A comedic two shot. Two girls are a couple, one is very innocent looking but she can't wait to have sex with her gf, there is a page where she is watching porn. The other is more mature looking but has a much more childish view of the relationship.
The two chapters are the same date from each girls perspective. I think they have a misunderstanding about something, one of them runs off, but it is all resolved happily in the end.
On July 29th 2020, the author announced they no longer have plans to update this series, and that it would instead be rebooted in the Dengeki Daoh magazine under the title "Watashi wa Succubus to Kiss wo Shita", with a slightly altered story and character design.
Hifuwho ? Don't remind who the left person is at all ? (That's sarcasm btw, i know who she is, it's just that she have so little presence in the latest chapters that she can go unnoticed.)
to me it's better than a random character being introduced halfway through the series just to sabotage the main couple for "fun". that is the most annoying trope ever.
I'm supossing it was made before 4th gen debut since i don't see any of them.That and the fex lacking m,ember of past gen, i count Mio, Aki, Choco and Mel.
this manga really has no flavor. She should of just confessed already so it would of been the last chapter. Why drag this on?
And peoples will have complain it was too short and got axed and so on. Remember that's it's only the 10th chapter, some yuri take muhc longer to come to this point. Why complain to have something not ending after so little chapters.