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joined May 11, 2015

I did two chapters in like two weeks, lmao. Cut me some slack. :p

Ah, I‘m sry. I was stil asking about Flying Witch, which doesn‘t seem to get updated on here anymore. :/

Marionette discussion 29 Jun 17:15
joined May 11, 2015

you can never go wrong with Takemiya Jin, even with neotorare

Personally they're a hit and miss for me. some of them are really good and some of them are just to fucked up for me. This one's of the latter category...

last edited at Jun 29, 2018 5:15PM

joined May 11, 2015

Y'all must have HATED the father in Flying Witch.

Actually no, since his only purpose is for comic relief and he almost always gets translated be some bystanders.

Btw: Are there new chapters coming to dynasty? Scans are already at chap 40+...

joined May 11, 2015

Well I'm sorry you can't read your manga quickly in 2 minutes, without putting any effort in, and be done with it, when scanlation group spend at least few days actually releasing the damn thing for free. They wouldn't need to do in the first place if people like you didn't complain they have trouble understanding few words and can't even bother to look them up. You want to have everything put on a silver plate when you don't even pay. Yuri forbid something is even little inconvenient for your reading experience.

Lol. I like how you're just assuming things I never said for your own convenient. English is not my first language, so I need time to read a chapter in the first place. An yes, it is inconvenient having a glossary at the end of a chapter and having to switch every page back and forth just to look up words. Not just because of the readebillity but also because I - and I asume others too - have limited amount of data on a mobile phone. And before you come up with crap again: NO, there is not a single provider in my country who provides unlimited data for phones. So loading pages several times is just what it is: a crap idea.

But if you weren't so entitled on your own opinion you maybe would have had the thought, that a glossary stil could be a good idea - just not at the end or the beginning of a chapter, but where the words are actually used. I mean - you think of yourself as a translater so TL-Notes on pages may have come across your work.

You must be fun person to be friends with. Judging people by stereotypes and all.

Right back at you.

Now back to topic: Regarding the story we're 80 pages in now and beside her boyfriend cheating nothing much has happened. Maybe I'll wait for a few chapters and hope something has happened in the meantime. But if there a 7 volumes as of now without much happening, I'll probably have to wait a while...

last edited at Jun 20, 2018 7:45AM

joined May 11, 2015

Here. That is a excellent and productive idea. They could include a glossary at the end explaining all "unfamiliar" words used in chapter or something like that, so whenever someone would be confused they can just go there and check or have it opened in different tab.

So I'm constantly switching pages just to look up words I can't read? On a chapter with like 40 pages? On a phone were pages aren't shown in the first place and I have to change either the url or switch from page to page? It that's your Idea of an "excellent and productive idea" I don't wanna know your bad ideas...

Regarding the use of "southern accents" in translations: Most of the time coming across those accents the translation is an instant drop for me. Reading this I can't help but imagine a big dumb "rednek" used for comic relief...

joined May 11, 2015

Honesty, I'm mostly just thankful that someone took the time to translate the chapter and upload it. As such, whatever decision the scanlator makes should be respected. I don't know about the rest of you, but as far as manga goes, I have not done any work to aid in the process, so complaining feels awkward.

Actually, no. Imagine a translator picking up something and giving one of the characters an accent where they speak in a language you don't understand a word of just for the sake of immersion...

Regarding the translation here.... I actually understand the thought behind it. In theory giving a character a hard to understand accent because they are hard to understand in the non-translated version is a good idea. But actually having to read a sentence 4 to 5 times just to get what they're saying makes me wanna drop the whole thing and never read it again...

Image Comments 09 Jun 20:22
joined May 11, 2015

Looks more like Eli is trying to follow some sort of discription (the book) for doing Nozomi's Hair in a new style - but it got too complicated.

joined May 11, 2015

The fuck was that? Did the author get sick an tired of their work or what's with the rushed ending?
Good story but the last chapter turned it into a massive disappointment.

Image Comments 31 May 07:09
joined May 11, 2015

^Manga Elicchi is taking the picture.

joined May 11, 2015

This is awesome. It's fluffy, funny and I hope there'll be a lot more of this. :)

OL x Gyaru discussion 05 May 10:28
joined May 11, 2015

With the pace this thing has, I'm glad it's over in 3 pages. They'd be dead on page 5....

otherwise: not very impressed by this work. It's just to short to leave any impression at all...

joined May 11, 2015

Both Yamada and Kase-san at least want to move further, I can't remember if they actually did. Volume 3 (Okinawa trip, I think it was) shows their relationship isn't exactly platonic.

maybe you should taker a look at cherry blossoms chapters

last edited at Apr 22, 2018 3:45PM

Amanchu! discussion 16 Apr 14:20
joined May 11, 2015

No, its crap because its yuri bait up until the author got sick of fans shipping her characters so she had one turn homophobic stating girls can't love girls and the other one accepting a marriage proposal from a 13 year old on their first date.

Not to mention the whole dream warrior and Peter pan stories being crap in general.

So you made up a ship, that's only subtext and get pissed when It doesn't turn out to be yuri.

And regarding the "Peter Pan" arc - that's your opinion others may vary. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's crap. I liked it (which in turn doesn't mean it's good or others have to like it).

Amanchu! discussion 11 Apr 14:06
joined May 11, 2015

Oh no.... a story with a subtext tag doesn't turn into plain yuri? how could they? must be crap...


joined May 11, 2015

We're 6 chapters behind here, is a different group or they just haven upload it here yet?

The latest scanlated chapter is chapter 40 with chapter 41 coming in May. They can be found on a bunch of sites and I requested them to be uploaded here, but despite that nothing happened. Seems like dynasty just isn't interested anymore in uploading this.

Regarding the Scanlator: They did change sometime ago and now changed back from what I can see to a group that's already been uploaded here with chapters of flying witch.

Amanchu! discussion 10 Apr 14:30
joined May 11, 2015

wow... what a lot of spoiler crap on just 2 pages...

despite that: finally a new chapter of Amanchu! :)

Yuri☆Kome discussion 08 Apr 18:48
joined May 11, 2015

plot summery and first chapter are already awesome! I'll definitely keep up with this. :)

I actually must withdraw my statement. This is just a mediocre story of rape and bullshit with a dumb end from an artist that didn't feel like thinking about ending the plot at all and just drew more bullshit to get done with it.

Image Comments 08 Apr 10:39
joined May 11, 2015

I somehow really like the (art)style of the room they're in. :)

joined May 11, 2015

WoW almost a year has passed by and no new chapter :'(

And still no sign anyones picking this up again... I'm sick of "reading" the raws since I don't understand a single word of Japanese and can't even read the signs...

On another note: what's the issue with Tokyopop? I prefer reading in English, but I think I never had any issues with Tokyopop Germany in regards to translations.

Image Comments 04 Apr 06:38
joined May 11, 2015

sooo... why is Warspite sitting in a wheelchair?

joined May 11, 2015

Nice pairing, but I really don't like the art style. =/

Ibis Pink discussion 15 Mar 12:23
joined May 11, 2015

Looks nice, but I srly don't get it... cO?

joined May 11, 2015

Why must men exist in these stories?

In reality, that was Umi, wearing a suit and having her hair pined up so we couldn't see it in the picture. At least that's MY head canon...

joined May 11, 2015

My condolences to her family and friends.

I googled earlier, but is there a photo of Ssamba? I just know her name and her work but I'd somehow like to remember a face with it. :/

joined May 11, 2015

30pages of time waste... meh...