Forum › Posts by luinthoron

joined Dec 20, 2018

Lol she's lucky she is in a yuri manga, not a shoujo manga... coz in a shoujo manga the Evil Clique of Yori Fangirls would've already cornered her in some empty classroom and roughed her up for stringing Yori along... ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

And it's those fangirls who are the real absolute worst.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Glorious love triangle. inb4 the author pulls a switcheroo on the level of that photography manga and we get Kino and Momoka + Yori and Aki

Nah, if it'd pull something like that one, it'd end up as Yori+Himari+Aki poly.

joined Dec 20, 2018

This is just a normal day for these two, isn't it?

joined Dec 20, 2018

^What do you mean, "future"? :P

joined Dec 20, 2018

^Too OP.

1 x ½ discussion 04 Dec 06:02
joined Dec 20, 2018

"Let's leave aside the relationship of those for now and ..." Let's not x_x

Don't you worry, we're way beyond that volume already.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Good. Cheer up your girlfriend! ^_^

joined Dec 20, 2018

Excuse me. Where can i download vol 2,3 ?

I believe I only just gave the link a few posts above this...

joined Dec 20, 2018

It's OK, that in turn allowed me to also add a preemptive rebuttal.

joined Dec 20, 2018

^I know. A lot of people do argue that, though.

last edited at Dec 3, 2019 6:17AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

I mean, sure, it would be an understandable mistake to believe it to be only that with the way she continues it later. If we didn't also have her mother's words on the previous page...

joined Dec 20, 2018

We'll never stop seeing this conversation here, will we?

Not till some still think Kasumi don't love Sakurako.

Because even her actually saying so isn't apparently enough...

joined Dec 20, 2018

Well, that's one dead editor...

Image Comments 03 Dec 05:18
joined Dec 20, 2018


Image Comments 03 Dec 05:18
joined Dec 20, 2018

Wait... What are you going to do once you have her panties off? Either with the panties or with her.

joined Dec 20, 2018

We'll never stop seeing this conversation here, will we?

joined Dec 20, 2018

I dont think we have a lot for the yuri doctors (not school nurse) as well, LL maki doujins, Pulse and BeLoved from my experience ^^

Also Mikazuki no Carte.

joined Dec 20, 2018

wait what? So where's the new chapter uploaded to?

Also on sneikkimies' own site, linked in this thread as a source for downloads.

last edited at Dec 2, 2019 4:51PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

The best drama is having things your characters disagree on various topics/subjects; make one more dominant than the other in arguments/disagreements, where they win most and also choose for where they go for fun; have one be more open with their emotions and feelings with their S.O. and have the other be more closed in with theirs; have one get angry more openly while the other stays calm and deals with their anger differenlty; or better yet, have one that has a lot of self doubt and the other is very confident but hides their insecurities and see how they clash; and the best one, family interference that is not trying to set them up with a partner but more a negative influence on one while the other provides support where the family's minds are not changed but at least challenged.

Admittedly, though, this series has already done most of what you listed.

There is a helluva lot of personal drama that comes up in relationships than a romantic rival. If they go through a rough patch have their closest friends urge them to break up with the other or the family do that but not some 3rd party.

One could argue that Mai could be considered one of their closest friends, although, admittedly, a former one trying to restore that closeness while also becoming a rival in the process. She does have a different reason than implied here, yes.

This kind of interference in the school may be what is necessary for them to finally come out to their friends (and family?), though. While Igarashi was the spark that led to Nanoha openly declaring herself to be Chidori's girlfriend, if only in front of her, and through that to Chidori finally being able to declare her love for Nanoha as well - and to kissing her in the process - bringing their relationship to this new level of actually kissing each other that got them caught by Mai, they're still trying to keep this a secret from everyone, successfully or not. But having someone close by pursuing one of them would be a reason to openly declare that they are no longer available and why.

joined Dec 20, 2018

I suppose it's named Hana ni Arashi for a reason...

joined Dec 20, 2018

I was wondering why no one has talked about the new chapter, but it turned it out it wasn't uploaded on here yet.

A new chapter? Oh, looks like there is indeed. Time to download, then.

Ah, looks like we get to catch up on Adachi's side of things this time. And meet Tarumi, surprisingly enough. Some good advice she got, if from suspicious sources.

“If I walk in a really stiff way, that should count as staying put, right?” Right... Quite the definition of staying put you have there. >_>

And a note to sneikkimies and co. While shougi is indeed correct as a romanization, the game already has shogi as its existing and widely used English name, which would probably be the correct choice here.

last edited at Dec 2, 2019 6:42AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

she says very clearly she wants nanoha as her gf, what she is doing is pure manipulation. you see that smirk after nanoha hugs her. i don't think her talking about her not having friends was genuine in the least. not to say her having no friends isn't true, but she was definitely using it to get nanoha. she knows how caring nanoha is and played her like a harpstring. adn it's not harmless, she's actively trying to steal nanoha away. she SAW them kissing, she KNOWS they are obviously together. how is that not harmless?

While I'm not entirely sure how much of her behavior is genuine and how much is pure manipulation, I do find the timing of this whole thing quite suspicious. When Nanoha's mother brought up Mai's injury, like Nanoha we expected this to be something new, not have happened a long time ago. It does feel weird that this was suddenly brought up now, right after her seeing Nanoha and Chidori kissing.

joined Dec 20, 2018

The law of uselessness: Uselessness in yuri is always a constant. If uselessness in the main couple decreases, a new useless lesbian must be added to the cast.

last edited at Dec 1, 2019 6:55PM

The Next Big Yuri? 01 Dec 16:13
joined Dec 20, 2018

Adachi and Shimamura has a good chance thanks to the upcoming anime, I guess.