Here is my rant about Citrus
I dunno I like Mei but there is a lot about her character that I feel is lacking. Mei deserved a lot more scenes fleshing out her personality and motivations than what we were given. She is written too much like those inscrutable dark haired beauties of yuri yore and it really detracts from her character.
For example, look at Raven from Teen Titans. When she is first introduced she seems like just a moody goth girl. She is mysterious and leaves you wanting more. However, as the series progresses she is given so much development over time that when her arch ends you feel like you truly understand her and empathize with her. At the end of her arch she is a dramatically different character than how she was first introduced. What a shame it would have been if she had merely remained the brooding, moody character she was introduced as. I feel that way about Mei, it seems like a shame. Do I still like her? Yeah because I am always drawn to that type of character, but I cant help feeling like something is still missing. That is frustrating.
Okay so another aspect of the story that hardly has a mention is Mei's family and the obligation that she carries. There are a precious few scenes devoted to that and it is virtually forgotten until much later. That is why it feels weird when it suddenly rears its ugly head again. Mei's willingness to seemingly throw Yuzu under the bus wouldn't have felt like such a betrayal for a lot of people if there had been more effort into explaining why she had felt cornered into that situation. More scenes with Mei's grandfather and father would really helped as well. What was the catalyst that made Mei's father turn from his obligation and leave Mei behind? Also maybe Mei's mother? She is such a non entity that Mei might as well as have come from a test tube.