Glad I am not the only one being reminded of Young Ladies don't play fighting games, though the comparison was not a good one for me. I hate trashtalk, did not like it there, and do not like it here.
"Hey, let's play together - LOL you suck"
That is some LTG - shit right there
All I could think when the two of them were playing was "OK, so the new girl is a really shit drummer then."
Like, if you're drumming to try to make the other instruments disappear, you're DOING IT WRONG.
I dunno, I'm not into this. I mean, ooh, they're subverting a silly old trope that has only been subverted, I dunno, ten million times already. We've long since reached the point where the subversion IS the cliche.
Also this. A band is supposed to be a harmony, not a fight for attention between the members. That can work, especially in rock, but only when all the band members are on the same page that this is what is supposed to be going on.
I am gonna check out the next chapter, mainly because I like the protag, but if the other girl stays that way, I might drop this sooner than later.
She's a kid in a school that is incredicly oppressive, it's probably the first time in her life that she's been able to just let it all out. I think the dynamic is supposed to be that Suzunomiya slowly starts taming Kurogane through their relationship & Suzunomiya goes back to being herself when they are together. Add in parts where she's like "I know the real you", and there might be an arc where the rest of the girls realise that they aren't prim ladies at all, it's a nice dynamic and I don't think it's supposed to be taken seriously, mostly just to get you to recoil in the first chapter.