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joined Apr 17, 2015

Actually no, it means that I'm an idiot.

The Japanese title is 六月の雪深し (Rokugatsu no Yuki Fukashi), which means "The June Snow is Deep"; I mistakenly read it as 六月の雪探し (Rokugatsu no Yuki Sagashi) because the two characters look the same except for their radical.

So I'll have to fix that.

joined Apr 17, 2015

I think it's a tongue-in-cheek joke about how the love triangle will be resolved easily - by polyamory. That's my guess at least.

I mean, technically a polyamory is still a triangle. :þ

Still, I wonder how much research Canno did on the subject, since she seems to like depicting it. Unless… she's more than just friends with her two pals from Hyper Kettle Yesterday? >.> Okay, probably not.

Anyway, that's a risky move for sure, and it has a lot of potential for going awry. But I just wanna see Canno develop a single story over a long time for once. So please, no digressions about Mayuki's basketball clubmates or whatever. TTvTT

joined Apr 17, 2015

I just hope there won't be any sneaking around, rather it would tackle polyamory head on.

The first page doesn't seem like it's beating around the bush at least.

Given this first chap I assume Mayuki will be the staight man (well, "straight") and Rin will be the big adorable dork but I'm not yet sure what part Akira is gonna play.

Silly detail, but is Akira based on Akari from Yagakimi by any chance? Tall, red-haired, playing basketball and almost the same name…

Canno huh looks like a high chance of a western release.

 cries in French 

last edited at Feb 1, 2020 9:13PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

No more than one or two years.

joined Apr 17, 2015

So the first chapter of Yasakan is out in Japanese. Pretty good so far, although the artstyle looks somewhat more conventional than it did in Anokiss.

As for the story… Seeing that the first page narration says "who decided that you could only love one person?", that the private teacher is explicitly polyamorous and that Mayuki's senpai Akira is apparently Rin's girlfriend… it seems like we're going full poly for this one.

last edited at Jan 26, 2020 6:01PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Lol. Seems like Canno drew a guest illustration and promotional comment on the cover of… Murciélago vol. 16 of all things. XD

joined Apr 17, 2015

I'm pretty sure there's a second Yagakimi anthology planned actually? Or is that already out?

joined Apr 17, 2015

For those interested, Kawauchi recently published a new H doujin on Pixiv (since it's 18+ you need an account to see it though).

joined Apr 17, 2015

I can see inside you, the sickness is rising
Don't try to deny what you feel (Will you give in to me?)
It seems that all that was good has died
And is decaying in me (Will you give in to me?)
It seems you're having some trouble
In dealing with these changes, living with these changes
Oh no, the world is a scary place
Now that you've woken up the demon in me

What's that? =O

Anyway, the author may dripfeed the story to us, but he sure ain't slacking off on the art.

The Hole is wet indeed.

It's kinda weird when you remember that in-universe those two have only known each other for a day…

last edited at Jan 8, 2020 8:24AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Oooh right, Hikari and Nagisa. XD Err, yeah, to quote someone on this thread, "they'll probably keep saying they hate each other when they live together in old age surrounded by cats."

(seriously though, I would have loved an arc with Grumpy Glasses Girl :'( )

last edited at Dec 28, 2019 7:40PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

It did seem to me like Canno intended to pair Chiharu with Ai at first… but then Izumi did appear in the first chapter's opening spread, albeit with her old, scrapped design…

Whatever the case, I like that Ai stayed the "best buddy" character in the end. She definitely works better this way. She's this series' Harumin in a way.

PS: What do you mean by "the student council people"? The grumpy glasses girl?

last edited at Dec 28, 2019 7:36PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Unless we suddenly learn that Canno is only the artist and that Saburouta writes the story, we should be fine. :þ Plus the promo pics and title seem to indicate that this will be a comedy so that should make the whole triangle thing more bearable.

Still, replacing YagaKimi as Dengeki Daioh's yuri title is a tough task.

last edited at Dec 28, 2019 4:18PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Pretty much. "sankaku kankei" is the Japanese expression for "love triangle".

(If the tutor's a full adult I'm gonna be a lot less interested, let's hope she's not, that's like... too much age gap at that age)

Canno refers to the three of them as "joshi" (女子), so she's under 20 at the very least.

joined Apr 17, 2015

I suppose there'll be an official abreviation anyway, but for now I'd go for "YasaMon".

joined Apr 17, 2015

What is chapter 6.5 in your opinion? It may be a bonus chapter, but it is the length of a normal weekly manga chapter. It focuses on Shiramine, Kurosawa and her sister.

