Forum › Posts by mvl89

joined Jan 13, 2016

So I'm trying to play catch up here, it's really so hard to leave this discussion because it moves so fast.
Haha mvl89 well I guess we should all just take a trip to Brazil!

And I noticed dofudofu and Thiaguinho arrived!

We should while we are still young huh. Where are you from? As for me i'm from Minnesota. If i go to hot countries i will likely stay in my hotel with AC turns on 24 hours.

joined Jan 13, 2016

I told her I wanted to live together before thinking about marriage, but the two at the same time seemed like way too much for me. She didn't like that and went ahead and found her own place. She said we could see other people, but I don't think she's seen anybody else and neither have I, so we're just in limbo at the moment. She's a pretty relaxed person aside from thinking about her future, which I guess is the trouble. I figure I'll just put up with whatever she throws at me for awhile, and she'll remember that we have something good. Anywayyy...

Hang in there. Starting a new relationship is also not easy. A new love does not always mean a better love. I think you made a good decision by being good to her until the very end. At least you won't regret if you already have tried your best.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Alright I've lost track of how many pages happened while I was away. But I got back and you're all making out with each other lol. It's cute; I'd watch that. I saw the words tuna and lasagna next to each other, which should not exist unless it's a euphemism for some sort of fantastic layered lesbian orgy that's going to happen at the end of this story. It's been a rough day, so I'm going to go decompress a bit. Have a nice evening (or whatever), my cinnamon rolls (yeah, pretty much all of you ;*).

It exists! and it's disgusting! btw... don't you mean making up?

Girl, I swear you do this on purpose.

No I meant make out lol. Again, sarcasm.

Darn it! You just ran away. It has been fun. Why don't you join too? With your experience everyone would get to see many stars....

Lol I can chat a bit, I'm just tired. Spent most of the day helping my girlfriend/possibly-ex move into her new apartment, and she's still not talking to me haha. Whoever thought understanding women would be easier if you are one, has never dated one. You'd be tired too.

It must been tough for you. Women are tough to understand lol. Well, i have not been in your situation so i don't know. My motto is don't date. It is too much to handle. Understanding one another emotionally is just not easy. I rather try to solve a math problem than a relationship problem. Good luck to you. Hopefully you and girlfriend can work something out.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Thank god you understood it. It stressed me out.
And about Brazil, the beaches are indeed great, very good to chill and all. I'm not really into food actually - like I'm the worst cook ever (get me to cook something, I will either kill someone or explode a kitchen) -, so I'm not really the best person to talk about it (maybe Thiaguinho-sama can help here). Besides, being raised in a Japanese family made me fond to Japanese food. It was kind of tough growing up in Brazil but being born in a Japanese family. Both cultures are waaay to different. So I had to learn to adapt very early, but that in the end was very useful.

You can send me bitch slaps then. It will do the job, they hurt the same xD.

You flatter me. Don't do it. You will boost my already-insufflated ego. Also, I've noticed you like Seju. Does that mean you're our newest recruit?

Yes i really really like Seju. I don't want her to sleep with Nami. I would like to ask Merlin to bring Seju to life if possible lol.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Alright I've lost track of how many pages happened while I was away. But I got back and you're all making out with each other lol. It's cute; I'd watch that. I saw the words tuna and lasagna next to each other, which should not exist unless it's a euphemism for some sort of fantastic layered lesbian orgy that's going to happen at the end of this story. It's been a rough day, so I'm going to go decompress a bit. Have a nice evening (or whatever), my cinnamon rolls (yeah, pretty much all of you ;*).

Darn it! You just ran away. It has been fun. Why don't you join too? With your experience everyone would get to see many stars....

joined Jan 13, 2016

I'm sorry. | bow down |
I like cinnamon rolls and I also happen to like the expression to refer to someone. But, as people pointed out, I should have made sure that you would understand my intentions and whether you were okay with it or not. 

