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joined Jan 11, 2015

We (Kouyuri) are possibly picking it up, as it is one of my favourite series.

joined Jan 11, 2015

For an actual suggestion related to tags, me and Faust had an idea while discussing how tags can potentially spoil content, while on the contrary the lack of certain "trigger" tags —if you excuse the buzzword— can result in people accidentally reading things they might dislike, or that might make them feel bad.

I don't know if DS's server/site architecture would support this idea, but how about spoiler tagged tags? To clarify, I'm not speaking about the Spoiler tag, but rather that tags that might be considered to be spoilers could be hidden in the same way as in forum posts, e.g. [Lots of Handholding].

This way, people who aren't sensitive to anything don't get spoiled on twists or punchlines, while people who do wish to avoid certain tags can do so through blacklisting (which currently doesn't always work, as some things aren't tagged to avoid spoilers) or simply mousing over the spoiler tagged tags.

~ * ~ Alternatively ~ * ~

A system like they have on VNDB, to show/hide spoiler tags. If the option to show or hide spoiler tags is always present, the presence or lack of such an option isn't a spoiler in itself; if you click [Show Spoilers] for a story that doesn't have any would-be spoiler tags, nothing would show up.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

While implementing either of these would be a big change to the site, I think it would ultimately improve things for both readers and admins/moderators/uploaders, as there would —hopefully— be less posts complaining about tags one way or another, and uploaders wouldn't have to weigh spoilers vs transparency when tagging new uploads.

last edited at May 17, 2018 1:41PM

Hair discussion 17 May 04:48
joined Jan 11, 2015

"Kami" (神) is the word for "god", i.e. divine deities in general. Roughly speaking, in thia case adding the revering suffix "sama" fills roughly the same function as "God" in English (i.e. "a god" vs "God").

It's hard to explain the usage of suffixes without being overly wordy, lol...

joined Jan 11, 2015

I checked it out when i heard of it (not knowing what it was about), and I felt like shite after reading chapter 1...

For anyone who doesn't know it, it takes place at a strict girls' school, where the students are educated to be sex slaves and trophy wives/toys, sold to the highest bidder, and the story focuses on the girls "playing at love" with each other during their last few years of freedom.

I didn't quite tickle my "I want to translate this!" bone, I'm afraid...

last edited at May 16, 2018 8:51AM

joined Jan 11, 2015

@lytel & Nya-chan
This one, along with ch5 are listed in the anthology as previously unpublished. I'm guessing they were just stories that hadn't made the cut for publication, but were then included when the previous stories were compiled. Personally, I enjoy chapter 5, though mostly because Sayu is cute. Yes, I'm easy. :p

Image Comments 09 May 22:36
joined Jan 11, 2015


last edited at May 9, 2018 10:39PM

joined Jan 11, 2015

Last chapter from the Himitsu, Hitotsu anthology.

Enjoy the "gorgeous" art in this one.... :p

Forum Rules 09 May 01:56
joined Jan 11, 2015

Look at me. I am the manga now.

Forum Rules 08 May 23:50
joined Jan 11, 2015

If only Dynasty Scans had direct messaging... .__.

joined Jan 11, 2015

I do very much like the omake, but my god it took like three hours to translate for just one page 'cause of the illegible handwriting, lmao.

(Original for anyone curious)

joined Jan 11, 2015

Sometimes I think that expressing anything positive about the stuff I release is seen as a punishable offence by some... TT v TT

joined Jan 11, 2015

I think this story is actually more tolerable in this short, bite-sized format. If it was a longer series, it'd likely become frustrating to read, lmao.

joined Jan 11, 2015


Well i'd rather BE the huge lady. But unfortunately im only 5'8. I was the tall girl til highschool rolled around and i stopped growing :'(

Let's switch. 187/6'2 here... :p

joined Jan 11, 2015

Over already? NANI?

What?! 9000 Already?! There's no way that can be right!

last edited at May 1, 2018 2:00AM

joined Jan 11, 2015

I couldn't be arsed to make a credits page, but the scanlation's by me, myself, and I, and as always, QC by Faust.

Original Twitter post:

joined Jan 11, 2015

Nonsense! There are no onee-samas or crooked ties!

Alien Girl discussion 22 Apr 13:51
joined Jan 11, 2015

I wrote a short story (NSFW), inspired by Hushabye's character/setting. I'd love to hear any thoughts you may have!

last edited at Apr 22, 2018 1:52PM

Touma-kun discussion 21 Apr 14:19
joined Jan 11, 2015

Being an "adult woman", and generally older than the characters in [Adult Life] manga, I can very much relate to the "I'm not young anymore" mentality a lot of characters have. As much as it feels dumb, unnecessary, tragic, or what-have-you when characters give into pressure or expectations in stories like this, it's unfortunately quite realistic. Whether you give in or you're strong enough to keep doing your own thing, and whether it's subtle or in-your-face, there is always a kind of pressure to "be normal" —that's different from what you might face during primary and secondary education— even in a supposedly very "progressive" country like where I live.

