Name Kazimierz always was funny to me and gave me clearly Polish vibe (also this apparently is a thing) and I know that most countries are clearly based on existing ones like Ursus, Lungmen or Victoria, but I thought Kazimierz was more supposed to be just European countries that relied on knights in general. But now that I saw that event currency is called Mieszko Match Tickets, I'm 100% convinced it's supposed to be Poland. So, it seems like game decided to reward me for all my suffering with all those spooks and why not and so my single 10 roll went incredibly well. Bonus point for getting Platinum and Meteor first, 2 operators from Kazimierz. I guess I had perfect catalyst being from Poland stare
I'm actually surprised cause I thought it was pretty obvious to be a Poland parallel. First time I saw Kazimierz and prominent characters having winged horses as motifs, I immediately thought of the Winged Hussars. That said, congrats on that amazing roll. The Polish blood is strong. Personally, I'm skipping the banner. Not even rolling for the guaranteed. I want all the resources for Mudrock.
As for the event, gameplay-wise, I laughed when I saw that the two bosses in the last stage spawn close enough to one another such that Surtr can hit them both. It was too easy. I didn't even know what gimmicks they had. It did surprise me when I encountered the enemies and the boss that have a second life bar.
As for story, it really made me hate corporate evil more than I already do. Tho it was definitely not subtle. The design of the spokesperson guy was just blatantly evil. He does sort of get away in the end and was easily replaced. His replacement still seemed innocent tho. The secondary antagonists were okay. I like their designs but nothing much to them. Except Plastic Knight. I feel bad for him at the end. He didn't seem to be particularly villainous. I also really liked the designs of Flametail Knight and Ashley. With the effort put into their designs, I expect they ended up in Rhodes Island after the event. Platinum I was expecting to show up but I was surprised to see Gravel. Even more surprised that both are not yet with Rhodes Island at this point. And Platinum seemed antagonistic at that time.