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joined Mar 16, 2018

It ain't the same with that sepia touch

By My Side discussion 24 Sep 20:03
joined Mar 16, 2018

Someday the silver moon and I will go to Dreamland
I will close my eyes and wake up there in Dreamland
But tell me who will put flowers on a flower's grave?
Who will say a prayer?

Will I meet a China rose there in Dreamland?
Or does love lie bleeding in Dreamland?
Are these days forever and always
And if we are to die tonight
Is there moonlight up ahead?
And if we are to die tonight
Another rose will bloom

For a faded rose
Will I be the one that you save?
I love when it showers
But no one puts flowers on a flower's grave

As one rose blooms, then another will die
It's always been that way
I remember the showers
But no one puts flowers on a flower's grave

And if we are to die tonight
Is there moonlight up ahead?
I remember the showers
But no one puts flowers on a flower's grave

joined Mar 16, 2018

You know what this series reminds me of a lot is that oneshot Your Cuteness by Otsu Hiyori

joined Mar 16, 2018

i liked how the Prince even managed to charm her male classmates. Usually when there’s a female “school prince” type character it’s an all-girls school, so having one at a coed school is kinda novel. I’m interested to see where this goes.

Lowkey that was my favorite part of this chapter. Seeing the boys get all blushy from how handsome the prince is was a lot of fun, and now I kinda wanna see a story that basically transplants a stereotypical yuri prince girl into a regular coed school but her raw charisma is still enough to make all the students swoon regardless

Dude not even lyin', I'd definitely swoon for that Prince
I love me some tomboys

Citrus + discussion 20 Sep 17:47
joined Mar 16, 2018

I like how this is one of those series where the forum discussion is arguably more entertaining and certainly had more thought put into it than the actual manga.

This is so true

Just as much unnecessary drama, though.

I miss that unnecessary drama, that's when the series was the most fun

Citrus + discussion 20 Sep 08:59
joined Mar 16, 2018

I think a lot of this just stems from Saburouta's weak characterization of Mei
I mean I like this kind of type of character that seems to act cold or inscrutable or remote at first
but like the hope is that you know they'll eventually thaw
and open up more and show some real affection (if they are alone)
Like, I want Mei to tell Yuzu that she loves her (I think she just did that once in the final chapter of Citrus Uno)
or be the one to sneak a kiss or I dunno pull a move like she did in chapter in chapter 13 of the og series (except this time be into it)
Also I want a damn chapter where we get to know what Mei is actually thinking for once!
Even if its only about Mei's thoughts on wanting to kill John Conner

last edited at Sep 20, 2021 9:00AM

Citrus + discussion 19 Sep 21:10
joined Mar 16, 2018

Mei-bot struggling to decide whether to kill John Connor or destroy Neo

I think my main problem with this sequel series is that I had hoped that Mei would be more honest and genuine about her feelings and instead she seems to have regressed (or been replaced by an unfeeling killing machine)

Image Comments 08 Sep 07:00
joined Mar 16, 2018

she fucc

joined Mar 16, 2018

As far as age gap goes this seems pretty tame and not ick
So yeah, hopefully that state of affairs continues

joined Mar 16, 2018

This looks like a fun manga about the rise of the industrial class. Very excited to see the means of production over the next few chapters

Well, they could also just be a class full of fans of Nine Inch Nails and Ministry

joined Mar 16, 2018

Well, considering how one particular landlord acted I think this is perfectly normal

joined Mar 16, 2018

joined Mar 16, 2018

This author seems to frequently mix up being innocent with being brain damaged

School Zone discussion 01 Sep 19:56
joined Mar 16, 2018

Please go somewhere, please go somewhere, please go somewhere -

I love the analogy of Yokoe always hiding one of her eyes because she's also hiding one side of her, but now, she's showing both sides...

I really liked that subtletly too. Maybe we'll really get a less obnoxious, more honest Yokoe for now.

I think we should just settle for more honest. I don't think Yokoe can not be obnoxious and I don't think we'd have her any other way

School Zone discussion 01 Sep 17:48
joined Mar 16, 2018

Yokoe uncovered her eye! Now her power has increased exponentially!

joined Mar 16, 2018

That last page
Haha looks like someone had a happy ending

joined Mar 16, 2018

OH damn! The no mermaids are here manga!
It finally got picked up again!

joined Mar 16, 2018



Also, I dunno with such great reactions from Ritsu I would be real tempted to tease her as well

joined Mar 16, 2018

joined Mar 16, 2018

I love the many people desperately pointing out that Shihos an asshole. First of all its nice to know that apparently we are all linked together like a hive mind as it is (many times) point blank stated as a fact rather than a personal opinion. (this might not be everyones intent but it only goes to show that we all are biased to our truth/opinion even when discussing something we try to be factual/neutral about) What is perceived by an individual as being an asshole or not is not something you can generalize that easily. Yes there is a general agreement to what is more likely to be perceived as one but that doesn't make it the ultimate truth for everyone and thus the only right answear. If the majority of people hated equal rights would that make it your truth as well I ask? Also the word "asshole" should not be mistaken for the word "bad" or "evil" as too many think of them as the same. While "bad" and "evil" have rather clear and cut meanings wich are only changed by further context "asshole" is to begin with only really given an accurate meaning with context.
I also want to ask the purpose of these comments in the first place. It is in everyone's right to post and write their thoughts and opinions but accidentally) coating ones opinion as a fact but acting as if it wasn't yet still getting angry when given "opinion/sugarcoated fact" is not perceived as an actual fact/the truth is just something one can not come up with actually existing but still does. Like do you want gratification so badly on your opinion/take on it? Does proving of you being on the side of the majority mean so much to you for being right? I don't get it. But that's just my take on the situation and you are free to disagree. Might have even given some people a good example for an asshole as I am sure some will perceive me as one after this xD

I think you are long winded but an asshole? Nah.

I don't have much of an opinion of Shiho because at this point there just doesn't seem to be much to her.
She's written as a pretty typical "rival/antagonist" sort of character and she pulls it off kinda well.
She's got a petty grudge against Miuzu (obviously about love or somethin') but is decent enough to Hino and her bandmates
She's also like super competitive

Also, like people have opinions on the things that they read and want to comment on them. That's all
I doubt most people give a shit about being in the majority consensus, more likely the opposite
Shiho is clearly being written in a certain way and people are responding to it.

last edited at Aug 24, 2021 5:00AM

joined Mar 16, 2018

This drama seems just so forced to me also like how would Himari handle being a manager in the first place?
She like knows nothing about music, what a shitty idea.

joined Mar 16, 2018

I guess this makes sense that it's part of a chapter but still

Feels real pointless except for some expository stuff and a lame chair

joined Mar 16, 2018

Golly gosh and gee wilikers this is great

Citrus + discussion 22 Aug 22:40
joined Mar 16, 2018

We are on the dreaded Yuzu birthday party arc

joined Mar 16, 2018

Getting shade from your tomboy girlfriend's boobs in highschool. I mean Yuu has peaked right? Where do you go from here?

Getting shade from your tomboy girfriend's boobs in college
Getting shade from your tomboy wife's boobs in RL