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joined Aug 2, 2023

^ Considering Death is the one currently wedding them, that might be harder than expected.

joined Aug 2, 2023

I think my blood sugar just spiked from this.

joined Aug 2, 2023

There has been a lot of goth x emo here recently.
Not that i'm complaining.

joined Aug 2, 2023

I wouldn't be surprised if that is Tantai Lan's specific role in the court, and why she has been hanging around the palace ever since the Emperor's wedding so much. Since she is a military officer, rather than a career courtier, she is somewhat shielded from courtly intrigue, making it easier for her to act under the Dowager's nose.

That and she's wooing her future partner. Let's not forget that!

I'm not sure if she is really "shielded" from the intrigue. Apparently, there is a frontier pass somewhere waiting for her, and if anything, a punitive relocation seems to be easier than having to stage an incident to get rid of whoever else.

I also don't understand why to pick Tantai Lan specifically. Sure, childhood friends, but you can't tell me that outside of her, Yu and Ming (who is still an option?) there are no other nobles around who would fit the role - especially since it seems Yu was also pulled out of thin air all of a sudden.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Shiver, indeed.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Notice how she immediatly knew which tail was the new one. That takes dedication.

joined Aug 2, 2023

I do not understand but I approve nonetheless.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Well, I guess the cover spoils how the fear of cats is going to turn out...

Anyway, question to the people theorizing here: do we even have any credible confirmation of the Emperor's biological sex? I've been thinking, and for what I know they could have been born intersex or simply be transfeminine with severe dysphoria and the story would still work so far.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Wish I could make a dumb joke by dunking on GRS-'s new art style, but I actually like it.

joined Aug 2, 2023

I mean, who wouldn't look like this at a combo that lets you draw? Especially since the two together also enable your GY effects.

joined Aug 2, 2023

This art style is making me nostalgic for a time period that probably only exists in our muddied colelctive memories.

Dark mode Please!! 04 Mar 14:36
joined Aug 2, 2023

There's also this user-made customization posted last month:

Huh, that looks more usable. Perhaps a place to collect user made style sheets would be nice.

Praise discussion 04 Mar 12:39
joined Aug 2, 2023

This is suprisingly wholesome for a story that ends with the protagonist randomly opening fire in a crowded room...

Dark mode Please!! 04 Mar 12:32
joined Aug 2, 2023

Absolutely not staff, but I scotch taped together some (very rudimentary) dark-ish mode that can be applied as a user script that can be used with your userscript application of choice:

// ==UserScript==
// @match*
// ==/UserScript==
(function() {
    const s = document.createElement('style');
    s.type = 'text/css';
    s.innerHTML =
        "a { color: Silver;}"+
        ".pages-list a {color: Whitesmoke !important;}"+
        "body {background: #003366 !important; color: Whitesmoke !important;}"+
        "#content {background: #3b6b9c !important;}"+
        ".chapter {color: Whitesmoke !important;}"+
        ".user {color: Black;}";

(Usually I wouldn't recommend people to run scripts found somewhere on the internet, but this obviously only does some pretty poor CSS work.) You can also probably turn this into a bookmarklet with minor modifications.

I'm not all to sure whether a dark mode makes sense when the supermajority of stuff here assumes dark on a bright background, but at least in the case of black and white it should be trivial to just invert the loaded images.

I'll probably look into turning this into something less ... haphazard (this was literally made in 5 minutes, okay?). I.e. properly hosting it somewhere, ironing out the theme, etc., unless there is a signal from staff dark mode support it on their end.

joined Aug 2, 2023

^ I don't know how the meme is called, but I'm pretty sure it started with this, from Nairaland, a Nigerian forum:
Original Photograph
Exactly tracking down the spread is beyond me due to some "free speech advocate" privatizing and atomizing the internet, but I could track down a couple of (het) examples from a barely less shitty website: , and — Reverse Image search is of no great use here, so If somebody else who already sold out wants to go spelunking, I'm thrilled for what you'll find.

joined Aug 2, 2023

^^ damn, then that dog might get me into Dungeon Meshi.

joined Aug 2, 2023

This is quite a refreshing art style to the anthology, and reading about Chisato spreading vending machine related misinformation was more enjoyable than a sane person should admit. Bonus points for the author's field study for lore-accurate Height gap.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Aw c'mon, what a cliffhanger. Right before the comedic interruption romantic fade to black.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Reading this as yuri, I can't but be disappointed. Hardly anything going on between these two.
Reading this as horror, oh my oh my this is great. Finally the full existential dread of time manipulation.

joined Aug 2, 2023

There's a *Trans*former pun somewhere in here, I can sense it.

And I love those designs.

joined Aug 2, 2023

I am confused. This is tagged Official and from the Lycoris Recoil Official Comic Anthology, yet the ED's note mentions this not being canon. Who is right?

joined Aug 2, 2023

To portray such a deeply messed-up relationship with so little... I like this.

joined Aug 2, 2023

But isn't Remilia physically (and perhaps mentally) younger than Sakuya? I smell hypocrisy!

joined Aug 2, 2023

The little details in this are really nice so far, I really like the stylized contents page and her phone being broken as a detail. Also Yoru's excuse for not responding is immediately sus, my headcanon right now is she's the type who gets off on worrying her partner and so she will actively neglect her to get a rise.

I agree with the conclusion but not the antecedent.

As they aren't living together or anything, a mere 28 hours of silence is perfectly acceptable and must not mean you're avoiding your partner. But really, a cold? From my experience, bed-ridden people use their phone more, not less.

joined Aug 2, 2023

Gosh, I love the look in Takina's eyes here.