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joined Feb 14, 2016

Hurray for love confessions!

Too bad that also confirms there won't be a triad.

I mean I certainly wouldn't count on a poly ending the way things have been set up so far


There are a couple things to keep in mind.

First of all, the author was interested enough in the idea of a threesome to draw at least a couple pictures of it. If the idea were off the table on some basis of ethics or aversion/squick we definitely wouldn't be getting a couple panels depicting it!

Second of all, I'm not convinced we're supposed to take Jun's argument about the distinction between idolization and love uncritically. If anything it's almost the opposite, that idol cutlure tries to market itself in a way that breaks down a distinction between person and product, to try to turn that sort of possessive feeling into acts of consumption. The whole thing about parasocial relationships, that's what they're talking about. Hence why you get people feeling betrayed when an idol gets revealed to be in a relationship, why you get people who do creepy stalker stuff, and why you see people who vandalize their own possessions related to an idol when personal information gets out in public.

Given that Jun is very, very into that idol culture and also very, very single I think it's reasonable to say the story doesn't want us to take Jun's argument without a grain of salt. I certainly don't agree with it!

joined Feb 14, 2016

I don't think that this arc is that bad at all.

You think Kase putting her long-term relationship up for a bet isn't bad?

I would say something like "it's not a bet if you know you're going to win" but I need to caveat the fact that that's also the gambling addict's motto

joined Feb 14, 2016

If I'm gonna die may as well be to one of the pretty lesbians

joined Feb 14, 2016

I mean, I see it. Dude has the same kind of direct focus. Schroeder had Beethoven, Haro has nudes.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Are there any good grunge/alt rock duets, anyway? I can't think of any.

Everlong ain't a duet but it'd work great as one

joined Feb 14, 2016

Maybe it's copium, but this classic dumb plot point caused by a misunderstanding thing somehow feels a lot better when it's a character like Makino getting misunderstood.

Given that it's been established she has effectively no social awareness (or at least no sense of propriety), it doesn't feel like it exists to inject drama for its own sake but a genuine character-driven moment. She's rash and self-centered and, go figure it's blown up in her face even if she doesn't realize it yet

joined Feb 14, 2016

Wow, it's like washing a hetero couple. One doing every work at home and taking care of the other and their relationship, and the other assuming that all she gets is a given and says "I love you" every three months. Yuiko deserves better.

Wouldn't be a dynasty scans forum page without casual bigotry of some kind.

Oh no, won't someone think of the poor straight people lmfao

It's ok to make generalizations about people based on their sexuality, as long as it's the right kind of people! /s

I mean, yeah? ...How old are you that this is a novel or controversial idea for you??

last edited at Sep 10, 2023 12:33AM

joined Feb 14, 2016

Wow, it's like washing a hetero couple. One doing every work at home and taking care of the other and their relationship, and the other assuming that all she gets is a given and says "I love you" every three months. Yuiko deserves better.

Wouldn't be a dynasty scans forum page without casual bigotry of some kind.

Oh no, won't someone think of the poor straight people lmfao

joined Feb 14, 2016

This can't have been easy to work on. I think that if this final chapter had been spread out over 3-4 chapters at least it would have felt a little bit less abrupt, and I think the story deserved better.

Obviously not at the expense of the author's well-being though. I'd rather have the abrupt ending than nobody get one at all.

joined Feb 14, 2016

You just know this story came about because they knew the leads of hibike eupho had too much chemistry to date mediocre dudes

joined Feb 14, 2016

Hurray for lesbian bars, I guess?

In lesbian bars, they know all about pussy.

Go to a lesbian bar, and the cat is out of the bag. Reasonable.

Except not really.

Lot of straight girls go to lesbian bars on a dare, or to find a place where obnoxious guys don't hit on them all the time, so they can drink in relative peace.

