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Anime season 20 Sep 09:29
joined Aug 26, 2018

This series is jumping the shark and I love it.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, you have seen nothing yet.
I hope the manga catch up soon, supposedly 40 chapters are already translated, the typesetter is just taking their time.

Well I expect nothing less. They are at chapter 17 now, so 40 isn't even that far ahead. I had expected a lot more chapters to be out in Japan tbh. Though I can't blame any typesetter to get fed up with this seires, there is just way too much dialogue and text variation lol

joined Aug 26, 2018

This manga has finished. If anyone want to read it, u can find it at MangaRock as Sougou Tovarisch

We all know that the final chapter has been translated ages ago. The problem are the chapters between chapter 8 and 13.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Yeah, nice drama about touko's past because we clearly knew that yuu and touko together from the beginning would be at the end and there is a lot of humour in the majority..... there are many examples of yuri without big drama that have had many chapters like kaze san, or otome no teikoku or even tadokoro san or currently whispering which during a survey in a Japanese site arrived fourth before citrus +.... You need drama but not in too large quantities...
On this one it started directly on drama during the first chapters and it didn't seem to take but it was far from uninteresting in the background.

For me the real drama is the unrequieted love or haru and Midori now we can talk about real drama.

So your idea of drama is simply different. Very limited in fact. To deny that manga like Kase-san have drama is just ridiculous. Stuff like Tadokoro-san thrives on different things, like excessive fanservice and over-the-top characters.
I think Whispering you a love song has other strenghts too, like an impeccable artstyle and a competent writer.
I find it funny how you claim this one had obvious drama right from chapter one, but deny those other series have real drama. Double standards much?

Of course yuri manga can be successful without drama, but drama will always be the go-to source for conflict and attention.

last edited at Sep 20, 2019 2:03AM

Anime season 19 Sep 14:12
joined Aug 26, 2018

Okay what in the actual heck?
Shamiko's father is a mikan box??
This series is jumping the shark and I love it. Can't believe next episode will be the final one already. Machikado deserves so much more attention than it got. I really wanna see Shamiko and Momo get even closer~

last edited at Sep 19, 2019 2:12PM

Image Comments 19 Sep 11:44
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Well that's a silly reason. The anime adaptation is incredibly faithful actually. You can only see the color on the manga covers or special pages anyway.
And I wish instead of censoring it they just erased KissxSis from existence completely. Ew.

joined Aug 26, 2018

For the drama side there were a lot of them in this one so it was not what was missing and for a yuri to work is not necessary like the demonstration bloom into you or whispering you a love song...

The beginning was too slow. I didn't say there was no drama at all. And Bloom Into You has plenty of drama...

Image Comments 18 Sep 12:36
joined Aug 26, 2018

Should this be tagged incest? Probably. Possibly.

Image Comments 18 Sep 12:35
joined Aug 26, 2018

I just noticed... where the heck is Liz's oversized ginormous tail in this?

joined Aug 26, 2018

I read the comments before reading this and built it all up in my head. Then I read the manga and laughed.

Am I a bad person?

It's quite normal to deal with stuff like that differently. Your mind reflexively reacts with laughter and playing down the issue. It's texbook escapism, but that's not a bad thing. By disassociating your emotions from the matter you avoid getting hurt. You should be happy you can do that.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Rei's Recipe Card

Did they just put the cheescake recipe in the bundle ?

What a crazy move. Now all the fans can capture Yuu with ease! How could they give us such an overpowered weapon?

joined Aug 26, 2018

In her previous tweet, Iwami said the sales weren't good

I wonder if all that drama route is one of the motives leading to this story's demise, good to see I'm not the only fed up with cheap crappy drama, can't say I feel bad since it was such sweet start ... hope lessons have been learned from this

I think you fail to understand how this works. It's the opposite. The start of this was too slow and people didn't get drawn in. Drama is what usually makes series gain more attention and sales (e.g. Citrus). This one turned up the pace a little too late.

The only thing anyone will learn from this is to add more drama. Whoops.

Image Comments 18 Sep 02:39
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Alright, let's say I agree with that for argument's sake. There is still nothing going on between Nibutani and Dekkomori by the end of the series. Nothing but subtext. When KyoAni teases Yuri I have an automatic reaction of doubt. Dragon Maid being the one exception, because... well it was gay from inception.

joined Aug 26, 2018

Usually manga get rushed because they were axed.

joined Aug 26, 2018

It's nothing that paralyzes you, it's an innocent story that just has a sad ending
It's not the world sucks now there is no happiness everything is a lie kind of story, just a story without a happily ever after

And I don't think it's fair in any way to compare this to sewage water, this isn't detrimental/toxic to mental health as sewage water is for physical health

I can somewhat guess what this story was about and I think causing unecessary grief without relief is a bad thing in itself. Every writer treats this differently, but tragedy without a glimmer of hope is pointless to me.

Somehow I doubt that reading depressing things helps depressed people.

Considering that I am a depressed person--I've lived with chronic depression/bipolar II for over 30 years--and seeing/listening to sad things can often help, I would say that this is inaccurate. Consuming things that are sad seem to help by virtue of giving me something to "actually be sad about", rather than just the never-ending blah of depression that is my life.

Well you know best what works for you of course. It does sound like you just need a distraction though, no matter what emotion it is about. At least that's what most depressed people I know do.

Naturally fiction should provoke all emotions, including sadness. But without a pay off or relief the consequence is just feeling shitty.

Image Comments 17 Sep 08:04
joined Aug 26, 2018

^I agree. When magic goes to such absurd lengths, magic babies don't seem like a stretch.

Image Comments 17 Sep 07:59
joined Aug 26, 2018

^Heck no. I got enough on my plate lol

joined Aug 26, 2018

I wonder who would honestly read this with those tags (I didn't by the way). Just contemplating what it takes to enjoy something like that.

People like contrast on emotions. Always eating sweet, made it blend.

Certainly, but then there are just things you would never consume just for variety. Eating a sour drop from time to time is nice, but nobody drinks sewage water just to get some different tastes.

last edited at Sep 17, 2019 6:48AM

joined Aug 26, 2018

I wonder who would honestly read this with those tags (I didn't by the way). Just contemplating what it takes to enjoy something like that.

Depression helps. Not being sarcastic. Reading depressing shit when I'm depressed is akin to listening to sad songs for me. Gotta be like that for others too.

Somehow I doubt that reading depressing things helps depressed people.

joined Aug 26, 2018

I wonder who would honestly read this with those tags (I didn't by the way). Just contemplating what it takes to enjoy something like that.

Image Comments 17 Sep 03:53
joined Aug 26, 2018

^You need to see more fanart then.

Image Comments 17 Sep 03:40
joined Aug 26, 2018

Goddamnit Riyo. The idea to make Marie the apostle of yuri is just the best thing ever lol
And of course Riyo ships these useless reptiles.

Image Comments 17 Sep 03:38
joined Aug 26, 2018

Lovely how the hearts can both be part of her eyes or a reflection of Shamiko's hearts.
Because let us not forget another fact: Shamiko is gay for Momo too.

Image Comments 17 Sep 03:37
joined Aug 26, 2018

Sayaka: "So are you a coward?"

Image Comments 17 Sep 03:36
joined Aug 26, 2018

It's true they kissed and ended up in bed together, but honestly it's not yuri. Dekkomori doesn't even exist in the source material and they kinda just tease the audience over and over.

Image Comments 17 Sep 03:34
joined Aug 26, 2018

I can already hear the fanfic writers furiously typing in the distance as the disappointing ending approaches...

last edited at Sep 17, 2019 3:34AM