topic we have here haha

last edited at May 16, 2016 3:34AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

Among other things, I'm almost engaged now... or at least we're on the way to being engaged... so part of me is very excited, and then part of me is still prone to anxiety about this stuff. Think I'd mentioned before that I had started to look into getting a ring for kanojo, and so I found a really gorgeous diamond and narrowed it down to a few settings that I thought were nice. Even though we have similar taste in bling, my confidence was getting really iffy; I sat around the store staring at these things for hours upon hours over several visits. The jeweler is the friend of a friend, and was very nice and willing to let us have the store to ourselves after hours on Saturday. So I decided to tell kanojo what I had been up to and asked her if she wanted to come pick the setting herself and then whenever she wanted we could exchange engagement rings. There was, as expected, a lot of waterworks and cry-kissing on her part, but we did manage to get to the store together haha. How good of a mood she's in is directly correlated to how horny she is, and she was in a really good mood, so that's pretty much how the rest of my weekend went down since last I was here Saturday afternoon. Lol life is crazy...

joined Apr 3, 2016



Lol does she even like socks? I'll find us some nice rocking chairs.

I don't really know? xD She likes sneakers. Maybe she likes sneaker socks? Then again, it might be a bit difficult to knit those.

I just pretend like it's not there o_o'

That's probably for the best. ._.

Well it did in the sense that it's on our list of places we want to go, but we have a lot of others on that list, too. Hoping once she settles into the new job a bit more we'll find some time to go on a trip.

Ooohh, what kind of places are on that list? Can I suggest Messina and Alexandria? They're both beautiful. xD

Her company technically has "unlimited vacation," but that's really just how it's phrased, because if someone tried to take 3 months vacation in a year or something like that they'd definitely get fired lol.

Lol, that's like an evil scheme to bait the lazy ones and get rid of them. Clever! xD I have 30 days of vacation in a year. We still need to decide where we want to go next and when we're gonna do it. Personally, I've set my sights on New Zealand. It's been almost 20 years since I was there the last time and I just wanna go there again. I think Su's been wanting to check out one of the big US cities for a while now though.

Send her lots of smooooooches <3 ;) (I got your back girl, just say it's your honor-bound duty to dofu)

Oh, I don't need any further motivation for that. xD I'll probably hug her the moment I get there and then cling to her like a baby monkey until they pry me from her when I need to leave. xD Sad news is that I won't be allowed to take Jacky. :-( Poor girl has been missing her mommy the whole week and now she needs to wait at least another one before she can go see her.

I laughed at this more than I should have. "Alright Lin, you're 32 now, which means you're a grown ass lesbian that needs to use dildos!" I'm pro-dildo lol, but I haven't used toys of any sort with a partner I wasn't in a somewhat serious relationship with. I've only been with a couple who were really averse to the idea of strapping it on, and then there were others where it's like a fish finally finding water lmao... To each their own xD

Right? xD I mean, I have tried. It's just when I did, I realized I hated it even more than I thought I would. xD I've always been a bit biased on the use of penetration toys, because I never found anything even remotely attractive about a man's dick and so I concluded, since most of them are shaped to resemble the "real thing", that I pretty certainly won't like dildos either. Then Lucy managed to talk me into trying it and I'm really sure I didn't hate it, because she was doing it wrong. She was really being such a sweetheart about it, considering all sorts of things, going completely at my pace and etc. It's just...when she started moving, she had to pull out after a minute or something, because I had completely dried up around that thing. That's how much I hated it. It was just so weird and extremely uncomfortable, I just couldn't handle it. xD Ever since then: nope.

Among other things, I'm almost engaged now... or at least we're on the way to being engaged... so part of me is very excited, and then part of me is still prone to anxiety about this stuff. Think I'd mentioned before that I had started to look into getting a ring for kanojo, and so I found a really gorgeous diamond and narrowed it down to a few settings that I thought were nice. Even though we have similar taste in bling, my confidence was getting really iffy; I sat around the store staring at these things for hours upon hours over several visits. The jeweler is the friend of a friend, and was very nice and willing to let us have the store to ourselves after hours on Saturday. So I decided to tell kanojo what I had been up to and asked her if she wanted to come pick the setting herself and then whenever she wanted we could exchange engagement rings. There was, as expected, a lot of waterworks and cry-kissing on her part, but we did manage to get to the store together haha. How good of a mood she's in is directly correlated to how horny she is, and she was in a really good mood, so that's pretty much how the rest of my weekend went down since last I was here Saturday afternoon. Lol life is crazy...

