Shino kind of got over the lost of her brother, but does Nozomi get deppresed about the same lost?
So I've been trying to figure out the "so it's true" line and I think this is it. And by it, I mean, Nozomi realizing that Shino has moved on and is no longer in the same place as her.
I say this, because last last chapter, and also every other Nozomi-centric chapter before that, Nozomi is shown that she consistently relies on Shino, more than Shino knows, and she clings onto her because she doesn't want to deal with what's-his-face's death. She's not happy, she acts happy, and she tries her best to forget, which is not actually dealing with her problems lol and she focuses all her attention on Shino as if Shino will be the one to bring her happiness. I don't know if there's any romantic attraction or not, because right now, Nozomi just looks like she's unhealthily clinging to the past.
The more Shino does her own thing - gets a part time job, goes out and doesn't contact her, keeps secrets - the more Nozomi is faced with the fact that Shino is her own person and I think losing that type of control and comfort of another person is gonna make her spiral. I'm interested in how this is gonna go, Shino seems completely unaware of Nozomi's inner and consistent turmoil lmao