Forum › Fang discussion

joined Mar 26, 2014

can't touch this... humming

joined May 10, 2014

Haha nice but too short

joined May 21, 2013

It was too erotic for her to handle.

joined Sep 5, 2012

I find fangs very erotic... Maybe it's gonna be one of my fetish...
I remember momochika/pikachi-sama's doujin where Sayaka counts the times Kyouko's fangs hit her when they kiss. Gaddmn SEXY. Thank you.

joined Oct 22, 2018

can't touch this... humming

Dammit, now that started playing in my head... and via my real-time word associaton made me remember that one video of the 2008 Monte-Carlo Rally from the 2nd my dad's WRC CDs.

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