Sweet news! ^_^ It's awesome that you're managing to get over your anxiety step by step. I'm happy for you two. By the way, did you know? One of the easiest keys to get over a lot of kinds of anxiety is to actively remind yourself (1) of the trust you have in yourself and (2) of the trust you have in others. So whenever your doubts are creeping up on you again, try telling yourself something like "I trust her. I've been trusting her with all sorts of things for years. Why would I stop now? This isn't going to be any different." or "I have been with this woman for years. She's the most serious I've ever been with somebody. And since she's still here, it's gotta be the same for her. I'm on the right way here. I know I am." As silly as that might sound as first, but you'll be surprised how calming those thoughts can be. xD Anyway, best of everything for you two. :-)

joined Feb 8, 2016



Lmfao I'm easily the worst about this... I'm so sorry Lin... <3 forgive me.

Lol does she even like socks? I'll find us some nice rocking chairs.

I don't really know? xD She likes sneakers. Maybe she likes sneaker socks? Then again, it might be a bit difficult to knit those.

Despite being rather domesticated, knitting of any sort isn't in my arsenal. I sewed together some nice potholders the other day though.

Ooohh, what kind of places are on that list? Can I suggest Messina and Alexandria? They're both beautiful. xD

I encourage any recommendations ^^ We'd like to go to Japan together, which is probably at the top of our list. I went there once as a teenager, but haven't been there except in transit through the Tokyo airport since then. We'd like to go to Nice. I haven't been to much of Europe, so pretty much throw a dart at the continent, and I'll be happy to go. Zanzibar and an East African safari is also somewhere at the top of the list.

Lol, that's like an evil scheme to bait the lazy ones and get rid of them. Clever! xD I have 30 days of vacation in a year. We still need to decide where we want to go next and when we're gonna do it. Personally, I've set my sights on New Zealand. It's been almost 20 years since I was there the last time and I just wanna go there again. I think Su's been wanting to check out one of the big US cities for a while now though.

I think companies here actually do the unlimited vacation day thing now because then if they fire someone, they don't have to pay them for the accumulated vacation days, which companies who do set a certain amount of vacation have to pay up. New Zealand is supposed to be beautiful, I'd love to go there. Which US cities were you thinking? San Francisco would be my top choice xD 100% biased.

Oh, I don't need any further motivation for that. xD I'll probably hug her the moment I get there and then cling to her like a baby monkey until they pry me from her when I need to leave. xD Sad news is that I won't be allowed to take Jacky. :-( Poor girl has been missing her mommy the whole week and now she needs to wait at least another one before she can go see her.

Lol baby monkey, get your fill xD Too bad about Jacky :( I thought hospitals were pretty good about that type of stuff since they get a lot of service dogs coming through.

Right? xD I mean, I have tried. It's just when I did, I realized I hated it even more than I thought I would. xD I've always been a bit biased on the use of penetration toys, because I never found anything even remotely attractive about a man's dick and so I concluded, since most of them are shaped to resemble the "real thing", that I pretty certainly won't like dildos either. Then Lucy managed to talk me into trying it and I'm really sure I didn't hate it, because she was doing it wrong. She was really being such a sweetheart about it, considering all sorts of things, going completely at my pace and etc. It's just...when she started moving, she had to pull out after a minute or something, because I had completely dried up around that thing. That's how much I hated it. It was just so weird and extremely uncomfortable, I just couldn't handle it. xD Ever since then: nope.

Yeah it's definitely not for everybody. I also don't like anything huge or terribly "life-like"... Also once you accrue too many dildos, your partner will inevitably prank you and do things like... stick one to the refrigerator as the nose of a smiley face made out of magnets... Kanojo has tried to convince me with the bigger place she wants to get a housekeeper, because she doesn't like that I do most of the housework, and I'm like, no, you're way too shameless about sex toys, and I'm the one that would have to face them...

Sweet news! ^_^ It's awesome that you're managing to get over your anxiety step by step. I'm happy for you two. By the way, did you know? One of the easiest keys to get over a lot of kinds of anxiety is to actively remind yourself (1) of the trust you have in yourself and (2) of the trust you have in others. So whenever your doubts are creeping up on you again, try telling yourself something like "I trust her. I've been trusting her with all sorts of things for years. Why would I stop now? This isn't going to be any different." or "I have been with this woman for years. She's the most serious I've ever been with somebody. And since she's still here, it's gotta be the same for her. I'm on the right way here. I know I am." As silly as that might sound as first, but you'll be surprised how calming those thoughts can be. xD Anyway, best of everything for you two. :-)

Good advice, thanks :) I do trust her and I think when I started thinking about it that way, it helped me through a lot of what's happened the past few months. I think the trusting myself part has been more difficult and probably where I start to get skittish. I was pretty miserable for awhile thinking I'd ruined things and that memory hasn't totally gone away.

last edited at May 16, 2016 6:43AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

The smoke alarm placement in this place drives me absolutely crazy. I don't shower with the damn door closed and one of the smoke alarms is not far from outside the bathroom. Don't know how many times I've set it off just from the shower steam...

last edited at May 16, 2016 7:06AM

joined Jan 13, 2016

The smoke alarm placement in this place drives me absolutely crazy. I don't shower with the damn door closed and one of the smoke alarms is not far from outside the bathroom. Don't know how many times I've set it off just from the shower steam...