Yeah I mean the fact that neither Risa nor Ayaka have been to the bar before is probably going to be Hiroko's argument to herself and is probably much more reasonable to presume than these two girls seriously being a pair of closeted lesbians given it's never* come up at work

joined Feb 14, 2016

Haha I can't wait to see how Hiroko rationalizes her way out of this one
Hiroko rationalizes her way out of it quite easily
Haha I can't wait to see how Hiroko rationalizes her way out of THIS one

Amazing chapter. Absolutely love it.

joined Feb 14, 2016

I wonder if the two women that left went home together.

Well, they have a shared crummy experience in common and both like women, so why not

joined Feb 14, 2016

I would say that if there's any author whose works would make it worth extending benefit of the doubt to a series like this it would be Sal Jiang, and I have to say that while I hate this sort of story being told for melodrama, it's excellent as a comedy. One of the funniest things I've read in a while. Love it.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Finally the bonus chapter where they both eat out

joined Feb 14, 2016

You would think that a staunch lesbian womanizer with 50 conquests and dating experience to the max would have a better gaydar than that.

I got the impression that Hiroko's "50 girlfriends" were of the same nature as Ayaka's "12 office boyfriends" -- that is to say, largely speculative.

The fact that she had to resort to an international app does suggest a distinct lack of success.

"Even on this app, I can't believe I'm only matching with straight women!" I mean obviously the real barrier is her severe social anxiety but hey who hasn't been there huh folks

joined Feb 14, 2016

Ah yes, just as Collins and Harlan foretold, the nana daba honeymoon

last edited at May 6, 2023 11:47AM

joined Feb 14, 2016

Characters! Being open about their motivations to each other! No way! I can't believe this!

joined Feb 14, 2016

Am I the only one who notices that $1300 for a hotel laptop is insane? That kind of money would get you a gaming laptop with .5 terabyte SSD, i7-i9 processors, nvidia gtx 3050-3060, and 144 hz. Unless the hotel owner girl is actually a hard-core gamer, it would be pretty hard to find a regular laptop with that kind of pricing.

Pretty sure that computer was a MacBook. $1300 for an entry- to mid-level unit is about right. Also why it wouldn't be repairable

joined Feb 14, 2016

I think most people's problem with it is more how the grooming situation was handled than it simply existing (well at least that is how it is for me). This is fiction, but this story constantly brings up many real life issues relating to the LGBT community so having them kinda "tee-hee" away the whole Karen situation isn't very palatable. They acknowledge how wrong it is with the "that's illegal" statement and Aya warning Marika about Karen, but it was portrayed as something to brush off. The overall situation was painted in a comedic light with the whole bar watching the 2 while they are discussing this with smiles on their faces so it was just...weird.

I think the main problem with this series is it doesn't know whether it wants to be mindless porn or a commentary on LGBT matters. If the whole thing isn't really meant to be taken seriously, which from the beginning was a ridiculous premise, then I don't think there would be much issue with the problematic content. But the story offers actual meaningful discussions on real life matters so it makes it hard to "separate fiction from reality" sometimes.

I would agree and think it really undercuts the romance in this chapter to have the last couple chapters go the way they did. "Yeah, I proposed this challenge because I was infatuated and didn't want you to wind up doing compensated dating with some abusive creep. Oh right, my boss who I introduced you to without pointing out she's a nearly Lily Cade level of missing stair in this community is still here huh". Just completely undermines whatever point Aya is trying to make here.

joined Feb 14, 2016

Quite possibly one of the darkest stories on this entire site

joined Feb 14, 2016

Draw it yourself instead of expecting to be catered to.

LMFAO yeah, that is an obviously workable proposal

last edited at Jan 4, 2023 3:13PM

joined Feb 14, 2016

I feel like this needs the Idiot Couple tag

idiot not-a-couple

joined Feb 14, 2016

Obviously the shadowy figure got that tracking information by convincing her to install a "foursquare for lesbians" app on her phone through the use of targeted ads to people who play "collect one billion wives"

joined Feb 14, 2016


I suspect that the definition of wholesome shifted in the past 5 years and I no longer understand what it means