Hmmm... Well i don't really get love that much and i'm not tryna be mean or anything like that, BUT in my opinion i too kinda see men in very male-looking tomboys(just the way they dress, act and most even look very MANLY O_O). To be honest if ya dress and act like "men" do('cuz like clothes are kinda made for each gender.. ) ya can't really expect some peopz like me to not see a "guy" standing there...! Only with strangers i'd think like that though XD
BUT OF COURSE if it's how tomboys wanna look like, that's not my problem! (i love looking a lil tougher too BUT with a lil but of feminine style to still look GURLY HOT in MY eyes) ;D
I still think Risa's way of viewing peopz regarding their sex is a lil shitty 'CUZ DAMN SHE GOT A FEMALE LOVER AND JUST CAN'T SEE HER AS A WOMAN?!? Why would she even date a tomboy if she's so into "boys are/look like boys, gurls are/look like gurls"?! XD
If miss tomboy actually wanted to look all "female" out of her OWN will to begin with and just changed her way of dressing and stuff at the end... That's totally OK too, BUT NOT if she's doing it to please her beloved! O_o
WOW I'M BEING ALL BUBBLY... Don't mind me! XD
um. hm. fascinating. anyway, I enjoyed this story even if Risa's denial of her inner gayness caused a little bit of drama. In the best case scenario, I interpret the fiasco as Risa falling in love with a person instead of any specific gender. It's just some teenage girl figuring herself out, and I can empathize with that. cool cool. I understand that the writer wanted a plot curve of sorts and needed to stuff some conflict in, so I don't mind it. I like the conversations the work opened up, at the very least. thanks for the good read