Since I'm in this topic, I'd like to say a few things. Huh, I honestly like to make people laugh or make things funnier, so I end up cracking jokes, idiot puns, teasing and all. Most of the times, I check if I won't offend anyone in the process, but sometimes I screw things big time. So, yeah, I can be a jerk and I apologize in advance. These past days I got to know some of you better and that definitely makes me more tempted to tease you like friends. But, as sia ue mentioned, it may still be a little to soon to be like that. Buuut, since the temptation may still get the best of me, I'd like to ask you guys to bitch slap me very hard whenever I say something very stupid. I will get it, apologize and shut my mouth. 

I think a lot of us really got to know each other these past few days and it was awesome, hopefully it can continue because I do tend to tease as well and I would want you guys to know that it's always in a playful manor. But Azai you aren't a jerk! XD I think there was just a misunderstanding which totally happens and it was able to be cleared up. But I do know one thing is for sure, there ain't no way I'm going all the way to Brazil to bitch slap you.

You are too funny. Come on, I'll go with you to Brazil.

joined Jan 13, 2016

I'm sorry. | bow down |
I like cinnamon rolls and I also happen to like the expression to refer to someone. But, as people pointed out, I should have made sure that you would understand my intentions and whether you were okay with it or not. 

Since I'm in this topic, I'd like to say a few things. Huh, I honestly like to make people laugh or make things funnier, so I end up cracking jokes, idiot puns, teasing and all. Most of the times, I check if I won't offend anyone in the process, but sometimes I screw things big time. So, yeah, I can be a jerk and I apologize in advance. These past days I got to know some of you better and that definitely makes me more tempted to tease you like friends. But, as sia ue mentioned, it may still be a little to soon to be like that. Buuut, since the temptation may still get the best of me, I'd like to ask you guys to bitch slap me very hard whenever I say something very stupid. I will get it, apologize and shut my mouth. 

I think a lot of us really got to know each other these past few days and it was awesome, hopefully it can continue because I do tend to tease as well and I would want you guys to know that it's always in a playful manor. But Azai you aren't a jerk! XD I think there was just a misunderstanding which totally happens and it was able to be cleared up. But I do know one thing is for sure, there ain't no way I'm going all the way to Brazil to bitch slap you.

You have been awesome too girl. I am giving you a 10 point for these couple of days. Hehehehe.

joined Jan 13, 2016

I'm sorry. | bow down |
I like cinnamon rolls and I also happen to like the expression to refer to someone. But, as people pointed out, I should have made sure that you would understand my intentions and whether you were okay with it or not. 

Since I'm in this topic, I'd like to say a few things. Huh, I honestly like to make people laugh or make things funnier, so I end up cracking jokes, idiot puns, teasing and all. Most of the times, I check if I won't offend anyone in the process, but sometimes I screw things big time. So, yeah, I can be a jerk and I apologize in advance. These past days I got to know some of you better and that definitely makes me more tempted to tease you like friends. But, as sia ue mentioned, it may still be a little to soon to be like that. Buuut, since the temptation may still get the best of me, I'd like to ask you guys to bitch slap me very hard whenever I say something very stupid. I will get it, apologize and shut my mouth. 

You are cool; my favorite gal in here. I think it is fun that someone is able to joke and tease.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Faylicia I'm very glad that you didn't feel bullied because we certainly never intended for that to happen. Hopefully Azai can also feel better about that now lol

Remember Azai said she would keep beating herself up until Faylicia came back and confirmed that she didn't feel bullied. Since Faylicia showed up really late, I think Azai now is in a critical physical injured condition from that self beating. :D

That would make sense since Azai seems to be missing now XD

Somebody has better check on her to make she is still in good condition. I'm too far from where Azai lives.

last edited at Apr 2, 2016 5:48PM

joined Jan 13, 2016

KitKat bites is better. Don't go to Lindt. They're so sweet. Lol

That's why I like Lindt! though kitkat is also good. I just prefer only chocolate. Dark lindt is not as sweet though. I'm also debating whether or not to make crepes one of these days...

