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joined Dec 18, 2013

Plus Yurika is currently working on a lesbian brothel.

All the girls at the college were straight tho

Opapagoto discussion 22 Dec 15:43
joined Dec 18, 2013

Great subversion with the mom, they're so screwed though.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Well worth the wait for this chapter

joined Dec 18, 2013

I wasn't expecting that

joined Dec 18, 2013

You know, in the end Blizzard played it safe. Almost disappointingly so.

Unless they introduce in game interactions making reference to Emily, the whole thing won't be nothing more than a footnote in the great scheme of the things, much other elements introduced already on the comics (does anyone remember or cares about Phara's squad mates?)

Something really impressive would've been to actually reveal Tracer's orientation by making her be in a relationship with another hero. Or hell, they would've simply gone the Bioware route and made everyone potencial romantic interests so the audience could've picked whichever they like the most.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Aztec lore is wonderfully messed up.

Thing is, according to their tradition the world and everything on it was created through flesh and blood offerings from the gods and thus, they saw it as simply returning the favor with their own. The only god that refused that arrangement was Quetzalcoatl. Who was also known to be mostly celibate after the two affairs he had ended badly: one ended with his girlfriend ripped apart by star demons and the other was his sister. This knowledge makes Coala's characterization amusing though.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Blizzard has been telling us for weeks now that LGBT characters will be confirmed soon. That confirmation came today in the form of Overwatch's "Reflections" comic that showed Tracer in fact has a girlfriend - or at least a woman with whom she is romantically involved.

So there's that. Anticlimatic though.

The fallout for this among the fanbase (particularly the more "extreme" shippers) will be more interesting than the reveal itself.

last edited at Dec 20, 2016 2:44PM

joined Dec 18, 2013

Fun chapter although my inner archeologist couldn't help to feel miffed about the TN pointing Xochiquetzal as Coala's friend. See, Xochiquetzal is more of a femininity and sexuality goddess (think Aphrodite) than a flower one. There is in fact no aztec that fits the idea presented in the manga but going by the description of "flesh" I'd wager the author was thinking on Xipe Totec, god of the harvest and that is depicted as a skinned man that renews his skin every year with the season.

Bonus bit of trivia, people sacrificed to Xipe Totec were skinned alive and their skins were then turned into costumes that were worn by Xipe's priests, who danced until the skin rot to ensure a bountiful harvest for the coming year.

joined Dec 18, 2013

that was glorious

joined Dec 18, 2013

Good news! The final 2 OVAS have finally been subbed

Opapagoto discussion 15 Dec 00:51
joined Dec 18, 2013

This was a surprisingly good chapter.

Image Comments 14 Dec 11:28
joined Dec 18, 2013

I thought the same. The resemblance is uncanny

Image Comments 14 Dec 02:07
joined Dec 18, 2013

Well now, is always great to see actual Yuri mangakas doing Valkyrie Drive fanart.

Image Comments 14 Dec 02:06
joined Dec 18, 2013

This pairing exploded with japanese fanartists

joined Dec 18, 2013

Any day with a new Yohane doujin translated is a good day.

I simply love the way she draws expressions, there's no doubt whatsoever that her girls are completely smitten by their soul mates. An hey, Yohane's knack for science babies is never a bad thing.

Now if only she would made more MeiSaku...

Citrus discussion 13 Dec 01:01
joined Dec 18, 2013

Pretty enlightening interview with Saburota herself

Lily Love discussion 13 Dec 00:58
joined Dec 18, 2013

Exactly. There's nothing in the writing that makes it stand out.

last edited at Dec 13, 2016 12:58AM

Lily Love discussion 12 Dec 22:46
joined Dec 18, 2013

After so long without proper updates and well, more series coming out, the genericness of this series is just more evident than ever. Art is gorgeous of course and Ratana shows a great dominion in the composition of the pages and panels but aside of that, everything is so painfully predictable.

And gotta to say the "promise me you will wait for me" trope is always so damn irritating regardless is used on het or yuri couples.

joined Dec 18, 2013

You can check this thread

IIRC correctly the first fragment is in the first area, either in the door frame just behind you at the start or in the small garden in the middle.

joined Dec 18, 2013

It would lock you on the order route until you finish it but then, the chaos stages are simply added to the mission select menu.

joined Dec 18, 2013

Yeah, the game has two different ending routes that spawn from Drive 16. Each route is four drives long.

You trigger the True ending route (Order) by getting SS rank on specific missions through the game. Luckily the game is kind enough to tell you what missions are those after finishing the Chaos route.

joined Dec 18, 2013

I wanted to read those impressions but I shouldnt, im not done yet TTvTT
Also it was mentioned here that after Momo, iirc, Mana was the best girl. I'm only halfway through the story, where Mana's just a huge pretentious bitch, im assuming this means she gets incredible positive character development because rn I cant lmao, I hate her so much xD She used to seem nice but then reading her dialogues/monologues became more and more awkward as she became more and more double faced, and rn she's just straight up pretentious and rude
Tho I definitely see why Momo is very well liked, she has a cool style/design, and it might be the contrast from her initial cold and harsh attitude, but she's kinder/more caring now, its nice/probably moe

Yeah, to fully appreciate Mana you have to see her full development through the two different routes. In my opinion, Chaos gives her more development than Order but YMMV

joined Dec 18, 2013

A bunch of cute little fics about the series

joined Dec 18, 2013

It's pretty amusing to see other people's impressions of the characters. The Bhikkhuni cast in this case

In terms of personality

Rinka: Asuka from Senran Kagura

Ranka: siscon lesbian that only cared about Rinka at first but befriends other characters

Momo: edgy brat that can't go one sentence without telling another character that she'll kill them, gets de-edged halfway through the story and becomes friends with Rinka, Ranka and Manpukumaru

Mana: Starts off as a gentle girl that helps everyone out in day to day tasks but due to Momo being extremely uncooperative as a partner she's forced to go partner hunting and goes power hungry over the course of the story, trying to climb through the ranks no matter the means

Manpukumaru: wild card of the story, partners up with anyone for food and befriends Momo. Surprisingly funny most of the time unlike Minori from Senran Kagura despite sharing her obsession with food.

Viola: Acts like a queen because she's "Elite", obsessed with Koharu who is her rival but secretly (well not really secret) just has a lesbian boner for her.

Koharu: Top of the class student, class rep type character that's an extreme lawfag that values peace above all else and for part of the story searches for a partner strong enough to use her power to the fullest. Eventually partners with Viola.

Echigoya: non playable character that's the merchant, has plenty of dialogue in the story.

Also, a rare western fanart of the Kagurazakas