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joined Mar 20, 2014

For anyone that wonder why Shimamura sound quite cold in the end, some says that Adachi ranting are quite incomprehensible because of she was crying. The blue board usually showed this image

That makes it even worse. For all Shimamura knows Adachi could have been upset because something bad happened to her. Just think of talking to someone on the phone, and crying emotionally because your mom was involved in a severe car crash, and the person on the other side just goes "what a pain!" and hangs up. Really, I maintain that it is still not very Shimamura-esque to do that, and she could at least have Adachi calm down to explain what is going on.

joined Mar 20, 2014

I suppose a manga is really good if it makes different people hate one of the persons, but a different one to someone else, to the point they want to stop reading. I'm not sure if feelings of that much uncomfortable are a good thing for an artist to create, but it shows skill.

I disagree. The main problem I have with this story is that Adachi and Shimamura are clearly being made to behave in certain ways for dramatic effect, and not necessarily because it makes sense. Yes, Adachi was fascinated by Shimamura from the start, and it took quite a while to realize her own feelings. Shimamura, in turn, was always depicted as cautious, overly polite and somewhat baffled by the affection thrown her way by Adachi (and others). She never outright pushed Adachi away though, as she wondered about her own interest in that girl. It was subtle, sweet, sometimes heart-wrenching, but never dipped into straight-up melodrama.

Until now, that is. For some reason, the author deemed it fit to make have Adachi regress into a blubbering mess over Shimamura, and to turn Shimamura in a callous b*tch who just don't give a damn. None of this makes any sense within what was established about those two before, so what the heck happened?

Well, bad writing. That's what happened. My best guess is that the author simply has no clue how to prolong the subtle conflict and give any of the girls a convincing character arc. The "solution:" exaggerate the girls' personality traits the point of caricature. The result is a jarring mess that leaves me scratching my head, to say the least.

joined Mar 20, 2014

The thing is, those two options would require Shimamura to actually address the issue of Adachi's breakdown, which is asking for a bit too much given her own difficulties with facing anything remotely complicated, hard to blame anyone here.

Well, if she really cares for the girl then, yeah, that's what she should have done. Sometimes you need to overcome your own unease in order to do the right thing.

Shimamura is also constantly being portrayed as even-minded and polite (perhaps to a fault), so her going "what a pain" to someone who is obviously hurting just comes across as completely out of character, especially considering who she's talking to. Shimamura went from mildly bewildered interest in Adachi to "don't give a f*ck" with just a few words, and that's just ... weird.

Still, it's one thing seeing it written, but reading that "What a pain" in manga form hurt. I understood Adachi's immediate need to puke afterwards.

In reality this would also be pretty much the end. I, for one, would never be able to trust someone who did that to me ever again. Heck, I dislike Shimamura enough now to stop reading this altogether.

joined Mar 20, 2014

So Shimamura lets Adachi ramble on for a long while without interjecting (or perhaps even listening), then says that one callous thing and ... hangs up. I realize Shimamura is likely annoyed or even freaked out by Adachi's massive breakdown (who wouldn't be), but I thought she liked Adachi enough to at least try to understand what the heck is going on. So something like "Hey, are you done? Can we talk for real now?" Or maybe "We'll talk later once you've calmed down a bit,." Those would still be very Shimamura-like responses and show that she has it together.

A level-headed Shimamura is fine with me. A heartless Shimamura... not so much.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Ah, they're in Otaru. I have been standing at that exact same spot where Sora and Ayaka tell their friends what's up (for anybody who cares: it's along the famous Otaru Canal).

Man, I miss Japan. I hope to get there soon!

Piquant discussion 21 Sep 22:08
joined Mar 20, 2014

So they're tearing the place down with students in it, and without warning? There were still students walking in and out, and it did seem to take them by surprise. Shouldn't they be redirected to a new building that would have to be there first as well?

I am all for suspending disbelief, but come on.

joined Mar 20, 2014

So Sakurako and Kasumi's important moment in the train ends with ... a shrug.

Well, if even the author doesn't seem to care, I don't see why I should care either.

last edited at Sep 13, 2022 7:00PM

School Zone discussion 12 Sep 15:41
joined Mar 20, 2014

So far there is no evidence of Kei being attracted to Rei. Quite the opposite.

If that is true, then this manga is basically just about a bunch of unrequited crushes of girls on other girls. Well, that's boring, but unfortunately not unprecedented.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Wait. I never thought about it but, how do a Slice of Life manga ends ? There should be some big event before it ends right ?

The standard solution is a meteor impact.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Yay. Another useless chapter about characters we don't care about.

Kuzushiro, will you ever learn?

joined Mar 20, 2014

And no time was being wasted. I like it!

School Zone discussion 31 Aug 12:42
joined Mar 20, 2014

Ironically, it's a smaller gap. Hell can you really call it age gap for one year ?

Of course not. Kishiya is right in Fuji's strike zone. At least, I hope she is. Because after almost one hundred chapters my patience is starting to run a tad thin, and I think some progress has to be made by someone somehow. I'd prefer for Yokoe and Sugiura to finally work out their issues, but I will take Fuji and Kishiya for the time being if that is what's on offer.

School Zone discussion 31 Aug 09:13
joined Mar 20, 2014

Unless there's a university that labels itself as a high school, she's pretty conclusively a high school student.

The sign clearly states "高校 (koukou), so it's obviously an escalator school aligned with a university (Seiran Academy in this case). These are actually pretty common in Japan.

Of course, this means that Kishiya was not all that truthful. Was she trying to impress Fuji? If so, what for? Just to mess with her? I hope for poor Fuji this is not the case.

last edited at Aug 31, 2022 9:15AM

School Zone discussion 30 Aug 20:02
joined Mar 20, 2014

Actual forshadowing

Where's that from?

joined Mar 20, 2014

Am I the only one doesn't like Shinohara, Like, at all? C'mon, Heke... you don't need to put with all of that crap.

School Zone discussion 15 Aug 16:11
joined Mar 20, 2014

There is no way in Hell Kishiya will actually come to the festival, and I really hate to see what Fuji will go through then.

joined Mar 20, 2014

The guitar Ren is playing looks like a Lava Me 2. Style!

last edited at Aug 15, 2022 1:36PM

joined Mar 20, 2014

I think Kasumi and Sakurako need a good beta couple to show them how it's done.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Ah, they're visiting Venus Fort and the Daikanransha in Odaiba. Too bad those won't be around for long anymore.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Nice. Can't wait for the finished version.

joined Mar 20, 2014

So Kaoru just kisses a random girl she met at the station? Well, that's ... actually a bit weird, to be honest.

And "ドトン ドトン" (doton doton) is obviously the sound the train makes, so it doesn't make sense to translate it as "clamoring."

last edited at Jun 26, 2022 1:04PM

joined Mar 20, 2014

What? Here I am thinking they're already low-key dating, and then we get this? I sense another Stretch coming up.

joined Mar 20, 2014


joined Mar 20, 2014

I can attest that Mt. Buko is a bit of a bitch to climb. I didn't see any bears though... although I didn't see any deer either.

joined Mar 20, 2014

You know, Saori... Shizuku is right. Being hit all the time is kind of annoying, so could you please stop doing that? Hugs and kisses tend to have a way better Return On Investment.

last edited at Jun 6, 2022 1:56PM