Nah, she meant that as it is, Sungji gets tired fast.

maybe she has low blood pressure... how does someone work on their stamina though? exercise? cardio? do you think this could be another symptom of Sungji's illness? O_O

Wait aren't we talking about sexual stamina?

Don't forget Faylicia is our cinnamon roll.

=.= What is sexual stamina anyway? Is it the amount of orgasms you can have?! >.< But if that is so then why would it matter if she was going to be on top...? Also how do you improve that? does... it get better if you have lots of sex...?

Girl, you're kidding me, right? That or you're trying to kill me. xD

I'm glad someone was brave enough for those of us who are still at level 0. Lol.

You guys are gonna level up soon enough. Or even evolve. Omg. Now I'm talking about Pokémon

Lol. If i spend a few more days here i will definitely evolve to some unknown creature. Hopefully not too wild for someone to be able to handle. If i get out who knows what will happen lol...

joined Jan 13, 2016


And who the hell coined the term "cinnamon roll" as a way to refer to a virgin? Like, seriously. Whoever had that brilliant idea deserves a slap in the face. -.-

| hiding in a corner | Oh, well, I think I kind of started it. Like, it wasn't really referring to being a virgin, but like being innocent. But since it can also be implied, then I guess I deserve the slap for real.

I really am sorry, Faylicia if you feel bullied. I didn't mean it.

Also, thanks Suzuma for the wake up call.

I thought everone was teasing Faylicia in a cute and friendly way. I found the teasing adorable for the fact that many people which are strangers could tease and chat like real friends.

joined Jan 13, 2016

KitKat bites is better. Don't go to Lindt. They're so sweet. Lol

That's why I like Lindt! though kitkat is also good. I just prefer only chocolate. Dark lindt is not as sweet though. I'm also debating whether or not to make crepes one of these days...

Nah, she meant that as it is, Sungji gets tired fast.

maybe she has low blood pressure... how does someone work on their stamina though? exercise? cardio? do you think this could be another symptom of Sungji's illness? O_O

Wait aren't we talking about sexual stamina?

Don't forget Faylicia is our cinnamon roll.

=.= What is sexual stamina anyway? Is it the amount of orgasms you can have?! >.< But if that is so then why would it matter if she was going to be on top...? Also how do you improve that? does... it get better if you have lots of sex...?

Girl, you're kidding me, right? That or you're trying to kill me. xD

I'm glad someone was brave enough for those of us who are still at level 0. Lol.

joined Jan 13, 2016

^why ??
I am too naive, inexperienced, uncomfortable talking about romance with friends like Sungji's character.

I didn't know how babies were created until i was in my 2nd year of college. My classmate pointed out that i was too naive to know what couples are doing behind closed doors. Lol. She didn't tell me any details except that i was too naive. I am a bit too embarrassed whenever i remember.

last edited at Apr 2, 2016 10:35AM

joined Jan 13, 2016

Hey guys. If you are to compare yourself to someone from WDTFS, who will you be ?? Are you gonna be: Sumin, Sungji, Seju, Nammi, redhead, tubgirl

I see myself similar to Sungji.

joined Jan 13, 2016

We need to listen to experienced people like dofudofu and Azai. Lol lol
And I've got no idea what they're talking about hands set ablaze.

I thought you are pretty experienced based on what you have been telling Faylicia lol. But i agree that we should have the experienced people talk some of these hot stuff lol that Sumin wasn't able to teach.

joined Jan 13, 2016

I TOUCHED SEJU IN MANY WAYS YOU DON'T EVEN WANNA KNOW. If you do, it'll destroy you. (╯✧▽✧)╯

How dare you, you womanizer. I am
declaring war on you now. I'm also going to tell the team leader about your cheating. Give me your address so i will hunt you down. By the way where did you touch?

