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Oakfeather Uploader
Image Comments 14 Dec 15:19
joined Mar 17, 2017

Homura's casual outfit (and Madoka's too) was actually something you could purchase once:

Oakfeather Uploader
joined Mar 17, 2017

Gods, I read spoilers about latest Madoka movies, I read this doujin, and I am really happy now that I stopped watching after season 1 back in 2012. So much meaningless violence. I am not against it, but the way it is done here... I guess one must be really die-hard fan of certain girl(s) to watch all these seasons and endless movies.

There's been exactly 1 season, and only 1 sequel movie. So the only thing you've missed is the movie, Rebellion.

Oakfeather Uploader
joined Mar 17, 2017

For anyone who may be wondering about the state of the bubbles in this doujin, the artist actually made them that way, lol.

Regardless, I hope you enjoy the doujin! It is a sequel to

joined Mar 17, 2017

... Why is Homura profusely apologizing at the end?

it's a reference to the wraith arc manga that takes place between the end of the pmmm manga and the rebellion manga

spoilers for wraith arc: homura got really buddy-buddy with a wraith that happened to look like madoka, and homura was aware that this was a fake madoka but continued to talk to it

more stuff happened obviously, but i don't feel like summarizing three volumes of content

It's actually a reference to one of Fukuya Tamatsu's (AKA, Tama II's) doujins where Homura has sex with wraith Madoka. Hence why it says "It's all Fukuya Tamatsu's fault." at the bottom of the panel.

joined Mar 17, 2017

In hindsight, it's surprisingly similar to the Rebellion movie, huh?

Yes, strangely.

Oakfeather Uploader
Image Comments 09 Jul 12:43
joined Mar 17, 2017

This is from an unscanlated doujin by Ayukko called わたしの、最高のおよめさん。

That doujin is actually a compilation of six of Ayukko's other doujins.

We went on our honeymoon 1 & 2, My Wonderful Wife, MadoHomu Playing House, and two unscanlated ones called かぞくりょこうにいってきました (We Went on a Family Vacation), and うちのお嫁さんがいちばんカワイイ! (My Wife is the Cutest!)

Oakfeather Uploader
joined Mar 17, 2017

I thought all the worlds were equally real - or the 'real' world we know equally false? That's why I never understood doujins making out these worlds are false and somehow suspect or don't count - when our reality is plenty real enough to live out your lives in.

There is no 'real' real world - the fact there is some underlying truth is irrelevant to the worlds they live in imo - and living out a life in any of those worlds as good and real as our lives - at least according to what I understand of the show.

But then it's got quite a few really dumb ideas lol, that make zero sense - so not worth trying to philosophize about it.

Agree 100%

Also Merry Christmas everyone!

Oakfeather Uploader
joined Mar 17, 2017

hi jack- hahaha
It IS always Titan's fault

Thanks Jack :P

Oakfeather Uploader
joined Mar 17, 2017

Post-Rebellion stuff always have this depressing feeling. Even if the ending is happy, you can't help, but feel weird.

Considering the most likely interpretation of Rebellion's ending is Homura's interpersonal relationship with Madoka is over, for good I'd call this an optimistic take.

It's interesting because I always considered Rebellion to be the optimistic outcome to Madoka. People always talk about how Rebellion's ending is tragic and dark and that it's your classic bad ending that Urobutcher is known for. The thing is that the world is practically not that different from the original series's outcome. The TV series basically ends with Nobody remembering what happened except Homura while Rebellion ends the same way but with differences being that Everyone except Homura isn't a magical girl anymore, and If you ask me, everyone living normal lives and no longer being magical girls seems like a pretty damn good outcome.

The reason Madoka was depressing was because of the TV series, lots of dark shit happens there. Rebellion's tone is pretty contrasting to the original series if you think about as well, during it's second half there was always this feeling of hope and things were getting better and better where the TV series was just a downward spiral with things getting worse and worse.

I 100% agree with this. Rebellion was so much happier and had a much happier ending overall.

Oakfeather Uploader
joined Mar 17, 2017

Also, I never noticed Homu's ear ornament had no piercing. It's odd she would be too afraid to pierce her ears, considering she could heal her eyesight long before getting her Akuma powers. I'd imagine she could numb, or even reverse, the piercing at will.

I find it hard to believe that Akuma Homura has that ear piece because she was afraid to pierce her ears. The girl shot herself in the head with almost no hesitation, for crying out loud.

I didn't like this doujin as much as Happy Birthday, which I really enjoyed working on, but at least it explains the setup for that one.

Oakfeather Uploader
joined Mar 17, 2017

The order of the pages is messed up
Cute story though.

No, nothing is out of order. There is more than one story in here, however. Nagisa and the Cheesecake of Love spans from pages 3-18, Pages 19-20 are a short story, and 21-22 is Nagisa, the Dream, and the Kind Demon.

joined Mar 17, 2017

The unironic use of the term "normies". What is this, the Crunchyroll translation team?

リア充爆発しろ maps so perfectly onto 'normies go die' that I can be confident that that's what it said even though I haven't seen the raws. Everything, even the fact that it's a jokey bit of internet slang, is exactly right.

JA translator from TFO Scans here, can confirm. This one was in Chinese so I didn't do translations for it, but from what I saw of the raw, the Chinese phrase used seemed to be a direct JA to Chinese translation from the 2ch slang "リア充" which quite literally translates to "normies" in English.

If you have an issue with the usage of the phrase "normies" you'll have to take it up with the doujin artist, Maitake2, directly :p

last edited at Jun 22, 2017 11:45PM