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joined Dec 20, 2018

Something about experiments to create gates between worlds. The two either accidentally got mixed up in it and met in that place for a short time or they were purposely used for an experiment and then got their memories wiped.

While I do agree that the two Marikas may have been switched before, I doubt it was on purpose, at least if Lily is right and the lab is indeed a few decades old. Accidentally stumbling on an anomaly left in the area due to old experiments seems more likely in this case. I guess we'll see once we get the next bits of this chapter, though...

I actually didn't say that the Marikas got switched... I was just asserting that Normal!Marika and Yuri!Lily met that short time as children because of the experiments. Whether they were just in the area and got involved by accident or whether both or one of them was a test subject, I don't know.

I actually don't think the Marikas got switched. Maybe Yuri!Marika wasn't even involved in that flashback at all. Like I said, Lily talking to her about meeting when they didn't might have sparked her interest in the shrine/lab in the first place.

May have also been like that, yes, but considering the age of the equipment, most likely still accidentally due to a lingering anomaly long after the lab was abandoned.

Likely the same anomaly Yuri!Marika used to perform the switch now, if the theories so far are true.

last edited at Jun 14, 2019 5:59PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

Sure took them a while to react to that kiss... :D

Something about experiments to create gates between worlds. The two either accidentally got mixed up in it and met in that place for a short time or they were purposely used for an experiment and then got their memories wiped.

While I do agree that the two Marikas may have been switched before, I doubt it was on purpose, at least if Lily is right and the lab is indeed a few decades old. Accidentally stumbling on an anomaly left in the area due to old experiments seems more likely in this case. I guess we'll see once we get the next bits of this chapter, though...

last edited at Jun 14, 2019 5:31PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

I'm convinced that Loralei is actually a manifestation of Miki in our reality.

I asked my friend for opinion. And she agrees with me that this manga is dumb, unrealistic and pointless.

You know, after the latest chapter, this does not help convince me otherwise... ;)

last edited at Jun 14, 2019 11:33AM

joined Dec 20, 2018

I'm convinced that Loralei is actually a manifestation of Miki in our reality.

A-Channel discussion 14 Jun 04:13
joined Dec 20, 2018

I thought chapter 110 had already been uploaded a few months ago?

Not unless it was from another translator, although the correct release date would be Jun 1 based on their release post's date, so you may have read it elsewhere already, I downloaded it back then myself as well.

joined Dec 20, 2018

So, does Touko not hate herself anymore? Because, in my opinion, this is still an open issue.

I'd say no, not since this.

joined Dec 20, 2018

When everyone else is celebrating the end of Heisei, Ishikawa goes back to Shouwa instead, and it only makes the result better.

Image Comments 13 Jun 05:57
joined Dec 20, 2018

Due to recent events I need to make a change to one of my earlier statements:

I need this on my wall...

I now have this hanging on my wall. ^_^

Liberty discussion 13 Jun 05:40
joined Dec 20, 2018

I guess I'm the only one here who likes this manga, then?

Oh well... so be it...

While it's far from being one of my favorites, I do like it well enough. The amount of negativity here really was a surprise for me.

joined Dec 20, 2018

When in doubt, YURIDON.


Image Comments 12 Jun 17:04
joined Dec 20, 2018

Didn't even know there's a third one. And while I'm usually fine with futa, magically becoming one just doesn't make any sense in K-On... But yeah, the two here are great.

last edited at Jun 12, 2019 5:13PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

True, at this point boob sucking is likely not to happen. I just don't know why Hino wouldn't when it's been explicitly stated it would be the reward. The way I read it didn't seem vague at all, unless she said "I want to suck on them," and I am misremembering.

Well, not necessarily misremembering, but she did mention she could ask for something else.

Image Comments 12 Jun 14:23
joined Dec 20, 2018

This series is my bible. At least when it comes to K-On ships.

last edited at Jun 12, 2019 2:32PM

joined Dec 20, 2018

^Well, I guess we've seen the same thing between girls here as well, but still, coming up with that reasoning in the case of this series requires one to completely disregard the dislike she's had for him ever since overhearing this.

joined Dec 20, 2018

39 myself, so yeah, we're the ancients here... :D

Image Comments 11 Jun 05:40
joined Dec 20, 2018


Image Comments 11 Jun 05:38
joined Dec 20, 2018

That's a blade I see there, right?

Image Comments 11 Jun 05:33
joined Dec 20, 2018

Just accept it.

Image Comments 11 Jun 05:33
joined Dec 20, 2018

^I've been calling the series "SeX Fantasy" from the start, yeah. :D

And looks like Arisa has finally decided to take charge herself.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Author probably wanted to make a shout out to Nanoha and Midori. I refuse to believe the likeness was a coincidence.

The uniforms are an almost perfect match as well. ~nods~

joined Dec 20, 2018

Hm. Someone who feels this guilty just from sniffing hair never has the mental fortitude to go further.

Yeah, as I said it elsewhere about the last chapter, Hino seemed possibly even more nervous about this than Koguma after hearing they would be alone in the house. She clearly didn't expect that, and possibly only even suggested going there for the request to use it as an excuse to see Koguma's room.

Well, she may still go for something unexpectedly brave, though, being there together is clearly affecting her brain already. :D

joined Dec 20, 2018

Perfect, really.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Crazy , the homophobic rate is geting up , it's like they hate that some people became happy in this life ...

The rate of homphobia is not going up. In fact there are far more neutral or supportive people with every year.
The actual difference is that the more public LGBT people are, the more the resistance from homophobes rises as well.
These people were here 20 years ago and they are still here now. But back then homosexuals would have hidden their true self and thus avoided such attention.

That and, as the article points out as well, people are more and more willing to report such attacks as the hate crimes they are, and the improved awareness of the police itself.

joined Dec 20, 2018

and Shimamura's mom already knew her.

I guess it may be easy to mistake the random lady in the sauna with them for Shimamura's mom with this manga's art, but we do not actually see the two meet, so there's no way to tell whether they know each other just based on this chapter - although as parents of two classmates they may have met indeed through school-related business.

joined Dec 20, 2018

Been so long that I honestly don't remember, but it must have been something translated by Dynasty back when it still was an active scanlation group as well. Possibly Sasameki Koto.