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joined Apr 17, 2015

Yeah, it seems like Canno didn't really know what to do with Kohagi and Momiji… Maybe they were just meant to contrast Yurine's loneliness with Kaoru's sociability, and lead her to make more friends? I dunno.

Otherwise, there was the Chiharu-Maya-Izumi triangle, but I guess that doesn't really count…

Spoilers perhaps?

Or a dropped plotline, maybe. =O

joined Apr 17, 2015

Volume 10 is out! Aaand… no omake, sadly. TT___TT Then again, she released an entire bonus volume full of omake for the special edition, so…

The only notable change was this:



…which makes that page infinitely better. Everything's there.

Also, the back cover shows all the other girls. With Ai taking Kohagi's hand for some reason…?

joined Apr 17, 2015

@Blastaar: It's also why I think it's the kind of series that should be read volume by volume rather than chapter by chapter. It makes the structure and flow of the story crystal clear.

^ Seems like Chiharu and Izumi are pretty popular, eh. =]

Little preview for the bonus volume that will be released with volume 10, featuring all the bonus booklets of previous volumes and various illustrations:


last edited at Mar 22, 2019 8:22AM

joined Apr 17, 2015 so i started rereading this series since it finally fully translated and i just want to ask,what did she meant when she said "my god... thank you for leaving me Yukina", is she thanking Yukina for leaving her(which didn't happened at all so if this is what it means then it doesn't make sense unless i missed something) or is she thanking god for leaving yukina to her?(i think this is what she meant but the sentence is really hard to understand so im not sure) sorry if this is a stupid question, its like 4am here so my reading comprehension is pretty dull at the moment.

It's the latter, obviously. The former meaning would be written "thank you for leaving me , Yukina."

I feel it would be doing the couples a disservice to rank them. Each pairing is good in its own way.
Except Nagisa and HIkari! You stupid tsunderes get a clue and kiss already! Rawr!

True… I don't know who said earlier that Nagisa and Hikari wouldn't confess even when they lived together in a house full of cats in their seventies. The first two are already complete. Okay, they only got one cat for now, but that will come!

^ …Ehem. >.>

last edited at Mar 20, 2019 2:11PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Ai is this series' Maki, she has fun just observing the other couples. X) Although I'm pretty sure Canno had initially planned to hook her up with Chiharu before changing her mind…

And considering how much I love Chiharu and Izumi, I'm kinda glad she did.

So what would be your final ranking for the AnoKiss championship? To me that woud be:

1 − Mizuki & Moe
2 − Ayaka & Yurine
3 − Chiharu & Izumi
4 − Yukina & Towako
5 − Sawa & Itsuki
6 − Hikari & Nagisa
7 − Amane, Ryou & Nina
8 − Asuka & Mikaze
9 − Haine & Aika (I like Haine but Aika not so much)

joined Apr 17, 2015

And so it ends… On one hand it feels a bit too much like a foregone conclusion, on the other it's nice to have a straightforward ending without drama or bitterness − just pure, undilluted happiness. At least they got to do actual girlfriend stuff before the end! Hopefully the omake will show a bit of their post-graduation life.

In retrospect, this last chapter also really makes you appreciate how much the mains have changed, Yurine especially. You can see that the characters they met and the relationships they formed had a real impact on them, and that's just sweet. Seriously, Yukina was MVP in this chap. XD

In terms of pure explosion of joy though, nothing quite beats Moe and Mizuki's engagement kiss in chapter 20.

Big thanks also for the scanlator team. I hope they managed to get in touch with Canno for official english translation (or maybe they did?), just like 434 does to yuri-ism team

There's already an official English release, and no we're not involved in it, unfortunately. :þ

last edited at Mar 20, 2019 8:08AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

@BugDevil Yuriten is a yearly yuri exposition created in 2016.

^ Doesn't seem like it.

joined Apr 17, 2015

The poster for this year's Yuriten, courtesy of Nakatani-sensei. =]


joined Apr 17, 2015

I mean that Yuu's running sideways, while Touko is running towards the reader. The jump between the two pages was a bit strange.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Right… I suppose he wants to see their show to the end after all. Yuu just giving up would be the worst anticlimax to him (and us).