That said, it's precisely for that reason that I generally dislike realistic feelsbad stories about adult life. There's plenty of realism in real life. When I was younger, I even had a fling with a Japanese woman, who just a few months later happily told me that she was getting married, so I got to experience that wonderful trope first-hand. I'm not bitter. Not at all.

last edited at Apr 21, 2018 2:28PM

Image Comments 21 Apr 13:05
joined Jan 11, 2015

Gdi lmao

joined Jan 11, 2015

I've reread Virgins' Empire and Hayate x Blade a lot of times. I never tire of either. Not a manga or yuri, but another one is the Suzumiya Haruhi light novel series. I also rewatch anime a lot, particularly all girls daily life stuff.

Image Comments 16 Apr 17:21
joined Jan 11, 2015

I thought this was the biggest train wreck of last season, then ep. 9 of Märchen Mädchen happened...

joined Jan 11, 2015

Wow. You're the first person to give me a concise, straight (lol) answer. Not one part felt under-informative, and your facts and similes were terribly easy to understand.
If I was grading this answer as a teacher, I'd give you a 10/10 plus bonus marks.
Are you on the Dynasty Scans Discord? I feel I could have a lot of scintillating conversations with you.

Aha, no, I'm afraid I haven't spent much time in the Dynasty Discord. :p

joined Jan 11, 2015


Ooh, scary. I'm asking a serious question. Love can take many forms. In manga, I've seen countless men who look like women and vice versa. I've seen girly men and burly women.
I'm wondering why people hate het. If it's just physical appearances, then one should also hate a Butch lesbian, no?
Please. HELP me understand. Threatening me just creates discouse
It just frustrates me that many people denounce a whole sub-division of literature just because one of the characters has a little junk in his trunk.

For me personally, as a lesbian woman, the junk in the trunk is not the problem. I wouldn't mind dating or sleeping with a girl that has a dick, whether it be because she's transgendered or whatever other real or fictional reason there might be, and I would not date or sleep with a guy that has a cooch. The genetalia isn't the problem.

Superficial appearances then? As you said, there are plenty of androgynous people, especially when it comes to characters in manga, not to mention cross-dressing. However, the character's gender remains the same, and for many people —including myself— that's important. Regardless of outward appearances, if a person turns out to be "something you're not attracted to" —whether it's their gender identity, political views, or anything else— any attraction you might've felt will likely fade if that particular "something" is a dealbreaker for you.

What I'm trying to say is that to many people, gender does matter a lot, not just physical appearances or their crotch equipment, meaning that regardles of what for it takes, het is still about a relationship between a man and a woman.

As for why people hate/dislike het, I can think of a number of possible reasons; trouble relating to it, a perceived "impurity" of a straight relationship, dislike for/disinterest in men or male characters, bad experiences, plan distaste for the subgenre, etc. Personally, my own androphobia, coupled with too many of my friends and acquaintances having been raped, has made me dislike het to the point of hating it. My subjective feelings are that men and male characters are boring, and seeing straight relationships bring negative thoughts, emotions, and memories to mind, regardless of how happy, healthy, and consenting the relationship is.

I'm sure there are as many reasons as there are people who express the sentiment, though. x)

joined Jan 11, 2015




Still hurts. I loved it so much. :<

joined Jan 11, 2015

Unfortunately, most examples I can think of aren't translated, but in case you or anyone else who's interested happen to read Japanese (or if they eventually do get translated), here are some I've come across:

Tomiko no Kimochi - An important side character is transgender and has a girlfriend. A surprisingly realistic and respectful depiction.

Otome Danshi ni Koi suru Otome - Female main character falls in love with a "pretty onee-san", who turns out to be biologically male. Though not outright stated, "he" (as he refers to himself) appears to be agender, but leaning female. Enjoyable, though with a fair share of jokes regarding the issue.

Uchi no Danna wa Oyome-san - Female MC is married to an untransitioned MTF "man", who switches between male and female mode, depending on the situation (e.g. male for work meetings etc.). Haven't finished it, but it seemed worth the read. Slight [Het] warning though, as people tend to swoon for the "male" mode.

Half and Half (Nanami Mao) - Translated - MC is in love with her childhood friend, who as an adult came out as transgender. A strange mix of realistic and idealistic/tropey, but worth the read. As has been mentioned in other threads, however, the transgender character is mainly referred to as "he", though I don't know if the author or translation is to blame.

Edit: (And if y'all don't mind pre-transition smut in text form, I might as well shill my own writing.)

last edited at Apr 4, 2018 10:38AM