Forum › Nightmare Box discussion

joined Jun 6, 2014

^ Most just prefer LukaxMiku. There is no such thing as canon in the world of Vocaloid so ship away to your heart's content.

Coming from the Negitoro fanhood I don't particularly care for either relationship over the other. Everyone is reading way too much into this and projecting what they, ironically, want Rin to be rather than what she was. Being the aggressor does not mean you are aggressive. Pushing for what you want does not mean you are pushing the other person down. I don't care for the concept of romance budding purely from sex but nonetheless Rin played a semi role of the healthy sort of yandere here. She protected Miku in a possessive yet open way. She wasn't hoarding Miku but she was throwing the proverbial blanket between her and Len.

If you see Len as a serious candidate for a relationship here you are wayyyyy off. He refused to listen to Miku when she implored him in a defenseless state, and instead of talking to her and apologizing or trying to fix things, he let her fade away. And when he learned that she was practicing under the conscious pretense for him essentially, he threw her aside.

Rin constantly asked Miku to let her know if it became painful. She may have been the "top" but she listened to Miku and only did what she asked of her. And after it all, she was honest. She confessed and presented why she was doing what she did. But she also makes it clear she won't give her up to anyone else anymore...but it feels more like Rin proclaiming her resolve than it seems a possessive unhealthy aggression. We don't get much insight into Miku, but it is certainly clear that Miku wants a relationship with Rin, as clued in by the end scene and how they hung out all the time during the day (in the photos) and seemed uber happy.

I don't care for this work too much - again, from the Negitoro fanhood - but it was nice taking an objective look at fairly complex yet simplistic in design love triangle. I actually like the triangle, and I freaking hate love triangles.

joined Jan 4, 2015

I liked this doujin. Most likely due to the fact that I like prefer Rin/Miku, but everyone's tastes are different and everyone has a right to exist. I am very happy that I read this doujin, because with such a pair of almost no. This upsets me. Anyway I have almost never seen doujin by Vocaloid Yuri genre, one Yaoi, or am I bad looking.

I was very disappointed Len his behavior with Miku. Well about that somebody has already said, I will not repeat myself.

P. S. Sorry for my English.

joined Jun 12, 2015

Missing netorare tag
That was quite good.

joined Jul 12, 2012

Am I the only one who prefer Miku x Rin?...not that I dislike Miku x Luka, I ship both but mostly Miku x Rin

I feel you. My favorite pairing is Miku x Rin too and my favorite vocaloid is Rin so I feel like she was getting a lot of 'hate' in this doujin. PEOPLE PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT RIN WAS PORTRAYED THAT WAY FOR THE SAKE OF THE PLOT. Plus sibling rivalry is natural for twins, especially if they like the same person. Rin only became that way because she missed her chance on confessing her 'likes', but since her brother took up his courage and did before Rin could, Rin felt like she lost the only thing in her life that made her happy. Best example so far of a similar doujin is Corruption Finale, which i know a lot of you have read and would find similarities of the way the main character is to the one she loves. And also had any of you ever seen the worst anime ever called Akisora? Also that anime has some similarities to this story and the whole plot might be based on that anime. (Note: don't watch it if you don't like het, incest, twin incest, orgy, etc.)

joined Jul 10, 2015

In my opinion Len is an asshole, no questions asked. My first and second boyfriends were a little like him. Overprotective, pushy, and drama queen-ish, I only started dating them because one of my friends set us up. And they both annoyed me to no extent. After about 2-3 weeks I was like " F**k you, get outta my face." then turned around and kissed my lez friend right in front of him. He was pissed, he hates me now!XD!

last edited at Nov 1, 2015 1:14AM

joined Jan 11, 2019


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