On another note, I'm bothered by how weirdly… unparallel the last two pages are. Knowing Nakatani, I can't imagine that's not deliberate, but I'm not sure what it's supposed to mean.

(Maybe it's been discussed in some of the bazillion pages since the chap came out…)

^ Huh, it is similar…

last edited at Mar 5, 2019 5:12PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Come on, Maki, you're a spectator, you're not supposed to give direction to the actors on stage. :þ

But man, that was a good transition… Here's what I was hearing during the last few pages…

joined Apr 17, 2015

On another note, Canno has done a little interview with Yurinavi to celebrate the end of the series. I'll see if I can translate it (though if someone else can I won't stop them X) ).

And we might expect a Revue Starlight doujin before long since she's apparently hooked on it lately.


joined Apr 17, 2015

Interesting to compare this chapter's kiss with the one in chapter 44. The latter was impulsive, passionate and almost out-of-control. This one is soft, subdued and mutual.

Now we still don't know what Yurine has been plotting with Amane for the last few chapters.

Now they are best friends

I swear I was afraid Ayaka would say that for a moment. XD

Wait, is this series almost over?! Because it said "final chapter!" Damn, why is it that every good yuri series I read spends very little time on the relationships they're building up to.

A pity indeed. =[ I wouldn't mind a sequel about their adult life, but I'm not sure of what direction it could take.

last edited at Feb 14, 2019 7:51PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

…It took me several minutes to get that joke. I'm getting old.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Canno's illustration for the second volume of Taste My Fist of Love!


joined Apr 17, 2015

I'm pretty sure they're added by the editor. They never keep them in the compiled volumes.

"Ima naraba, ima dakara" seems like the kind of "guess from the context" phrasing Japanese is fond of. I would personally translate it as "I can do it now; it's now that I must do it", which is pretty close to the version on Dynasty.

last edited at Feb 6, 2019 10:55AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Ouch. I didn't expect the gap to be this big…

(meanwhile, NTR somehow managed to sell less than 400, which might be close to a record. >.>)

joined Apr 17, 2015

I'm curious, how well did the Citrus anime sell compared to YagaKimi?

joined Apr 17, 2015

hey so, what did senpai said? what does it mean?

If you mean the translation of the poem, it's in the page right after.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Someone on TVTropes pointed out something interesting…

Here's a fun thing: those ducks, assuming they're the same species, have been used as a metaphor for eternal love (since they mate for life) since the Heian Period. Including, as I wrote a paper on once, in correspondence and love poems between women - namely Murasaki Shikibu and Sei Shonagon (though not with each other because they kind of hated each other, as far as we can tell). In particular, Sei exchanged poems with her Lady, Empress Teishi, that used the ducks being lonely without their mates to express how sad Sei and Teishi were to be apart from each other.

Touko, being an outstanding student, would of course know that.

The more you know…

joined Apr 17, 2015

That was beautifully done…

Knowing not only that Touko loves Yuu, but her own rejected confession might be instrumental to bringing Touko and Yuu together… that's gotta hurt. And as others pointed out, it would actually have been worse if she had confessed earlier; Touko would have still rejected her, but would have been completely unequiped to deal with it emotionally.

And thanks to Nakatani for giving representation to the marginalized minority that are lesbian ducks.

Also, coincidence?

last edited at Jan 30, 2019 12:24PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

I would vote 10, 8 and 11 for my three favorites, with 2 as a close fourth.

Most of them are lovely anyway. I'm just not a big of fan of 6 and 12; and 13 has kinda grown on me as I translated it. =O

last edited at Jan 30, 2019 11:40AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Preview time!

Only one left after this one… I can't believe I followed and translated this series from beginning to end for 5 years. I'm gonna miss it. ;___;

joined Apr 17, 2015

It feels like a scene that could have happened early in the main series, honestly.