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joined Mar 24, 2015

Are we just going to skip over the cliffhanger from chapter 13?! Why?!

As far as chapter 14 goes, I was hoping this Usshi person would be ace. I guess she still could be but the jealousy with the band dude made it seem like she wasn't going to wind up ace after all. The heart to heart with Miwa was definitely cute but...

Idk, I don't understand why this chapter is where it is or why it is? Since when do we care about this character enough for her to have her own chapter, especially after that cliffhanger? Gah

Des bisous discussion 27 May 16:46
joined Mar 24, 2015

Ahh, CCS was my first manga back when I was 9. It was printed right to left, which I'm not sure all English versions did back then, and that was fascinating to me. When I finally figured out that Tomoyo loved Sakura, I was so scandalized... only to wind up gay myself hahaha... ha

joined Mar 24, 2015

I want to like this because the art is gorgeous and it seems like it will actually tackle polyamory but there is just something really not sitting well with me. I think it's the tutor. She doesn't seem like a real person.

joined Mar 24, 2015

Wait so we're really gonna pretend that chapter never happened and act like this is fine--Author, what even

I also worry for the plates

joined Mar 24, 2015

I feel ya, kiddo.

joined Mar 24, 2015

Bruh the credit...

Bruh. Lmao

last edited at Apr 19, 2020 10:17AM

Lily Marble discussion 14 Apr 01:30
joined Mar 24, 2015

Huh. That happened kinda fast? I mean YES but huh. It was really that easy. Silly Aya.

joined Mar 24, 2015

And to add insult to injury, when A-chan is at her lowest point, Rin has audacity to talk nonsense like "Even if tiny bit, you loved that person". It feels like she's trying to gaslight and manipulate her into agreeing. What a complete joke. Not to mention "I want to see Yukina". Yes. The person I dated. I can't imagine how it could raise some eyebrows or hurt A-chan in any way. Also would be incredibly hard af to explain when you do meet her, how do you know each other and why you wanted to meet.

EDIT/ I missed it, lol she is actually meeting with Yukina regularly. So she even cheats on A-chan at the end? Wow, A-chan really got screwed over hard.

THAT FIRST PART times a million. Omg. I was like, how are you going to tell someone their own feelings?? Especially when they are telling you exactly that their feelings are? Rin is batshit crazy, y'all.

I think your comment probably came before the extra pages, but those at least make it seem that Rin sticks with A-chan. Wow. How great of her to stick with her after manipulating her into having someone else's kids.

The one thing that maybe might make the getting with Yukina thing RELATIVELY okay is if Rin were dating her on the side (which again, I don't think she is) to keep this "A-chan's lover always dies" thing from happening. But even then Yukina would be getting jerked around.

Also someone else mentioned that the extra pages kinda invalidate the story in that everyone just gets paired off willy nilly. Which like. Seriously. You're just gonna throw sister x sister and underage (well, the underage stuff was already happening, anyway) here because like "may as well teehee". Like it's supposed to be this cutesy tongue-in-cheek ending.

Oh man. I gotta go brush my teeth to get the bad taste of this thing out of my mouth.

joined Mar 24, 2015

Keep up the sepia tone and the good work! :]

joined Mar 24, 2015

AHHHHH. I don't know when this happened but THANK YOU for tagging all the couples!! Makes life so much easier

joined Mar 24, 2015

Needs the M. Night Shyamalan tag


Is this a tag that existed before this?! There's only one other thing on the whole site that has it so I guess it had to have existed before. Still, amazing.

last edited at Aug 13, 2019 9:20PM

joined Mar 24, 2015

I didn't know I shipped it until I shipped it. Omg. Though I doubt anything further will happen with those two, and that'd be okay, too.

joined Mar 24, 2015

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a jazzy phizzle productshizzle

Missy!! Missy. The princess is here!

joined Mar 24, 2015

Mikkun playing the ladder game bc there was weird tension but he wanted to show that everything was okay (sob of friendship)

joined Mar 24, 2015

Fussy tag ftw

Does anyone know what the original Japanese word she was using for 'fussy' might have been?

joined Mar 24, 2015

The fuwa fuwa is too much... The doki doki is strong...