Just up til the butt. :3


No, I'm not waiting anymore. I'm done waiting for you XD

I got your precious team leader with me now. I can do whatever to her haha. Revenge is completed.

last edited at Apr 1, 2016 10:32PM

joined Jan 13, 2016

I TOUCHED SEJU IN MANY WAYS YOU DON'T EVEN WANNA KNOW. If you do, it'll destroy you. (╯✧▽✧)╯

How dare you, you womanizer. I am
declaring war on you now. I'm also going to tell the team leader about your cheating. Give me your address so i will hunt you down. By the way where did you touch?

Just up til the butt. :3


last edited at Apr 1, 2016 10:28PM

joined Jan 13, 2016

I TOUCHED SEJU IN MANY WAYS YOU DON'T EVEN WANNA KNOW. If you do, it'll destroy you. (╯✧▽✧)╯

How dare you, you womanizer. I am
declaring war on you now. I'm also going to tell the team leader about your cheating. Give me your address so i will hunt you down. By the way where did you touch?

last edited at Apr 1, 2016 10:13PM

joined Jan 13, 2016

For the sex thingy. Just because you slept with a lot of different women, doesn't mean you're not loyal anymore. Like imo, in real life, I can do that if I'm not commited with somebody. If the sex is good & hot, why won't anyone love it ?? You know what I mean ?? Lol.
And of course, back to WDTFS, have you ever seen Sumin slept with another girl while she's in a relationship with someone ?? Whether if it's Sungji, that redhead, or that blondie in the tub she's with

Well i guess i just like Seju for waiting so long for Sumin to be hers again without playing around even though she had to watch Sumin slept with other women. Sumin only loved when she was loved. She even used Seju to comfort her problems and needs. Anyway Sumin is just not the one i would pick to be in love with lol. Things wouldn't work out haha. I guess we all have different taste.

"Sumin only loved when she was loved"
Correct me if I'm wrong but from what I understand here, you're telling me that Sumin could only love that person back if that certain person loves her ??
ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
If so, then dude. If Sumin always did that, wouldn't she be with Seju still ?? Coz it's clearer than water that Seju loves Sumin. Sooo, why didn't Sumin come back to Seju then, even knowing the fact that Seju always loved her ??

Ok. So Seju went of and slept with some dude. Sumin found out and their relationship just isn't the same anymore. Of course i would be angry too. Things happened and blah blah blah ... hehehe i'm tired of typing so just blah blah blah...ok I just like Seju. I like u Seju. Lol. Don't kill or touch her please.

I touched her..

How dare you

joined Jan 13, 2016

For the sex thingy. Just because you slept with a lot of different women, doesn't mean you're not loyal anymore. Like imo, in real life, I can do that if I'm not commited with somebody. If the sex is good & hot, why won't anyone love it ?? You know what I mean ?? Lol.
And of course, back to WDTFS, have you ever seen Sumin slept with another girl while she's in a relationship with someone ?? Whether if it's Sungji, that redhead, or that blondie in the tub she's with

Well i guess i just like Seju for waiting so long for Sumin to be hers again without playing around even though she had to watch Sumin slept with other women. Sumin only loved when she was loved. She even used Seju to comfort her problems and needs. Anyway Sumin is just not the one i would pick to be in love with lol. Things wouldn't work out haha. I guess we all have different taste.

"Sumin only loved when she was loved"
Correct me if I'm wrong but from what I understand here, you're telling me that Sumin could only love that person back if that certain person loves her ??
ლ(ಠ_ಠ ლ)
If so, then dude. If Sumin always did that, wouldn't she be with Seju still ?? Coz it's clearer than water that Seju loves Sumin. Sooo, why didn't Sumin come back to Seju then, even knowing the fact that Seju always loved her ??

