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Goggled Anon
Kase-san discussion 18 Apr 16:12
joined Oct 15, 2014

Does the height of one yamada include the sprout on top?

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Anyways - this means that Pito just released a continuation!

Well, the tissue box makes it a little clearer what You's biology is like at least.
To give my two cents (mods may feel free to delete this if you think it's just gonna start shit up again), in terms of the tags at least, the Transgender tag seems to be more of a plot-relevant tag involving someone's transition between genders. For example, series that tackle the issue such as Hourou Musuko or Bokura no Hentai would definitely qualify, where as a typical trap comedy/smut manga probably not so much. Whether it applies to this series would probably depend on if the story directly mentions it as an issue, as for now it just appears to be story about a curious You who happens to have a penis. If there's confirmation from the author that it's trans related and not just an offhand comment from the scanlator then that's fine. I think for this particular story, the yuri tag probably doesn't fit mainly due to Dynasty's self-definition that Futanari and Yuri tags don't mix unless their relevant scenes are seperate.

joined Oct 15, 2014

Just a heads-up, title is now changed to "Heart-Throbbing Communication"

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Would it be worth checking if anyone on /u/ would be interesting in doing typeset/editor stuff?

last edited at Apr 14, 2017 6:24PM

joined Oct 15, 2014

I am slightly confused how Anya got to "Heart-Throbbing Conversation" from the original title of "Wai Wai Communication"

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

I'm really not seeing the futa. Do we have confirmation from Pito on that count?

At the very least, the word "futanari" does come up with the default Bing translation on one of the original tweets.

Goggled Anon
Yuru Yuri discussion 11 Apr 21:00
joined Oct 15, 2014

And thus we finally have the context for

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

It's ya gurl, Rina and today I'm gonna be reactin' to these crazy bitches makin' out

Goggled Anon
Kase-san discussion 06 Apr 08:08
joined Oct 15, 2014

I read Takashima-san's blog and it said she'd probably finish the next manga by June (my Japanese is absolutely shitty so I may be wrong though lol).

She's referring to the fourth tank, which she's aiming to get out in June with some additional material.
Giving that she's made no grandiose post about the series ending, we can probably assume her tweets about it continuing are genuine and there's just some confusion with her publishers/distributors.

last edited at Apr 6, 2017 8:10AM

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Oh word, the new chapter is so lewd Yuri-ism had to bring back their 5-point lewd-o-meter

Goggled Anon
DiaKanaMari discussion 02 Apr 19:00
joined Oct 15, 2014

Title should be DiaKanaMari (no extra n)

Goggled Anon
Kase-san discussion 02 Apr 14:41
joined Oct 15, 2014

2) Is April Fool's celebrated in Japan? I honestly don't know and am curious.

At least from a marketing side, they have a lot of fun with it (Love Live Sunshine's puppet special being one of this year's highlights), and it's occassionally the subject of a few TV/manga/doujin stories (eg. one of Smile Precure's eps was about an April Fool lie gone wrong).
But yeah, this chapter came out a good few weeks ago and only coincidentally got done translating with early yesterday (UK) morning.

Goggled Anon
Kase-san discussion 02 Apr 09:15
joined Oct 15, 2014

don't get me wrong, I fancy kase-san but you know we need to spice it up this manga with some conflict. Adding a couple of villains to the plot wouldn't hurt anyone you know. xD

But don't you see? Kase-san had a villain all this time. Yamada's paranoia

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Always gotta revisit the joke chapter every April 1st (hey, it's the 1st in Japan at least)

joined Oct 15, 2014

And I'm pretty sure the captain is a trap.

I'm gonna vote that she's just going commando. What other way to bring in Hokuto's special talent?

joined Oct 15, 2014

Is Purely Codependence the prequel or is it not translated?

It's right here:
/u/ scanlations (mostly me, in this case) went with the provided English title while Yuri-ism seems to have translated straight from the Japanese. Should we have the mods rename the first one to "Sweet Purity" for consistency?

last edited at Mar 28, 2017 3:56PM

Goggled Anon
Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Second part of chapter 16
Rough TL:

A silent prayer for Dumbnut, who must now think of a way to localize "dekkaido"

Goggled Anon
Goggled Anon
Kase-san discussion 24 Mar 22:13
joined Oct 15, 2014

Am I missing something? I finally looked at the raws (I didn't actually try to read them) and didn't see anything that said it's the end of the series.

Basically at the time of its original posting, it had a blurb saying 加瀬さんシリーズの最後話 (Kase-san series' final episode), but it looks like they've removed it now to avoid confusion. My guess is that the editor made a booboo that Takashima couldn't immediately address since she's busy attending Yuriten atm.

Goggled Anon
Kase-san discussion 24 Mar 21:59
joined Oct 15, 2014

It's a Christmas 2 miracle.

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

Is there a missing chapter ? Because i don't see chapter 37 in the chapter list

From the scanlator:

Chapter 37 is what we released as 36. Our numbering was off by one after chapter 33.

Goggled Anon
Kase-san discussion 24 Mar 20:28
joined Oct 15, 2014

Actually it looks like Takashima has stated on Twitter that there's another update due next month.

last edited at Mar 24, 2017 8:37PM

Goggled Anon
joined Oct 15, 2014

So how about that new Global Testfire, huh?
Those new haircuts bring about all kinds of potential.
casually glances towards Eromame

Goggled Anon
Kase-san discussion 24 Mar 08:29
joined Oct 15, 2014

I'm thinking that a 5 min animation for 1 song is too long. It's probably going to be similar to Candy Boy or CLAMP in Wonderland.

Going by the nature of the still, this could either be music video-esque summary of their relationship or, as the title suggests, an adaptation of the first chapter.