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joined Jul 26, 2016

Spoiler is == on both sides.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Les rosbifs like their weird old relics, never mind now they were probably the first European monarchy to reduce their crownheads into mere decorations for good.

Though in practice members of the upper classes normally just got their dynastic duties over and done with whether they liked their assigned spouses or not, and thereafter discretely found their emotional and/or sexual fulfillment elsewhere if necessary.
Or... not so discreetly, depending.
There were some pretty wild people in the vast family tree of the Austrian Hapsburgs in the 1800s for ex, such as Emperor Franz Joseph's youngest brother the Archduke Ludwig Viktor - an open flamboyant homosexual and transvestite whom Big Bro Emps eventually had to exile from the capital after one too public a scandal too many.

And at least two minor Archdukes and one Archduchess (sister of one of the previous as it happened) who straight up ran away to start new lives abroad - one of the former became a merchant captain and eventually died in a storm off Cap Horn IIRC.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Fucking primogeniture laws, man.

Is that what people mean when they say, "It's okay as long as only the tip goes in?"

Nah in that context you're supposed to just j-j-j-jam it in. Inheritance laws strike me as a rather dry and unstimulating topic for bedroom talk, mind you, but I don't pretend to know or understand all the fetishes people have...

Counterpoint- Imagine a lesbian in a Buckingham palace bedroom cracking her fingers and sultrily muttering, "I'm going to stir you up like the Succession to the Crown Act, 2013."

Homosexuals for obvious reasons have certain problems with that whole "producing heirs" bit that're pretty relevant here, pending considerable advances in reproductive medicine (still WIP) or outsourcing certain parts of the process which... might have some issues with those selfsame laws, given the whole emphasis on direct descent and all. :/

joined Jul 26, 2016

Fucking primogeniture laws, man.

Is that what people mean when they say, "It's okay as long as only the tip goes in?"

Nah in that context you're supposed to just j-j-j-jam it in. Inheritance laws strike me as a rather dry and unstimulating topic for bedroom talk, mind you, but I don't pretend to know or understand all the fetishes people have...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I must say that going from drawing (not necessarily unjustified) parallels to het NTR tropes, to supposed stereotypes of lesbian promiscuity, was rather a wild cognitive leap.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Haven't seen this. I'm using an under leveled Noelle to break the pillars. Try her maybe?

My only real alternative to Noelle for pillar-busting is a horribly underleveled Chongyun.

joined Jul 26, 2016

haha how long did he know she was an assassin and just let her hang around the prince anyway, based drama loving king

Honestly wouldn't be surprised if he was lowkey hoping the boy would get offed so he could pick a less obviously unfit successor. Fucking primogeniture laws, man.

Image Comments 02 Dec 11:32
joined Jul 26, 2016

^quite. Plus it's probably noteworthy that when the protag starts asking around for their missing sibling, despite IIRC being well aware of the rough extent of time they were out of it, the description they give people clearly assumes the other hasn't aged a day in the meantime...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Having to farm Oceanid for Mona's ascension mats is killing me T_T

TBF farming that cancer puddle for anything is pretty AIDS x_x

I'm not super keen on Geohypo either because it keeps kinda bugging out and turning invisible midair instead of falling when you break its pillars, but the Oceanid is just a pain in the ass to fight at the best of times.

joined Jul 26, 2016

That's the most unprofessional assassin I've ever seen...

"Are you an assassin?"

"How did you kno-I mean......... No?"

TBF she's not exactly professional but just some minor noble chick who can get close to the Prince because he wants to get into her pants.

Real shitty liar tho, which is less of a survival trait in those circles in general.

OFC I'm not really seeing why her faction would even want to off the guy in the first place because he has "easily manipulated figurehead" written all over his idiot face...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Well the King certainly has ample reason to be annoyed seeing as how his heir presumptive is very publicly making an absolute fool out of himself even before his accusations get systematically demolished. That sort of thing both reflects poorly on the prestige and credibility of the dynasty and raises alarming questions over his fitness to eventually assume the throne.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Asumi-chan Is Surrounded By Raging Lesbians T B H

joined Jul 26, 2016

By the sounds of it if and when Riku ever un-represses she'll promptly go third stage Super Sand Lesbiandigivolve into Horny Beast Supreme...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Edit: Not exactly what I like but it still has Amber and Lumine in it. Bondage

That shaman has clearly been exposed to the corrupting influences of questionable artistic works from other planes...
Think of the Hilichurls! Stop exporting hentai now!

last edited at Dec 1, 2020 1:39PM

Image Comments 01 Dec 13:32
joined Jul 26, 2016

^eh, it's just good manners to accept such gestures - plus more to the point she had use for the Traveler and their emergency food at the time so any breaches of etiquette were pragmatically overlooked anyway.

Image Comments 01 Dec 13:28
joined Jul 26, 2016

^yeah but ya reckon Qiqi will remember that longer than five minutes? inb4 they then go looking for Ganyu and Klee levels half Liyue Harbor instead D:'d actually be entirely in character for Klee to cause greater mayhem than an eldritch abomination like the Lord of the Vortex managed, come think of it. >_>

Image Comments 01 Dec 00:59
joined Jul 26, 2016

What sells it for me is Niang's utterly, witheringly indifferent look.

please look down on me with scorn oneesama

Image Comments 30 Nov 22:38
joined Jul 26, 2016

Klee would definitely help Qiqi look for Cocogoats.

And then the Liyue skyline would be a mountain or three less scenic.

Image Comments 30 Nov 21:11
joined Jul 26, 2016


"At least you're good for something."
- Ning, probably

School Zone discussion 30 Nov 19:20
joined Jul 26, 2016

I see Tsubaki has already learned to pay no heed to the Idiot Couple double act :v

Image Comments 30 Nov 18:53
joined Jul 26, 2016

Hell, what Alice even is files under the many, many unanswered mysteries of the franchise ZUN has never bothered elaborating on. But she certainly isn't even remotely an ordinary mortal, and may never have been depending on how literally you interpret Shinki's statement about the denizens of (her) Makai.

Not that it'd make much of a difference to "genocide is a fun game" Yuuka the ageless flower-monster ofc...

SHY discussion 30 Nov 17:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

MAN when the sub-boss just turns into the MAIN BOSS before you can THAT is a CLASSIC RPG MOVE!

Fool! This is not even my final form!

Image Comments 30 Nov 16:29
joined Jul 26, 2016

^I'm reasonably sure the implication is she stayed over at Pinkie's and for whatever reason left her panties behind.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I noticed that the Paimon's Bargains shop resets in less than a day and the next banner comes a few hours after that, so if you have some coins to exchange and you want to try one last time (LIKE ME!!!) for the Childe Banner, this might be it.

My Ningguang is now C3 but still no Beidou OTL

joined Jul 26, 2016

I go back and forth on her character, but this top panel about had Subaru stealing my heart.

If and when those two ever have sex Subaru's going to do ALL the things to Fuuka just to watch her reactions, mark my words.