Lol...that is funny.
Congrats to you and your gf for your almost engagement. All the best for you for taking the next step of your life.

joined Feb 8, 2016

Lol...that is funny.
Congrats to you and your gf for your almost engagement. All the best for you for taking the next step of your life.

Thanks :) Will be a bit until we exchange the rings and make announce it to our friends and family (even though some family and friends already know), since we went with some customization in the setting and it's estimated 4-6 weeks before it's done. Tentatively, kanojo says she wants to do it on our anniversary, so a couple of months.

And the smoke alarm stuff is funny after the fact, but when it's screaming at me in the morning I want to break it then and there lol...

joined Jan 13, 2016

Lol...that is funny.
Congrats to you and your gf for your almost engagement. All the best for you for taking the next step of your life.

Thanks :) Will be a bit until we exchange the rings and make announce it to our friends and family (even though some family and friends already know), since we went with some customization in the setting and it's estimated 4-6 weeks before it's done. Tentatively, kanojo says she wants to do it on our anniversary, so a couple of months.

And the smoke alarm stuff is funny after the fact, but when it's screaming at me in the morning I want to break it then and there lol...

One of my smoke alarms is also very annoying. It is one of those that built through a walll but also requires a battery. When the battery runs low it will go off screaming. Even when i take off the battery it is still screaming. My other portable smoke alarms i can just remove the battery and they will stop screaming.

One time this built in smoke alarm ran low. For a whole week i couldn't make it stop beeping. I got really annoying and there were several times i just wanna pull all the wires out or cut them into pieces to stop the darn alarm.

last edited at May 16, 2016 8:15AM

joined Feb 8, 2016

One of my smoke alarms is also very annoying. It is one of those that built through a walll but also requires a battery. When the battery runs low it will go off screaming. Even when i take off the battery it is still screaming. My other portable smoke alarms i can just remove the battery and they will stop screaming.

One time this built in smoke alarm ran low. For a whole week i couldn't make it stop beeping. I got really annoying and there were several times i just wanna pull all the wires out or cut them into pieces to stop the darn alarm.

I would have thrown it out the window after the first hour if it didn't stop beeping lol that's terrible.

joined Jan 13, 2016

One of my smoke alarms is also very annoying. It is one of those that built through a walll but also requires a battery. When the battery runs low it will go off screaming. Even when i take off the battery it is still screaming. My other portable smoke alarms i can just remove the battery and they will stop screaming.

One time this built in smoke alarm ran low. For a whole week i couldn't make it stop beeping. I got really annoying and there were several times i just wanna pull all the wires out or cut them into pieces to stop the darn alarm.

I would have thrown it out the window after the first hour if it didn't stop beeping lol that's terrible.

Ahhh...what a great idea! I forgot to just put it outside if the beeping would stop. Darn why didn't i think of that. But it may not have stopped the beeping since it's a built-in alarm. Its body may be thrown elsewhere but there is still the brain. To pull all the wires out...hmmm...i so wanted to but i stopped.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

The story I mentioned earlier is now posted on my site. Nothing Rhymes With Woman, an un-romance about two women finding closure.

Hope you all enjoy it, I'm very happy with how it turned out.

joined Feb 8, 2016

The story I mentioned earlier is now posted on my site. Nothing Rhymes With Woman, an un-romance about two women finding closure.

Hope you all enjoy it, I'm very happy with how it turned out.

I'll give it a read :) I'm less inclined to give a critique when I know the author is actually around lol, but do you want any grammatical stuff pointed out?

joined Mar 2, 2016

PervyDofu congrats on your engagement!! :D So happy for you ^ ^

Nezchan Woot woot, I shall read it soon.

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

The story I mentioned earlier is now posted on my site. Nothing Rhymes With Woman, an un-romance about two women finding closure.

Hope you all enjoy it, I'm very happy with how it turned out.

I'll give it a read :) I'm less inclined to give a critique when I know the author is actually around lol, but do you want any grammatical stuff pointed out?

If you like, although I won't be making changes to this particular story unless it's a really glaring error. This is the finished version.

joined Mar 17, 2016

Congrats! :D

I'll have to check that out later! :)

joined Feb 8, 2016

Newp and Llama, thanks guys :)

Nez, I don't know if I'm with you calling this an unromance lol. It was very romantic. A detail I appreciated is that it's obvious that it's about lesbians without talking about being lesbians, but not because of the names or the clothing references. It's just a very feminine voice speaking about the woman (well, women) she loves. Otherwise, admittedly, romance (or unromance lol) is not a genre where my non-manga literature interests lie, and I'm not a terribly emotional person that absorbs something like this well, but overall I think it's a well-executed short story about closure.

last edited at May 16, 2016 11:59AM

Nezchan Moderator
joined Jun 28, 2012

Wasn't really expecting to get a grammar critique on a completed piece that's already been through a critique process and has already been described as finished, but okay. Like I said, I'm not actually changing anything.

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