joined Mar 24, 2015

Absolutely about this.

joined Mar 24, 2015

I don't know how to put images in comments from the phone, but my face the entire time was basically the face Chinatsu Sensei made waiting for Haruko and Natsuko to kiss

Bless whoever had these pages (sob)
Bless Haruko realizing they'll be a couple eventually
Bless Chinatsu Sensei's partner

joined Mar 24, 2015

...I don't understand. Did this just become a Carmex ad?

joined Mar 24, 2015

She said she likes You, why is it DiaxKanan

Hehehehehe. Four for you.

joined Mar 24, 2015

Funny seeing everyone suddenly change their minds from "Kotooka is so annoying omg!!" to her suddenly being the favorite... She's been the most interesting one from the start. Not sure how y'all didn't see it ;]

Though now I want her with Nadeshiko, since she's smart too and seems to have caught onto how Kotooka feels. They can date and be all introspective together, yay

She was annoying and the worst for the first 5 chapters without a doubt. She acted like she knew what was best for Tsukasa by almost forcing her into dating a guy she clearly wasn't interested and she was extremely nosy during her date as well. BUT, once we saw why she was so annoying at first, everyone warmed up to her since she's probably the one who's hurting the most out of the whole group since she knows the girl she likes is into the person who likes her and none of that can't happen, according to her.

It was pretty clear early on though that she knew more than she was letting on. A few other clever folks saw it. Hats off to you guys!

It's easy to change your mind once you see her side of the story, but all I'm saying was that there was clearly more from the beginning and that she wasn't being annoying for no reason. I didn't find her annoying because of that. But I guess if you didn't see it, you didnt see it.

Just give the story some time and give my girl Kotooka the chance she deserves!

last edited at Nov 21, 2016 1:01PM

joined Mar 24, 2015

Funny seeing everyone suddenly change their minds from "Kotooka is so annoying omg!!" to her suddenly being the favorite... She's been the most interesting one from the start. Not sure how y'all didn't see it ;]

Though now I want her with Nadeshiko, since she's smart too and seems to have caught onto how Kotooka feels. They can date and be all introspective together, yay

joined Mar 24, 2015

People are so into Tsukasa and Nadeshiko but that only leaves more space for me on the Tsukasa and Mikage train. <3

Please take my ticket, as I am also on this train

joined Mar 24, 2015

Hoping for Kotooka x Tsukasa endgame. It seems a lot of people are getting annoyed at Kotooka right now, but I think she's the most interesting character. She might be a little pushy with setting het friend up with a guy, but it seems to be a way of coping with her own feelings. Maybe she thinks she can move on if Tsukasa is taken. They are only in middle school so their actions aren't out of the ordinary.

This x 1000. Kotooka knows what's up and I think people getting annoyed with her aren't giving her enough credit. Yeah, she's pushing the girl she likes to be with someone else, but Tsukasa is going on a date with a guy just to forget about who she likes--instead of just acknowledging that she isn't interested and letting him know that. They're young and doing stupid things.

I can see how Kotooka's high energy would put people off, but man, it just makes it that much better when she's all gloomy and deep. That was what really kept me here, the introduction to her feelings for Tsukasa. I thought this was just going to be one of those linear triangles where Tsukasa likes Nadeshiko, Nadeshiko likes Kotooka, and Kotooka likes some random dude. But then it truly became a triangle in such an interesting way, going back to that meeting on the train and seeing that Kotooka was part of it from the beginning. She's unexpectedly deep.

Just, man, I love this girl. Ahaha.

joined Mar 24, 2015

Washio said that she fell in love to a guy wearing Takoyaki shirts and i think the guy wearing Takoyaki shirts is Shiratori and she said she didn't want Takooka to know coz i think Washio actually realize or know that Takaooka is inlove with Shiratori. Right?? this is perfect

I mean, i doubt Washio actually knows that Kotooka is in love with Shiratori. Otherwise i think she would've gave up her feelings for the sake of her loved one happiness or some bs like that.

Trueeee about the loved one's happiness thing. I don't even understand how there are four volumes worth of this lol. It's gonna be a ride.

Oops deltahalo you're right. Sorry I ruined it for everyone ahahaha