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Kyle K
Magan&Danai discussion 12 Jun 22:56
joined May 26, 2013

All right, I think there's one thing that we're all missing here. That is to say,


One cannot properly enjoy chapter 3 without dedicating one read to focus only on the puppy.

Kyle K
Image Comments 06 Jun 00:01
joined May 26, 2013

... I'm sorry, did you say original? I swear this seems like Yuzu x Mei fanart

Kyle K
Image Comments 02 Jun 17:53
joined May 26, 2013

The Love Live OT17 must be the largest ship I've ever seen. Goes with the series' name I guess.
I ship it.

Seriously though, with the 17 shippable characters mentioned above there are so many options (and only for OTP, let alone 3 or more) that it seems quite ridiculous to me that part of the fandom would focus so much in the shipping wars. Statistically, it's more or less impossible that the whole fandom would agree on one single ship for any character, so why not just support your own choice and let everyone else be? Go and tell everyone why yours is the best IN YOUR OPINION, but keep it in that ship's works. Entering any work with another ship just to say you hate/don't like/whatever else... sorry, that's just not nice.

(For reasons, I won't go into unhealthy ships. That's something I just don't want to deal with rn)

Simply said, ship and let ship. Because really, why waste time going off about a ship you don't agree with when you could be using your time enjoying your own?

joined May 26, 2013

Under risk of some people wanting to skin me alive, I think this story is great as it it, and yes, that includes the end point. Aside from the fact that the extras "hint" a relationship of the kind we were here for (it's pretty much evident), I mean, because you could ignore them and even then the only possible way for them to go would be becoming a couple.

Misono couldn't be more obvious if she confessed (seriously, "That will do for now"?), and Yuri's just oblivious from beginning to end. Their relationship progressed a lot in a short time, though, and as I see it the whole development made it seem as if it would progress to romantic sooner rather than later. And we already saw that, apparently, they started dating while still in high school. Meaning, it couldn't have taken them more than three years after first meeting.

As it is, anything more could've been excessive, depending on the... management of the story. Mind you, all this doesn't mean I wouldn't have liked more, only that we've seen how things can turn out when the story is stretched too much. I'd rather have it end here than have it go in circles for another lot of chapters.

Kyle K
Citrus discussion 09 Dec 00:35
joined May 26, 2013

@maddog_ren, @Ghost in the Shell, you took the words right out of my mouth (fingers?). I'm convinced that the major problem in here isn't exactly their feelings, but the fact that neither seems to really know what to do about it: Mei because she's emotionally awkward, and Yuzu because... she's Yuzu.

Also, is it just me, or nearly every time a new character appears things more or less go to hell?

Kyle K
joined May 26, 2013

I showed this to my sister since she wanted to read some NodokaxYui and I love Yandamushi. She nearly threw the iPad through the window when she got that it was one-sided...

Kyle K
Image Comments 09 Dec 00:22
joined May 26, 2013

This artist will be the death of me...

Kyle K
Image Comments 09 Dec 00:21
joined May 26, 2013

Tsubasa asleep, Anju's expression and the hands joined... THE HANDS!!
dies from cuteness overload

last edited at Dec 9, 2014 12:22AM

Kyle K
Image Comments 09 Dec 00:19
joined May 26, 2013

Don't invoke them, shipping wars are awful. I swear I'll never understand why on earth people enter works of pairings they don't like.

About the img: I love Inuzuka. He/she's probably the sole artist with more works of this pairing, and I'm just expecting for someone to translate the other doujinshi before I die fangirling over everything.
The detective series never ceases to amuse me, though. Especially the picture with HonoMaki and AnjuxTsubasa

joined May 26, 2013

Agreed. I'm never going to have enough of this couple...

Kyle K
Image Comments 10 Nov 09:37
joined May 26, 2013

Maybe because this is totally what would happen, especially in Sumika's case?