I love the many people desperately pointing out that Shihos an asshole. First of all its nice to know that apparently we are all linked together like a hive mind as it is (many times) point blank stated as a fact rather than a personal opinion. (this might not be everyones intent but it only goes to show that we all are biased to our truth/opinion even when discussing something we try to be factual/neutral about) What is perceived by an individual as being an asshole or not is not something you can generalize that easily. Yes there is a general agreement to what is more likely to be perceived as one but that doesn't make it the ultimate truth for everyone and thus the only right answear. If the majority of people hated equal rights would that make it your truth as well I ask? Also the word "asshole" should not be mistaken for the word "bad" or "evil" as too many think of them as the same. While "bad" and "evil" have rather clear and cut meanings wich are only changed by further context "asshole" is to begin with only really given an accurate meaning with context.
I also want to ask the purpose of these comments in the first place. It is in everyone's right to post and write their thoughts and opinions but accidentally) coating ones opinion as a fact but acting as if it wasn't yet still getting angry when given "opinion/sugarcoated fact" is not perceived as an actual fact/the truth is just something one can not come up with actually existing but still does. Like do you want gratification so badly on your opinion/take on it? Does proving of you being on the side of the majority mean so much to you for being right? I don't get it. But that's just my take on the situation and you are free to disagree. Might have even given some people a good example for an asshole as I am sure some will perceive me as one after this xD
I think you are long winded but an asshole? Nah.
I don't have much of an opinion of Shiho because at this point there just doesn't seem to be much to her.
She's written as a pretty typical "rival/antagonist" sort of character and she pulls it off kinda well.
She's got a petty grudge against Miuzu (obviously about love or somethin') but is decent enough to Hino and her bandmates
She's also like super competitive
Also, like people have opinions on the things that they read and want to comment on them. That's all
I doubt most people give a shit about being in the majority consensus, more likely the opposite
Shiho is clearly being written in a certain way and people are responding to it.
last edited at Aug 24, 2021 5:00AM