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Image Comments 07 Apr 09:30
joined Jul 26, 2016

^fanartists delivering what Nintendon'tthe author fails to, nothing odd about that :P

joined Jul 26, 2016

Obligatory "just j-j-jam it in?"

joined Jul 26, 2016

Unsure whether that's Ganyu having her switch flipped, or just too old for this shit

joined Jul 26, 2016

Yeeeaaahhh that's gonna be all kindsa awks to explain whether she breaks the Masquerade on Neko or not... ( ͡¬ ͜ʖ ͡¬)

joined Jul 26, 2016

Professor is actually an m, confirmed.

An m who wants aftercare to consist of being breastfed booze.

...are you sure she doesn't just want to die at the hands of her own creation or something? I mean people have done stranger shit...

Image Comments 06 Apr 22:42
joined Jul 26, 2016

^now that's just a double entendre when the persona involved comes with tentacles...
...or maybe I've just been corrupted by too much of certain sort of hentai OTL

joined Jul 26, 2016

jesus for real. what did you guys think this would be when you saw the tags?

Your sarcasm detector needs new batteries.

it's not that i have issues with someone looking like her in elementary. she just simply doesn't act like one to me. it's too hard to see her as one.

I already briefly described one possible reasonable explanation you know. To elaborate on that, look at it like this - most strangers who encounter her will assume her to be much older than she is (like Tae did on first encounter) and treat her as such, which is going to be pretty confusing for someone that age right? (If probably also rather flattering, given how children tend to want to be regarded as "big boys/girls.") So what's a by all indications rather confident and go-getter sort of bright kid do about it?

Her figurative homework - try to research how a "big girl" is supposed to react and act.

Following this hypothesis, her source material would likely primarily have been such popular fiction (and probably youth magazines) as could be readily accessed... which one imagines has left her with a somewhat skewed idea of how to act with "grownups" and no real understanding of the various underlying nuances and significances. In particular - possible TaeVision™ embellishments nonwithstanding - those coquettish moves she pulls off with such aplomb may simply be an affectation she absorbed from such dubious research without any real idea of the actual meaning thereof, and just does because they elicit very entertaining reactions from adults in general and this tiny funny onee-san she recently made friends with in particular...

joined Jul 26, 2016

I've just always seen it as simply the somewhat tongue-in-cheek opposite of science babies, making the meaning rather obvious to me.

To me the opposite of science babies isn't natural babies (who IMO should just be tagged as plain children or suchlike if indicating their presence in the story is now deemed necessary) but supernatural babies of whatever specific flavour. Tagging for the presence of perfectly regular offspring seems as redundant to me (in the overwhelming majority of scenarios I can think of) as tagging for regular human characters would be.

joined Jul 26, 2016

I’ve always wanted free drinks to come out of my boob.

It's only free if you're not the one paying for the fill-up tho (which Prof presumably did). But then anyone who can afford the parts for this kinda 'bot probably isn't hurting for small-change beer money anyway...

joined Jul 26, 2016

This is basically the previous life of Closure from Arknights isn't it.

Gotta respect that kamikaze dedication to her particular fetish tho. Not just any moron will deliberately not only leave out any and all Asimov Laws but also program her 'bot to react violently to creepy shit she fully intends to commit on it lmao

joined Jul 26, 2016

Quite the opposite - science babies implies unnatural ways (and is also used for magical equivalents), while non-science babies is for normal kids, including those adopted.

Which isn't exactly intuitive. Dunno 'bout you but to me non-science babies at first blush sounds like it specifically covers the, well, non-scientific forms of unnatural reproduction (in practice usually meaning "magic") with somewhat cheeky if awkward wording.

Why natural children should even need such an oddly phrased tag is quite beyond me.

Image Comments 06 Apr 18:13
joined Jul 26, 2016

^that raises the question, does she have the characteristic dermal denticles (and duly sandpaper skin texture), and if so how widely? (Curio detail - historically the roughness and toughness made shark- and rayskin popular covering materials for sword hilts and other weapon grips.)

Image Comments 06 Apr 14:55
joined Jul 26, 2016

^I suppose the nose would make a good point of comparison - the protective outer covering is no more sensitive than any skin, while the inside is all mucous membranes and whatnot and quite sensitive indeed. ('Course the very function of gills involves constant passage of water plus whatever particulate matters now may happen be floating in it through them so high tactile sensitivity there would be pretty counterproductive and distracting...) Sticking your finger in there is not generally considered a terribly erotic experience tho, and in the configuration depicted here they'd be opening directly into her lungs which sounds all kinds of y a b a i to me...

joined Jul 26, 2016

Every good series on this website is such an "I wish that was me" mood,
which kind of makes me wonder why straight people would read yuri.

That's a lot of projecting. People consume fiction for a very wide range of reasons.

Image Comments 06 Apr 13:57
joined Jul 26, 2016

^^that's some Waterworld nonsense yo. Fo' reals, the only even remotely logical and plausible place for the things is the sides of the neck for the same reasons real vertebrates have them there too. (Putting aside the fact that there's no way to meet the oxygen requirements of anything like human physique and metabolism with the surface area available there...)

Image Comments 06 Apr 08:19
joined Jul 26, 2016

pink kinda sus

joined Jul 26, 2016

Even still, they could switch it up sometimes. Only using the male protagonist for all of their promotion and side content is unfortunate in my opinion.

Again, West Taiwan. I reckon MiHoYo have no illusions about their primary target audience. Plus I'm not going to fault them for being consistent with their pick - given the role the non-protag Twin has in the actual storyline switching them willy-nilly in the side stuff would just be weird.

Image Comments 06 Apr 07:27
joined Jul 26, 2016

that.... actually looks like it would be extremely unpleasant. I imagine gills would be very easy to bruise

The actual soft gas-exchange tissue might be. Which is why it's protected by gill arches and operculum (gill covers, the flaps on the outside) - reminder that they're openings on the sides of the throat where food passes through too, and for many fish "food" equates whole other fish.
Evolution handled such details long ago.

Just to nerd excessively over the anatomy, though, it doesn't really make much sense for the gills to be located there. When you get down to it land-vertebrate lungs are ultimately derived from the swim bladders of the ancient bony fish that started experimenting with this "dry-land" business all those millions of years ago, and several extant fish species today use theirs primarily as a lung analog too (for example to survive getting trapped in isolated oxygen-poor pools after rainy seasons).

Cartilaginous fish - sharks, rays etc.- don't have swim bladders in the first place making this interpretation doubly dodgy.

Image Comments 06 Apr 07:07
joined Jul 26, 2016

We're reaching levels of s m u g that should not be possible

Image Comments 06 Apr 07:05
joined Jul 26, 2016

Cocogoat milk is Hell of a drug huh

joined Jul 26, 2016

Tae makes the best "I'm so fucked" faces seriously

I got a feeling this is gonna end with it all being a misunderstanding, I mean, "10yo" is always with this one little girl, left with her, was walking around town with her, was doing "her" homework with her, so it's probably her sister or smth (like someone else said) and she's just pretending to be the grade-schooler

same energy

joined Jul 26, 2016

this ain’t yuri at all lol.

I'm not sure we read the same series.

joined Jul 26, 2016

Hero worship isn't healthy, gal.

Kurokawa has one of those outlooks where the unhealthy aspects rather substantially outnumber the healthy ones.

Arknights! 05 Apr 09:21
joined Jul 26, 2016

I did get spooked by Skadi recently. Which is, like, not bad but I already have her specific niche more than amply covered and she doesn't really do anything else... :|

Arknights! 05 Apr 08:47
joined Jul 26, 2016