True, but it was still a bonus chap ultimately. A pity that we didn't see more of Sumire actually. X)

In other news, Goukaku no Tame no! Yasashii Sankaku Kankei Nyuumon starts in Dengeki Daioh on January 27. Yes, that's the actual title.

joined Apr 17, 2015

There are a exceptions to the "ironclad rule" actually. Volume 2 and 6 don't involve Ayaka and Yurine at all (both are centered on Chiharu and Izumi, which is why I once called them "the other main pair"). Ayaka appears in exactly one panel in the entire volume 2, and Yurine has only a coulpe of scenes with Ai.

There's also volume 4, where they're only involved through Kaoru's one-sided infatuation for Yurine (which was a part of Yurine's development in retrospect, admittedly).

So AyaYuri only became an every-volume thing after volume 6.

last edited at Dec 25, 2019 4:37PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Twist: Himari actually falls in love with her club senpai, who starts to reciprocate even as she tries to hook her up with Yori.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Thought it was suposs to be November.

January 30. And I'm not touching it with a 10ft pole.

Octave is really damn good though.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Oh hey, it got lively again all of a sudden. XD I wish I could read this series in physical volumes − that definitely enhanced my experience for YagaKimi, and I'm sure it would for this one too. Buuut instead we're getting fucking Netsuzou Trap in January. Yaaay?

Ayaka and Yurine's character arcs are really unappreciated in my opinion, it was definitely my favorite part of the experience (although they became a tad too dere-dere for my tastes at the very end). The way they learn about each other's insecurities and gradually start to support each other throughout the story is just so sweet.

That sounds spicy. Now the question is how old that Rin is. Is she a high-schooler? A college student? I kinda doubt she is an adult lady, because then she wouldn't have been mentioned by first name or wear something that looks like a school uniform. If she was though that would be one of Canno's rare age gap stories.

It wouldn't be that unusual for her. There's the Haine-Aika arc in AnoKiss (Haine's the 14 yo niece and Aika the 18 yo aunt), and of course that "Mushoku to JK" series in the Éclair anthologies − although in that case the love is rather one-sided.

By the way, Canno revealed on Twitter that her birthday is on Christmas! Her pal Kawauchi has her(?) birthday just 3 days earlier, on December 22. I already loved how the HKY girls seemed to be such good friends, but learning that even their birthdays are close kinda warms my heart. =)

Gotta translate that UNOs doujin when I have the time.

joined Apr 17, 2015

On other news, volume 8 broke in the top 30 of the weekly Oricon ranking,with 45,134 copies sold. Nothing to scoff at for a yuri series.

And that "sleepover cooking" cover gag was uguuuuh~ >.<

And there's gonna be a second Yagakimi anthology? Yes, please!

Citrus discussion 06 Dec 05:28
joined Apr 17, 2015

So I just read volume 10 and I felt… weirdly empty at the end. Sure, I was happy for the protags, but everything felt too easy, too rushed.

The French publisher released the first volume of Citrus+ along with it, but I'm torn between wanting to see more of Yuzu (and Harumin) and not really wanting to see more of the blackhole of charisma that is Mei. Do you think + will be a long-winded sequel or just a short epilogue?

last edited at Dec 6, 2019 5:44AM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Wait was that their "first night" as the title says? Do people get married before having sex?

I think that's in the "first night after the wedding" sense.

joined Apr 17, 2015

Heh, better to go from tears to smiles than the opposite. :þ

joined Apr 17, 2015

The pacing went ZOOM

so was the car i guess

You're going to hell for that one. And I'm going too for laughing I guess.

Furthermore, is this a supernatural issue of a ghost actually showing up to her, or was she hallucinating? We won't know.

I'd go for the "cathartic dream" thesis, but who knows. Also, that scribbled out wedding date on page 3. TT__TT Not the kind of story I expected from Canno for sure, but it's good that she tries to get out of her comfort zone.

By the way, this story is part of an anthology on the theme of the "first night", not sure if that was clear.

Not all of the stories in it are this depressing, thank god.

PS: I was actually not sure how to translate the title 最初で最後の夜の話 − I first read it as "Our first and last night talk"…

last edited at Nov 28, 2019 1:21PM

joined Apr 17, 2015

Well that was quick…