Ok. So Seju went of and slept with some dude. Sumin found out and their relationship just isn't the same anymore. Of course i would be angry too. Things happened and blah blah blah ... hehehe i'm tired of typing so just blah blah blah...ok I just like Seju. I like u Seju. Lol. Don't kill or touch her please.

joined Jan 13, 2016

For the sex thingy. Just because you slept with a lot of different women, doesn't mean you're not loyal anymore. Like imo, in real life, I can do that if I'm not commited with somebody. If the sex is good & hot, why won't anyone love it ?? You know what I mean ?? Lol.
And of course, back to WDTFS, have you ever seen Sumin slept with another girl while she's in a relationship with someone ?? Whether if it's Sungji, that redhead, or that blondie in the tub she's with

Well i guess i just like Seju for waiting so long for Sumin to be hers again without playing around even though she had to watch Sumin slept with other women. Sumin only loved when she was loved. She even used Seju to comfort her problems and needs. Anyway Sumin is just not the one i would pick to be in love with lol. Things wouldn't work out haha. I guess we all have different taste.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Seju ?? Really ?? I'd rather have Sumin instead of Sungji or Seju. Lol
I love Sumin XD

I would totally choose Sumin! Hahaha I'm very glad that I'm not alone in that XD

What do you like about Sumin? She slept with way too many women and only picked beautiful women lol.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Seju ?? Really ?? I'd rather have Sumin instead of Sungji or Seju. Lol
I love Sumin XD

Sumin has slept with too many women. I like loyal people. It's hard to find someone who will choose love over sex. Most people would have gone ahead and had sex with others like Nami and Sumin. That is why Seju is my pick.

joined Jan 13, 2016

Also, she was still way too young--just started college and didn't have a job. I was worried about her future especially she is such a small and skinny person. I was just being worried as her sister but that's about it; same with my parents I was sure.

Being worried and all is nice since she's your sister. But as you said, she's in college. Let her live her own life. Just support her along the way. College is waaaaay too fun to just see her sit around doing nothing or like just reading books ( not that it's a bad thing ) but yea. Let her have some fun with a few different girls. Let her fool around for now. Enjoy life while you still have something to call a life. Lol
Now I'm just spewing nonsense yet again. Haha

That was when I first heard about my sister being gay. Actually, she started becoming like a boy for a while before my parents found out about that photo of her kissing another girl. Most of our relatives, when they saw her, they kept asking "Who is that cute boy? Whose son is that? Is that your son?" That's that. Personally, I think we all deserve to be happy and have the freedom to choose whoever we want fall in love with. If I can choose, I want to choose Seju to be the person I want to fall in love with. Darn it; she's just a fictional character.

joined Jan 13, 2016


But I don't have as stressful of a coming out story as most (particularly for having an Asian immigrant family)

Lucky you. I'm from a Japanese family who immigrated to Brazil. I was born there. The cultural shock was just great: traditional family x no man's land (I don't know your opinion about Brazil, Thiaguinho-sama). I knew my coming out story would rival any korean drama, being an only child and all. It was waaaay more dramatic. But things are good now.

And now about the height... I can't believe being 160cm makes me average here.

Maybe do like my youngest sister did LOL. Well, it wasn't on purpose but she put a picture of her kissing another girl on a desk; my parents came into the room searching something and found that photo. They thought it was weird for a girl to have a relationship with another girl but didn't say or do much since finding out. Now, sometimes, they just think they have another boy. My mom told me that she should just not date anyone just like me if she wasn't interested in guys instead of dating girls. Knowing my mom, this was quite surprising that she just let it go. I guess my parents didn't say much after finding out was because this is an uncomfortable issue to talk about between parents and children. When my mom found out that one of my brothers was talking to a White girl, she turned into a tornado lol. At the time I still lived with my parents, I thought our house would fell apart with her voice. With my sister's situation, it was very quiet and short. When I first learned about my sister's being gay, I wasn't happy about it, because I thought she was such a cutie when she was 3 years old, so I didn't want her turning gay. Also, she was still way too young--just started college and didn't have a job. I was worried about her future especially she is such a small and skinny person. I was just being worried as her sister but that's about it; same with my parents I was sure. Best of luck to you and hang in there.