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joined Mar 20, 2014

Ah, they went to Kawagoe. I thought I recognized the place. I there there myself a few years ago to see the locations from the "Tsuki ga Kirei" anime, and I wound up at the Kashiya Yokocho without even realizing what it was. Fun times!

joined Mar 20, 2014

I remember the same dialogue from another manga. Can this be true?

joined Mar 20, 2014

What the heck is going on? Has that whole discussion in the train completely been forgotten or what?

joined Mar 20, 2014

Aw, Purin looks so happy holding hands with Serufu. In her own way, that is. Love those two!

joined Mar 20, 2014

Did Miorine take growth hormones? She's so much taller here.

joined Mar 20, 2014

I was on that boat a few years ago. I didn't see those three though.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Are we being punished now we finally got a sex scene out of this?

Citrus + discussion 20 Jan 23:00
joined Mar 20, 2014

I have no chicken in the whole rest of the argument but i'd appreciate it if you didn't equate "autistic" to being traumatized or "broken", that's p ableist.

You know people can be both, right?

Citrus + discussion 20 Jan 22:59
joined Mar 20, 2014

That seems highly optimistic. Wasn’t their kiss in like 2020? And we’ve had like zero follow up since.

Yeah, they act as if that kiss never happened. Maybe Sabu tried to start something, only to get cold feet. It's weird in any case.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Kaede misunderstanding and/or panicking incoming in 5 ... 2 .... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ....

joined Mar 20, 2014

For crying out loud, Yamada. Your girlfriend just massively screwed both of you over for no good reason whatsoever. Get mad, dammit! Get mad!!

Citrus + discussion 17 Jan 02:34
joined Mar 20, 2014

Was there any reason stated why Mei doesn't want to have sex with Yuzu? I mean, this has been dragging on for a while now.

Yuzu, looks like Mei is just not into you. Sorry!

joined Mar 20, 2014

Welp, looks like the mangaka got bored with the Mori/Tomo plot already.

University festival it is then!

joined Mar 20, 2014

That's "existence," not "existance."

joined Mar 20, 2014

Uh... how would Rika know how to hit on a girl? I mean, she was the one being hit on, right?

last edited at Jan 13, 2023 12:57PM

joined Mar 20, 2014

Kase's a retard

That's putting it mildly. I honestly hope that this will lead to Yamada finally blowing her casket and dragging Kase out of those dorms. "Enough of this. We're gonna live together and that's that!"

Really, the main issue I have with this series is that Yamada is often too kind-hearted for her own good.

last edited at Dec 30, 2022 3:44PM

joined Mar 20, 2014

Oh, for crying out loud, Kase! Why do you give in to peer pressure so easily? Just say you're moving out, period. You don't even have to tell them why.

Knowing Yamada I don't think she will get angry about this, but I would be completely on her side if she did. Sheesh....

last edited at Dec 30, 2022 8:00AM

joined Mar 20, 2014

I can relate with Youzi's tendency to defend her favorite ship to the death. Still, violence is bad, mkay?

last edited at Dec 27, 2022 9:18AM

joined Mar 20, 2014

The artist should really practice drawing feet a bit more. I mean, that bend in Xiaoen's leg in chapter 17 looks particularly unnatural... unless the implication is that Xiaoen is made out of rubber.

joined Mar 20, 2014

I really wanted the two of them to be a couple by the end of the anime. Well, at least they didn't die.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Like I said. No reading comprehension. They can literally confess, say I love you and lets stay together forever and it's still not enough.

There's a long history in anime and manga of two female characters telling each other "I love you," after which one or both hook up with a guy anyway. The issue is what happens after they say it, but this story just ends there. To me, that comes across as "so close, yet so far."

I'll also keep it at that. Yes, I'm annoyed, but hey, there's so much more to read out there.

last edited at Dec 8, 2022 10:54AM

joined Mar 20, 2014

they are a couple now, how the hell did you interpret it otherwise??

No, they're not. The ending is just a weird roundabout way of telling they, yes, they will be best friends forever, but not as an actual couple.

joined Mar 20, 2014

Bro lots of people on Dynasty hates aces seems like. Everytime they appear it's always a trainwreck in the comments. Empathy isn't in abundance around here I guess.

The issue is that this just feels like a complete cop-out after everything that came before. Sure, things have improved somewhat over the years, but it still sucks when a yuri romance smashes into the relationship ceiling that suddenly gets introduced for no good reason whatsoever. It's why I hated the ending of Marimite, yelled at my screen during the last episode of Aquatope, and why I dislike this one.

Well, at least it was over quick.

joined Mar 20, 2014

So the story ends with ... Hinako and Asahi becoming besties


Really, I thought Hinako's reluctance to be intimate with that guy in the beginning was because she was gay, not because she dislikes intimacy in general. What a weird resolution to an otherwise OK romantic story.

Well, another one done and dusted, I guess.

joined Mar 20, 2014

HEY also has this weird art style where everyone’s faces aren’t very emotive. The main character modeled after Ali from encouragement of the climb is his favorite so he puts more effort into her. She has much broader expressions so it’s kinda difficult to tell if they are dating or if things are awkward now.

Who is Ali? Do you perhaps mean Aoi? I guess Ibuki looks like her. Kind of.

The main issue with me that most characters in this story just seem off, Kamiina first and foremost. She started out lively and emotive, but over the chapters she turned into quite the weirdo. Is it her intention to play with people's feelings, or is all that alcohol starting to affect her brain? It doesn't make her all that sympathetic in my eyes, in any case.

The style also noticeably changed. The manga started out flowing and energetic, but has become more and more static over the chapters. I love how the author goes the extra mile to show off real-life locations (especially since I have seen many of those myself), but the rest is just ... dull.

Of course, trying to cram booze into almost every scene also doesn't do this manga any favors. I know drinking is the main theme, but I can't shake the impression of watching a bunch of alcoholics who should really try to get their lives back on track. Sure, that can be an interesting story, but it's not what I expected from how this started.

last edited at Dec 8, 2022 7:49AM