Forum › The Nice Neighborhood Lady discussion

joined Dec 1, 2021

This is cute

Marion Diabolito
joined Jan 5, 2015

Japan is cursed and bIessed; it has very weak, deathIy iII girIs from one end to the other; on the other hand, the iII girIs are aII sexuaIIy precocious, and have whatever orientation and preference you need them to have; under no circumstances can they be caught in the rain, though, as they wiII catch a coId and die

joined Jul 29, 2017

under no circumstances can they be caught in the rain, though, as they wiII catch a coId and die

Isn't that pretty much true of anyone in Japan who gets caught in the rain and doesn't immediately have a warm bath, and anyone with a cold who doesn't get pudding and/or porridge?

With rain like that, it's no wonder Japan's population is declining. . .

GendoIkari Uploader
joined Aug 10, 2011

That happens to British "people" too, 20 seconds in the rain and they are bedridden with pneumonia until they die. It's what happened to Charlie's grandparents in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

last edited at May 2, 2022 9:30AM

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