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joined Mar 26, 2014

You despicable woman...

...why aren't you in my bed right now?

Yessssss! I was thinking something similar lol XD I was like that's basically flirting

joined Mar 26, 2014

Duuuude! That cliffhanger. Also I agree that Satou likes clumsy girls or at least likes when they're messing up cause they're trying really hard. But goofed and that makes it cute for her. I shit you not it is nice to see a character not suave like one of Amano's other works. Sweet Gulity Love Bites, Kokoro was a little clumsy and inexperienced in adult life and love. She was a good person though and that's why it's nice to see someone try even if they still have a long way to go. Plus I think it's relatable cause we all are human and make mistakes. We just brush off the dirt and try again.

joined Mar 26, 2014

Well, that was hot. Didn't know that was a thing, but I'm glad it exists.

Heck yes. Dude why is no one funding this! Plastic pollution wouldn't be a thing if big companies made the switch...But I know that it would be more easily damaged etc, etc and be nothing but a liability to them having to ensure their product sells soon.

joined Mar 26, 2014

This manga was cute at times, but to be honest I didn't think it was all that great, it's sense of humor is a bit too silly and irreverent, and it ultimately didn't have anything strong enough in the plot to really drag me in. Good art though.

Same. For me, there were only a few chapters that made sense or had a good feel to them. It seemed rushed or nonsensical. This could've worked as a 3 chapter short series. A one-shot even. But 13 chapters ... with a meh ending. shrug Really, it overall could've been a lot better.

joined Mar 26, 2014

I liked the art very much and everything about this, I need more delinquents to live. How old is this? Is there any chance of more being done or is this old as fuck?

it was posted on the artist's pixiv so the 90s art style is just their thing, and it says it's a series so we could get more

Oh man that'd be soooo cool if we could get more!! fangirls

joined Mar 26, 2014

Wow talk about boredom after that big first chapter, when you started off like that you can't go back to ... this, you either build-up to the big buzz or you keep raising the bar, this boredom right now ain't it...

Actually it makes sense because they're giving more background and story now and they even still have tension in their interactions alone or otherwise having to pretend that they get along when they both know the truth. If anything something will happen and we just have to wait and see

joined Mar 26, 2014

Maybe she didn't throw out her otaku swag, and just stashed it away. There's no reason to assume the worst


joined Mar 26, 2014

she's quite the masochist huh

Yesss lol she so is. XD That panel she didn't even look upset

joined Mar 26, 2014

This turned out nice but I really don't think "You're always so accommodating." is a good enough reason to walk away mid conversation and cold shoulder them for 10 days. = \

That's just the Japanese way of speaking it may sound nice to us cause we read or see it as not a big deal but she meant it in a different way she was upset after all and suspicious of her a gf idk you are right though wasn't a good thing to do by ghosting her so long

joined Mar 26, 2014

Been a while but I'm back to make a joke LOL
"These scratches aren't because she tried to fight it" intensifies XD It's a gay song by the way: Jen Foster "I didn't just kiss her"

Image Comments 13 Jul 19:24
joined Mar 26, 2014

The cat faces on slippers hahaha
Everyone's happy lol XD

joined Mar 26, 2014

XD I'm dead. You guys?! XD
Haa ~
Anyway, yeah there has to be more pages or at least a sequel. No way it ends like that. Damn Cliffhangers and them trying to get people to buy the next volume. Ugh lol
Can't really complain because we read it for free ... XD

joined Mar 26, 2014

It wasn't the Best first chapter, but this story have potencial to go in many different routes, and I like this author so I'll keep reading.

Yes! Exactly. Honesty, I am just happy they're still drawing manga and or making stories. Though it is a bit bland right now. Still look forward to more. Maybe it'll be better later on.

joined Mar 26, 2014

At first i was expecting a beautiful transfer student blah blah. Old story..
I was wrong shrug

Plot twist. The girl in the picture is the "ugly" girl dressed up

Actually that would make it more predictable.

joined Mar 26, 2014

Eh, it feels kind of weird. A sempai she'd had feelings for randomly wants to go out AFTER they've graduated college and been apart... Suddenly they're living together without any kind of physically relationship, probably not even a kiss. It just doesn't make any sense. Too much of it is skipped.

Then the focus is randomly on "battle underwear" having skipped any kind of relationship or character development. That's not how you do a good story.

True. Maybe this was more of a One-Shot to see how people would react to it.
And they said screw it let's just go for it and made the story like this.
We don't really know.

last edited at Jun 28, 2018 1:06AM

joined Mar 26, 2014

Oh snap a new artist and story... It's a good day. XD
Plus the world cup. Yay Mexico going on to the knockout rounds. And a congratulations to South Korea who was able to win their last game in the cup.

joined Mar 26, 2014

Pretty cute. Favorite part was when she started putting her on the side and then gave up LOL

joined Mar 26, 2014

Pretty cute. Favorite part was when she started putting her on the side and then gave up LOL

joined Mar 26, 2014

I'm so glad it was a happy end. Yes!

joined Mar 26, 2014

I tapped the screen for a solid 10 seconds before seeing the "To be continued" note.

Damn it. I can't stand it when they do that

Killing Me! discussion 12 Jun 18:47
joined Mar 26, 2014

Right on cue. a new hunter appears, and makes Saki chose between her hunter's duty and her new found love of a blood suker.


Your Name discussion 29 May 01:15
joined Mar 26, 2014

XD Same though. Saw Mio and Ritsu from K-ON. Haha

joined Mar 26, 2014

No! This is beyond violence. This is madness. ....

joined Mar 26, 2014

Too precious!

I'm liking this easy going manga.

joined Mar 26, 2014

I want more. That was so nice. XD Especially, that quote "But I think stuff's already gotten pretty fucking weird."

last edited at May 23, 2018 9:02AM