Nice kiss. Would have liked her to show it off to the two with their damn comments to prove that they're simply mistaken about everything, but I do get that outing her (and herself) like that would not have been a smart move.
I've been requesting every single chapter when they've come out, so I can only assume that either Windyfall doesn't want it here or the admins here have Yuri-ism's confirmation that they're still working on their own version.
Well, she tried, and she was cool regardless of the result.
the "i love yuri" shirt
god damn it another one i want to have , every manga or anime i like always have some shirt i want.
-suicat /watermeloneko shirt from comic girls
- spark & "its my birthday and all i got its this oversized T-shirt" shirt from watamote
- sleep x sheep pajamas from hitori bocchi
-now this "i love yuri"
I really need to get around to reading this again, haven't read a new chapter ever since World Three went on hiatus. No idea who's even translating it now...